Thank you so much for your interest in partnering with us to award one of the women on your sales team a scholarship to the $10K Club!
If you’re watching this video you are part of a select list of companies my team and I have selected that we view as progressive and/or working to support women in male-dominated industries.
This is truly no strings attached. Our mission at She Sells is to empower women around the world to achieve greater financial abundance in their lives, and for many women the first step to that is breaking through the six figure earnings mark.
The $10K Club is designed to empower women to learn to sell in a way that feels authentic to them, and to help them cross that desirable six figure income threshold.
Our students invest $10K to be in the program, so this is truly a phenomenal scholarship for a woman to receive. Because this is a high-level program, we do have criteria for the woman who is selected, such as:
There may be several women on your team who fit these criteria, and if you would like them all to apply we will have a selections process that selects the woman we most feel we can serve and help through the program.
To take the next steps in awarding one of the women on your team a scholarship, please click the button below to fill out a brief survey that our team will review prior to scheduling a call.
We’re so excited to partner with you!