You know if you could just hit $10k months life would be so different!
You know in your heart you are meant to be a high income earner and be successful in sales or your business, but for some reason things haven’t quite clicked yet and every month you feel like you’re struggling to make it all work.
And because you’re not at six figures yet, you find yourself:
– Saying no to things you really want to say yes to (and yes, that means both to Jimmy Choos AND to that mega donation you want to make to that animal charity you love)
– Feeling guilty for wanting more – you’re already doing better than a lot of people, shouldn’t you be satisfied?
– Living month to month on your income, even though you would never admit it publicly (you have a reputation to uphold of having it all together, after all)
– Doubting and criticizing yourself – why is this so hard for you and so easy for other people?!
– Feeling panicky and nervous about where money and clients are going to come from next month
Sound familiar??