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How to Reclaim Your Power with Dr. Marie Mbouni


This episode is very unique. Recently I’ve mentioned that I’ve hired a new coach and that she is a shaman. Well, today’s episode is actually a part of one of our coaching sessions. It wasn’t intended to be an episode but as I gained so much knowledge and clarity, I knew I had to share. So, welcome to the show, Dr. Marie Mbouni.


Marie works as a shaman and coach for some very well known entrepreneurs and Silicon Valley leaders. She is trusted by people whose names you are likely very familiar with. Marie grew up in Africa and always felt called as a healer. Through her journey, she went to medical school and became an anesthesiologist and built a solid and enviable career. But she felt burnt out, overworked, and overall unhappy which led to her leaving all of it behind and pursuing her healing work full time as a shaman and consciousness coach.


This coaching session is all about reclaiming your power. I hope you have as many ah-ha moments as I did as we learn what personal power is, how to trust yourself and intuition, and how to reclaim your power rather than force it.


Show Notes:

[2:59] – Marie left a career in traditional medicine to pursue what she was called to do.

[4:17] – Elyse shares a story about her 3 experiences with skin cancer.

[6:25] – Her most recent experience with cancer created a strong feeling and calling for her to contact Marie.

[7:32] – Through her sessions with Marie, Elyse realized how much power she was still giving away to other people.

[8:50] – Get registered for the retreat in Sedona at Marie will be there!

[10:50] – Elyse and Marie begin a coaching session together.

[12:04] – You have to define what lack and limitations mean for you.

[13:29] – As you navigate through the idea of power and awareness, you realize it’s an alive concept.

[13:59] – If you are not present, you are not in your full power.

[15:10] – The center of power is the solar plexus. That center is influenced by other things, specifically childhood experiences and trauma.

[17:18] – With children, make them feel the power of having a choice.

[19:31] – The power of a good CEO is to inspire others and give them power.

[20:44] – Sometimes we give our power away. This is not a bad thing if we are aware that we are doing it but otherwise it could cause a wound.

[21:30] – If you don’t know you are giving away your power, it is codependency.

[22:44] – Many people will fight for their power back but it’s from a place of shame rather than working to reclaim it.

[25:07] – Elyse admits that she did this for a long time without knowing she was.

[27:03] – Marie and Elyse discuss Imposter Syndrome.

[28:10] – What you believe about yourself and your self talk impacts your power.

[30:41] – How are you different from the patriarchy? How are you treating other women?

[32:00] – How are you treating your own masculine energy?

[33:22] – You can choose to embrace others’ ideas but where is that coming from?

[35:26] – You can be swayed by other people’s energy as if it is an attack.

[37:08] – My healing is your healing. Your healing is my healing. Our healing is all healing.

[41:42] – Elyse shares the cards she has been pulling in The Journey of Love.

[43:25] – Marie offers to work on intuition with a pendulum activity in the Sedona retreat.

[46:01] – Marie and Elyse end the coaching session with a breathing exercise.



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Speaker 1 (00:00):

Computer. Okay. So we were talking about the idea of power and I brought this framework, which is it’s, it’s a spectrum. It’s not a finite point where it’s like, when I reach this point, you know, I have power, right? It’s a constantly evolving, changing, growing, moving concept. And it’s only your awareness of where you are that tells you I’m in my power. I’m not in my power. That is the most important thing. Yeah. Like when you’re making a choice, is it from your power? Is it being influenced by what’s going on in your life? Is it being influenced by other people?

Speaker 1 (00:56):

The next thing I wanna bring in is that the idea of right or wrong power, right? So sometimes people say things like, which is true, um, to really make sure that your choices are not coming from lack or limitations. You have to define what that means for you. And I’m gonna give you a concrete, it example, you’re an entrepreneur or business woman and maybe your, uh, receivables are not, you know, like, oh, I need cash mm-hmm <affirmative>. So I’m gonna create this program to make quick cash. So if you were like, oh my gosh, you know, I’m such a loser. And uh, you know, how did this happen? How can I do this? I’m so bad. I can’t do, you know. Yeah. All these ideas and fear like, oh, I’m doomed and I’m gonna be dead. Oh, I need to do something. That’s lack, fear, doubt.

Speaker 1 (02:06):

Mm. But if it’s like, I’m a business woman and I need to bring in cash and what’s the best way to do that. Yeah. It comes from the fact that you don’t have cash, but you are still in your power. Yes. And the other situation where it’s like, oh, you know, I’m, I’m a loser, whatever, it’s the same situation. I don’t have cash, but you are not in your power. Mm. Yeah. That makes total sense. So, so as you navigate this theme of power, you start to realize that it’s in a live concept for me anyway. Yeah. Right? Yes. Yeah. Awareness. The second thing that is crucial for power is presence, full presence, physical, energetic, spiritual presence, right. Mm-hmm <affirmative> so if you are not present, you are not in your full power. I mean, I don’t even have to explain that one. <laugh> yeah. Yeah, exactly. And that’s what we started with presence today. So since you brought in the idea of creatorship that for you, power is the ability to have an inspiration and bring it manifest.

Speaker 1 (03:34):

When you think about creation, it flows through you, it comes from you. And if you are not in your presence, where is it coming from? Another person, another idea, copying comparison, judgment. Where is it coming from? Hmm. It’s interesting. Yeah. No, it’s, I’m thinking about this in different ways than I’ve ever thought. Yeah. That’s, that’s why I’m doing it this way. Instead of a diuretic power is, you know, your solar plexus, blah, blah, blah. That’s good. Yeah. But that’s limited. So the center, the energetic center of power is located as the, at the solar plexus, for sure. Mm-hmm <affirmative> and it’s a center and that center is influenced by other things. And when you look at power and the center, it usually has a lot of wounds, especially from childhood.

Speaker 1 (04:53):

That’s just the way humans raise their kids. When you start to exert your power, even of choice. Yeah. Usually it’s suppressed or pressed shut down. Yeah. You know, your fire is put down the terrible tools. Uh, oh, I wanna wear a pink shirt dress. No, you need to wear this yellow, whatever. Yeah. Because mommy said, so daddy said so. Hmm. And what happens is gradually you start to lose that because the way that it is trained is not, um, conducive to, to children staying in their power. Yeah. Like you can make your child wear that yellow dress by addressing it in a different way. But usually it’s like, no, <laugh>.

Speaker 2 (06:05):

Yeah. Yeah. Hmm. How would you, this is just coming up, obviously, cuz I’m thinking about Jack and I, I think it’s such an important conversation and I’m, I’m very con of that with him, but I’d love to that. How, how would you help him be in his power?

Speaker 1 (06:23):

Giving him the power of choice. Okay. Like making him feel that he has the power to choose. Okay. So for example, uh, um, you know, the yellow and red and he says, I want to wear pink or red. Yeah. You might ask him, why do you wanna do that first? Hear him? Mm. He has his reason. My best friend has the same shirt. Yeah. And today we said, we’re gonna wear red. Then you might be like, okay, you know what? I get it. Yeah. I mean, who wants to be the kid? Who’s like, oh, we were supposed to wear red. And my mom said where yeah. I mean like, that’s like, you can see how, but if it’s just like, oh, I want to, and then you might say, you know, it’s gonna rain today. And if you wear red, it’s really not gonna look pretty or some making it up. Yeah. You know? So I think that it might be better to, you know, wear this yellow because then you’re gonna be like the sun mm-hmm <affirmative> and the son will, you know, yada yada. Yeah. Then he might be like, wow. Yeah, you are right. Okay. I’m gonna wear yellow. Mm yeah.

Speaker 2 (07:51):


Speaker 1 (07:52):

So although you met him, wear yellow, he understood why the yellow mm-hmm <affirmative> and then he chose to listen to you. Yes.

Speaker 2 (08:06):

Okay. This makes choice. Yeah. So he had more ownership

Speaker 1 (08:10):

Over the choice and power of choice. Like he, he didn’t lose his power.

Speaker 2 (08:15):

Yeah. Yeah. So then how do, okay, this is, so I kind of took us down a side path by asking about Jack cuz that’s, it’s

Speaker 1 (08:25):

A, it’s not a present to that right now. It’s the same with everyone. Right. You know, uh, I think it was, uh, um, either Steve jobs or bill gates. I don’t remember which one who said that, you know, the power of a good CEO, so is really to inspire people, you know, to do their best, to embrace your movement to, and you do that by giving them their power. So as a CEO, um, you know, even when you have new ideas or you want people to do something, there’s a way that you make them embrace the movement of your company. Mm-hmm <affirmative>, <affirmative>, mm-hmm <affirmative> so that they then have ownership. So they’re not working for you, they’re working because they believe in it. They’re passionate about it. They like, it’s a totally different paradigm.

Speaker 2 (09:29):

Yeah. Yes. Which is very much where I’m at right now. It’s with our company too. So yeah. Yeah. That’s very right now

Speaker 1 (09:41):

Continuing with, um, this power. So what happened? We, and you know, sometimes we also choose to give our power away. Hmm. It is not bad. As long as you are aware that it is the choice that you are making.

Speaker 2 (10:04):


Speaker 1 (10:05):

Then it doesn’t become a wound. What do I mean by that? Especially when you love someone, uh, sometimes you choose to not exert power. I don’t know, to make them feel good, to make them feel whatever. Right. Yeah. You might be like, okay. And when you know that you’re doing that, you are in your power, but if you’re not aware, then it’s codependency.

Speaker 2 (10:41):

Yeah. Yeah. So I think that’s the so much of what’s showing up for me right now. And what I think is also like, I just see with the women in our community, something they’re coming up against mm-hmm <affirmative> too, is like, if you were codependent for so long, and if you did give away your power, which I did in a lot of ways, mm-hmm, <affirmative> starting to make that shift back into ownership of it. Right. And healing those wounds mm-hmm <affirmative> mm-hmm

Speaker 1 (11:14):


Speaker 2 (11:16):

And how do we, how do we start to do that? How do I, I start to do

Speaker 1 (11:20):

That? So, so, so the first thing is, and I always call it awareness. Mm-hmm <affirmative> noticing observing, because when you become aware, that’s when you make the choice to shift, not change, but shift <affirmative>. And that happens without trauma, because most people, when they’ve done something, it’s like, oh my gosh, you know, look at you, you gave your power away. They start feeling guilty. Yeah. Shame. And then it just like keeps going on. Even if they reclaim their power. It’s from a fighting yes. Uh, force push standpoint instead of reclaim. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (12:09):

Yeah. Hmm.

Speaker 1 (12:12):

Okay. But that’s usually the first step. And then, um, and then diving into what was the reason I gave my power away. What was the drive? You know, when I talked about love, it’s like, um, then it becomes, what is my definition of love? Mm.

Speaker 1 (12:43):

Yeah. Because a lot of people it’s like, you have to earn it or you have to like, you know, sacrifice be victim because that’s what they learned. Right. My mom never said a word, my either beat her up or, you know, women were not supposed to whatever. Right. It’s the imprint. Yeah. And then it’s like, oh, it’s because I saw it with my mom. Actually I have a client, who’s a man. And he has a husband and he was totally like giving his power away. And he wasn’t aware, like, and I was able to show it to him. And then, and then we did, uh, you know, a deep dive on a journey. And he was like, wow, this comes from my mom. He’s from Iran. Wow. He was like, whoa, I didn’t even realize that. And, and we do it because we didn’t, you know, he knew that his mom was suffering. Yeah. Subconsciously and he couldn’t do anything about it. Mm. So this is the way that we make up for what we think was bad. It’s by doing the same thing and thinking, well, this is how it is. Wow.

Speaker 2 (14:13):

Yeah. Which I know I totally did. And I’ve done in many areas of my life. And I think it’s just something I’ve how dunno, wanna say this. I think I did it for so long and I was unaware of it specifically with, usually with men because I wanted attention, whatever, whatever. Yeah. But I, as I’ve learned more about my mom and her background, I know a lot of places, you know, where that happened for her too. And so

Speaker 1 (14:44):

It’s like, and you saw that because children really have their intuition. They know everything that’s happening. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (14:54):

Yeah. They

Speaker 1 (14:54):

Know. And it’s painful. Yeah. For sure. They might not even know that it is painful at the time. Hmm.

Speaker 1 (15:05):

Because they’re just, you know, going about their lives playing, but they’re feeling it it’s being into internalized. And this is where, you know, uh, I don’t wanna go to off the topic, but this is where epigenetics come in. Yeah. This is where, you know, we carry all that. And, um, yeah. So, so the topic of power is beautiful. It’s so, and now it becomes a bouquet for your retreat, because you can take from this, you can take from that, you can do, um, exercises, uh, what do you want me to do during the retreat? Yeah.

Speaker 2 (15:59):

So it’s a great question. I I’m very open ended. So my thought was, um, you know, my, my thought was having you in probably the first afternoon. Mm-hmm <affirmative> to, I mean, I just think your energy and your magic, I think something experiential would be really powerful for the women. Mm-hmm <affirmative>, um, even if it’s around, if we could flesh out the, the concept and if you have kind of like specific talks that you usually give of or experiences that you usually

Speaker 1 (16:38):

No, I go with what is needed. Go with what? Okay.

Speaker 2 (16:41):

<laugh> okay. Yeah. I think something, gosh, I mean, it’s gonna be so similar to the work we’ve been doing together, but just knowing the theme is about the reclamation of power. Um, okay.

Speaker 1 (16:53):

So do I do many things? So one thing or,

Speaker 2 (16:58):

Um, you can do as much as you want. I mean, my thought is, you know, if we wanna do an afternoon session, like a couple hours, does that mm-hmm <affirmative> work okay for you. And I think something that would be experiential would be powerful for them just to really

Speaker 1 (17:13):

Embody. It’s always going, you know, for, we don’t need, you know, somebody’s sitting there with a PowerPoint or yeah,

Speaker 2 (17:21):

No. Yeah. Okay. Exactly.

Speaker 1 (17:24):

Okay. Mm-hmm <affirmative> beautiful. Mm-hmm <affirmative> I already, I already see, um, you know, what I’m seeing is, uh, power, um, sexual power healing, the masculine within, um, hitting the feminine. Yes. Yeah. Um, yeah, there’s

Speaker 2 (17:49):

A lot that we can do. There’s a ton so much. There’s a ton. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (17:54):

Um, yeah, so there there’s gonna be a lot of options. Mm-hmm <affirmative> um, embodiment. Okay. So yeah. Feminine power. Yes.

Speaker 2 (18:17):

Yeah. That’s yeah. And yeah, I would say like, that’s, I think that topic will resonate so much with these women because that’s, as no doubt, you understand, they have a lot of core wounding and they’re like, that’s something I’m healing myself. So yeah.

Speaker 1 (18:31):

They are people they’re my people. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (18:33):

They’re I literally like they’re like me, so <laugh> yeah. You can,

Speaker 1 (18:38):

You can kind of, yeah. And you like me, right. So mm-hmm <affirmative> yeah, yeah. Um, okay. Um, wow. This is, this is good. Hmm. Okay. You know, when we talk about the energetics of power, um, you know, we talked about presence, we talked about choice. We talked about creator, um, and the energetics, this is the so plexus is the guides that influence that center. AR angel UAL is the one in charge of, uh, the solar plexus. Um, and there are a lot of codes that can be reawakened here. And, um, a lot of codes that can be healed programs, not codes, programs, um, slavery program, victim program, uh, slavery is not just, you know, selling slave in the United States, but like, you know, if you are great, grandparents were, um, working for another person. Um, and they depend, you know, like they had a master or, you know, things like it’s, it’s still, that’s why a lot of people, when they see or they feel imposter syndrome, it’s like, who am I? Can I do this? Because they, you know, they have to be below someone. Interesting.

Speaker 2 (20:35):

That’s something. So I wanna a, yeah. Okay. Two <laugh> this is so good. So two questions come from that. So I surveyed, I surveyed the women in the shoe sales community recently, and one of the biggest topics that came up that they were wanting more help around was imposter syndrome. And I haven’t had a, I may have had more of it than I’m aware of probably a little bit, but it seems like it’s something that’s big for a lot of the women. And I’ve been wondering as you talk about epigenetics, right. And a lot of the stuff that’s like from past generation is that I think I know the answer as I’m asking this question, but that also stems from past generations for these women. That’s where some of it comes from. Yeah. Yeah. Interesting.

Speaker 1 (21:19):

And, and not only that your life experiences, your, um, your beliefs about yourself, like, you know, and your belief about yourself is a big part of power, which is, that was the first question I asked you, what’s power for you. Yeah. You know, what do you believe about yourself? Do you approve of yourself? Do you, and if you know, the top, the self talk that you have, if it’s negative and it doesn’t match the frequency of your outside world, there’s a mismatch, hence imposter. So if you think, you know, you are a loser, you are a, um, you’re not enough. And, you know, whatever, it doesn’t matter if you’re a CEO, you’re still thinking, you know, like how did I even get here? I’m gonna be found out or yeah, yeah,

Speaker 2 (22:23):

Yeah, totally. I know is happening for a lot of the women or like, they’re actually manifested a great outward result. And they’re like, wait, are you sure? Like, is this okay? And so it comes from the, self-talk the self-conception that they’re not actually a match for that. So then the other, so the other question, kind of the part, two of that, that showed up for me when you were talking about it is how do, how do we, that in a way that is, um, it’s not like you talked about before, like forceful or, and I’ll, I’ll share a little bit of context. I’ve got some members in the community who are like, we wanna smash the patriarchy and yada yada, and, and like, and I’m even reading right now. That’s never really been like my energy towards it. But right now I’m reading a book called patriarchy stress disorder. I don’t know if you’ve read it, but it’s like, I was reading it this morning and I found myself getting mad. It was just talking about different things that have happened over history with women. And I found myself getting mad and I was like, oh, it’d be easy to lean into like anger SOS.

Speaker 1 (23:28):

That’s where I talk about maintaining your vibration. Like, no matter what you are reading it’s information. Right. And even if it’s true, it’s like, okay, you know? Yeah. Where do I want this to influence me? Yeah. Do I want to do something about it? Am I the change that I want to see? It’s not about going and killing somebody or smashing them over it. It’s like, what, how are you being, how are you different from the patriarchy? Mm. Actually, Ooh

Speaker 2 (24:08):

Woman. Cause we can kind of, yeah. Cuz you can repeat it without even, I mean, are we not of it? Yeah.

Speaker 1 (24:16):

Like how are you treating the other women? Don’t you judge them belittle them gossip.

Speaker 2 (24:23):


Speaker 1 (24:25):

How are you? Different

Speaker 2 (24:30):

Boom. Hmm. Yeah,

Speaker 1 (24:33):

Of course. It’s sensational. And of course those things happen. However, my message is that we are done with separation. Yeah. Yeah. This is about collaboration. Co-elevation Unica. Yes. They did bad. We did bad. Okay. So how do we move forward? How do we heal this? Yeah. It’s not about smashing them. Yeah. I mean you could, but then it’s just war. Like how are you different? It’s the same. Totally. And if we’re at war with the pet, we think it’s outside. It’s the men, but everybody has masculine and feminine. Yeah. Yeah. How are you treating your own masculine? Mm. How can you manifest if you don’t have your masculine power? Wow. Kairos Andros. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (25:34):

Oh my goodness. This is <laugh>. This is powerful. Oh. I told my team this morning, I was like, we’re gonna play a drinking game where every time I say power over the next <laugh> 90 days, we’re gonna drink that’s that’s the theme. But yeah, this is, this is resonating. So, so the presence, what I’m hearing you say is it’s like being at choice of, do I wanna be sweet and influenced by this or not? And maintaining being at choice to maintain your own energy and not let it be pulled or sucked away by what you’re reading or by things that are going on, cuz then you can’t help yourself and you can’t help anybody.

Speaker 1 (26:16):

And this is the only way you are. You know, people say I’m a leader. When you lead, you have a direction, you have a path, you have a message, you have a choice, you have a movement. You have like, but if you like, oh, look at that, you know, small, oh, this person, oh, I had this podcast and the guy said, okay, that’s what I’m it’s like, who are you? Hmm. You can choose to embrace other people’s ideas. I’m not saying it’s wrong, but like where are you coming from? Yeah. Are you in your center? Hmm. Who are you? Wow. That’s your power.

Speaker 2 (27:00):

Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (27:02):

Like when I go some where I know who I am, people feel it. Hmm.

Speaker 2 (27:12):

I had something happen this weekend where I feel like I gave my power away and I’m I’m cur it was no doubt. I decided it was a master teaching moment. So maybe you have some, some perspective on this. Yeah. Um, but I went shopping and I went shopping for some clothes for a photo shoot. I’m doing tomorrow. Mm-hmm <affirmative> and I went, I was in Nordstrom and the sales associate was like so nice to me. And so just helpful and sugar, sweet, yada, yada. And then she asked me and she was putting the clothes up in the room like, oh, what are you shopping for? You going on a trip? And I said, no, I’ve actually buying for a photo shoot. And instantly her energy shifted and she shut down. And she, it was, it was a very judgemental energy coming from her. And she said, oh, well maybe, maybe you could find some pieces for your wardrobe as well. But it was like a very nasty tone. And I realized in that moment she was just buying stuff to return it after the shoot. But it was like, I took so much of that energy from her in that moment. And I was like, I was just sad the rest of the day. Cause I felt so judged. And I thought, gosh, I thought I’d been, I didn’t think I could be swayed so much by, so else’s projection on me of who they think. I,

Speaker 1 (28:28):

Yeah. The amputate of her judgment was bigger than you knowing who you’re.

Speaker 2 (28:34):

Yeah, I was.

Speaker 1 (28:36):

So that’s how it happened. And then the rest of the day is shut down. Everything you do during the day has her energy. Like, and that brings out that bring like, what did I do wrong? And oh my gosh, she happened again. Nobody likes me. And that Y yada.

Speaker 2 (28:56):

Yeah, it was so cuz I didn’t think that I could be swayed so much by somebody’s but it felt so strong in the

Speaker 1 (29:03):

Moment. It, it can feel like an attack, like yeah, it’s a punch. Yeah. On your so if you even think about it, you probably felt it here. Like even

Speaker 2 (29:14):

As I say it now, it’s like, like here I am, I’m bringing it up again, like two days later. So clearly it had, you know, it had an impact. It does. It did. It did. Yeah. But I wanna be less available for that. So I guess that comes to continuing to up. Yeah. You own amplitude

Speaker 1 (29:32):

And yeah. And, and, and, and your presence because you know, of course this person who brought it up for and brought the mirror mm-hmm <affirmative> also had like, she has a wound. Yeah. If not, she wouldn’t become unprofessional to attack you. Yeah. Yeah. And when you are in your power and your frequency, you can actually help her heal just by I actually stopping and just looking at her and smiling and making her notice that, oh shoot. I was just totally nasty right now. Yeah. Without even saying anything. Mm.

Speaker 2 (30:22):


Speaker 1 (30:24):

And then when she notices, then it’s like, whoa, why did I even do that? And that would also start her healing. I have this saying, which is that my healing is your healing. Your healing is my healing. All healing is all healing, you know, because that’s why you hear hurt. People, hurt people. Yeah. Yeah. Because when you, in your integrity and sovereign, like you don’t need to hurt anyone. No.

Speaker 2 (31:00):

Yeah, yeah. It was a powerful moment. And I was the day afterwards, I was like, okay, the first day I was just, I felt very judged and very, it, it really got me for some reason, but the next day I was like, okay, she’s a, I’m calling her, my master teacher for right now. She’s my master teacher of something. But I get to heal or

Speaker 1 (31:20):

Shift. Yeah. That’s, that’s what it was. She, she was a mirror for you that still shaky parts. Mm-hmm <affirmative> it’s okay. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (31:34):

Yeah. Hmm. Yeah. I pulled a card recently. That was like, you’re going to be coming in contact with a lot of people who you’ve made sole contracts with, uh, to deepen into love. Like basically, like you’re gonna have interactions that help deepen into love and just know you’re gonna be having a lot more interactions with people like that. I thought maybe that’s.

Speaker 1 (32:00):

And so when they say deepen into love, it’s actually compassion. So when I gave you the example of how to deal with her, what did I say? Looking at her with a smile. Mm, right. I didn’t say educate her. I didn’t say, you know, argue or defend or protect. It was just like beautiful smile of love. Like, yeah. I get you, honey. Ugh. You know, it’s okay. That’s what it is. When you hear the spiritual deepen into love, it means that you’re gonna be like punched and, and then you’re gonna have to be like compassion,

Speaker 2 (32:46):

Compassion. Okay.

Speaker 1 (32:49):

Woo <laugh>. Yeah. No, it’s not, it’s not. Um, yeah, the spiritual is kind of, uh, funny and pretty

Speaker 2 (33:00):


Speaker 1 (33:03):

I, um, you know, my ex-boyfriend, um, you know, when we met, it was just like, it was like, uh, thunder. Yeah. Earthquake. Like we, we were at a conference and we hugged and, and we couldn’t stop hugging for 10 minutes maybe. Wow. I don’t know. Five. I don’t know how long he was. I didn’t know him. Didn’t know his name, but it’s like, we literally couldn’t stop. Yeah. And then I immediately asked my guy, it’s like, what is going on? And they said it a gift

Speaker 2 (33:41):

<laugh> oh, my and

Speaker 1 (33:46):

I was, and I should known a gift in the spiritual world means you’re gonna,

Speaker 2 (34:01):

Oh yeah. It was a <laugh>.

Speaker 1 (34:06):

So when they say dip it into love,

Speaker 2 (34:08):

Just no praise yourself. You’re getting more master teachers a lot way <laugh> Hey, no, I card. I was like, I feel like this is a cleverly disguise. Like, oh, get ready. <laugh> yeah.

Speaker 1 (34:21):

That’s, that’s kind of, uh, what it is great, but, um, you know, I, I had kind of forgotten, but yeah, it’s it was, I grew so much like, that’s the biggest expansion of my heart chakra. Like with ever everything that happened, it became like, um, no limits. Mm. Like I can’t, when I energetic it’s it just goes, it just goes. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (34:55):

Yeah. Oh my gosh. Uh, gifts, spiritual gifts. <laugh> yeah.

Speaker 1 (35:06):

Which cards were those? They are,

Speaker 2 (35:09):

I’m doing the, um, something, uh, former coach of mine. Maybe the journey of love. Do you know these? I dunno if you have seen they’re quite beautiful actually. Um, no, if you have any other X you love, I’m totally open. It’s Alana Fairchild.

Speaker 1 (35:26):

Alana Fairchild. Yes. Mm-hmm <affirmative> I love Alana really. Okay. She’s she’s really good. She has. Um, what I love is that she always has like a healing or meditation. I mean, I don’t know how those cards are, but yeah. Um, oh, I think I used to have them. Mm. Do they have like beautiful paintings? Mm-hmm <affirmative> yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. By Raul. Yes. Yes. Okay. Yeah. I used to have them. That’s awesome. Yeah. They’re fun. No, I love her. They’re great. Okay. Awesome. I don’t know where that, you know, I’ve had so many decks. It’s just like, <laugh> I like that. They’re I remember that one because I love Rasuli and mm. You know, I would, um, so do you know how to use a pan tuum? Uh,

Speaker 2 (36:26):

Probably not the way you would tell me to use it

Speaker 1 (36:28):

<laugh> no, no it, yes or no.

Speaker 2 (36:30):

No, I don’t think so. I have one I got for, um, getting certified in hypnosis, but I haven’t really gotten into it yet, so

Speaker 1 (36:38):

Yeah. Oh, that’s, it’s more of a hypnosis type of a yeah. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah. How do you use a pendulum? Hmm. So this is like an intuition, uh, really honing working with your intuition. Maybe this is, um, something that, since you’re saying that this your retreat is a little spiritual and, um, um, it could be an act, a fun activity, uh, for your people. Mm. Like giving them a pendulum as a gift. They like, it could be like $3 or $10, you know, Amazon or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. We totally have a session to, you know, like it would be fun and yeah. A way to like, Ooh,

Speaker 2 (37:41):

I love it. They would be so into it. Like, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1 (37:46):

Ooh, okay. Yeah. A game. Yeah. See, I’m sure they’re gonna have a, like a gift. Right. Mm-hmm <affirmative> like most retreats. They get a little, yeah. So they could have a, um, um, beautiful pen. I’m gonna check on Amazon and show you like yeah. The ones that, um, feel good. Awesome.

Speaker 2 (38:14):

Yeah. Yeah. Oh, that would be great. Thank

Speaker 1 (38:16):

You. That would be great. Yeah. And, um, so yeah. Pendulum fun. Shop

Speaker 2 (38:26):

Pendulum fun shop is that is shop

Speaker 1 (38:28):

<laugh> no, not workshop, but fun shop. Oh, the pendulum fun

Speaker 2 (38:32):

Shop. I thought you meant it was a shop on Amazon. I get, I get it out. <laugh> I didn’t know. That was a thing. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Okay. Yeah. Let me ask you one other quick idea. I had while we were talking and we, we can totally do something else. But my thought with the interview on the podcast was I wanted to use it to also like plug you for the retreat and just kind of tease some of what we’re gonna be talking about, which, and I feel like we had such a powerful conversation today. Are you open to if I just edit parts? Yeah. And use this. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Done. We

Speaker 1 (39:09):

Just did. This is our podcast. This is our podcast.

Speaker 2 (39:12):

Okay. Thank you. I was like, oh, this works. This actually works perfectly. So it found that way.

Speaker 1 (39:18):

It was just like, okay, this is we doing something else here. I know.

Speaker 2 (39:21):

Well, I got the idea about halfway through. And then I was like trying to not go too with much into like podcaster mode and stay focused. But I think it works. I got amazing coaching out of it. And I think it’ll actually be, I’ll just edit some parts out and like, just make it the episode. Yeah. So, okay. Yay. That worked great. Thank you. Okay.

Speaker 1 (39:40):

<laugh> perfect.

Speaker 2 (39:43):

Thank you so

Speaker 1 (39:43):

Much. So just take a deep inhale, exhale, going to do it one more time. And at the end ex, I want you to hold your breath, but not with power or force, just like you let the breath end and feel the emptiness. It’s a only when you empty yourself that you can also refill yourself. If not, you just re circulating. What’s been there. So inhale through the nose, deep breath, exhale through the mouth all the way until all the air is out. Just gently hold it until you feel calm to breathe, feeling your presence, groundedness empty.

Speaker 1 (41:16):


So that all that is beneficial for you may come in through your channel, bringing in beautiful gold and energy through your crown, all around your body, to the solar plexus, transmuting the incident at Norths, um, releasing all the tens of energy that came from this person who also is her in her wounding, forgiving that incident, cleansing solar plexus, releasing that contraction that not letting go, letting go inhale through the nose X set everything out. Beautiful. Okay. Thank you. Really beautiful. Thank you. All right. Thank you for everything. Thank you.

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