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My Top 7 Sales and Marketing Secrets


Let’s change things up today with a solo episode on more of the tactical side of sales and marketing. I used to go into corporations and teach the tactical stuff but usually speak about mindset and energy more on She Sells Radio Podcast. What I have found through years of mistakes and success is that you need both. At the end of the day, you can have the right mindset but if you don’t take the right actions or ineffective actions towards your goal, it’s going to be challenging to get the results you want.


So today, I’m giving you the opportunity to shorten your learning curve by providing my Top 7 Sales and Marketing Secrets. Just like with anything you do, take what works for you and run with it. Customize these strategies to fit you and your business. Learn from my mistakes so you don’t get stuck and most importantly, don’t put yourself in the box of what others think you should do to be successful.


Show Notes:

[2:12] – Mindset and energy are crucial, but so are the actions you take towards your goals.

[3:42] – Take what works for you from this episode. Customize these strategies to fit you and take yourself out of the box.

[5:24] – You can sign up for the Skyrocket Your Sales challenge by clicking HERE.

[5:56] – The first and most challenging secret is Focus. Studies show that when you try to multitask, your IQ drops.

[7:07] – It is when I am focused on one thing at a time, you will feel more accomplished.

[9:21] – Elyse shares a story about Richard Branson saying no to an opportunity because it didn’t align with his priorities.

[10:23] – An action step to increase focus is to turn off the notifications on your phone.

[11:49] – The second secret is to schedule your revenue-producing activities.

[12:14] – Prospecting and sales activity is what we tend to procrastinate.

[13:29] – Elyse shares what she does every morning that is scheduled in her calendar. This is something that she is committed to doing daily to generate leads.

[15:01] – Scheduling everything gives you an idea of how long tasks take and what you have the bandwidth to say yes to.

[15:25] – The third secret is to delegate anything and everything you possibly can.

[16:31] – Elyse explains how to determine what to delegate using simple math.

[17:24] – Keep a “Who else can do this?” list.

[18:35] – Every month, go to that list and see what someone else can do that month.

[19:05] – Secret number 4 is to schedule your daily learning.

[20:18] – Create a curriculum for yourself. Determine your goals and what you need to learn to accomplish them.

[21:41] – Whether you are working with a coach or not, set your pace and keep learning.

[22:06] – Secret 5 is to really leverage the power of visualization.

[23:38] – Elyse admits that she used to be a negative visualizer.

[24:18] – Spending time visualizing what you want to create each day gives your subconscious brain permission to make it happen.

[25:53] – The 6th secret is to build your personal brand.

[27:01] – If you are in sales or sales leadership in a corporation, personal brand is also extremely important.

[28:35] – Think about where your prospects are and build your brand there.

[30:54] – When Elyse did more tactical sales training, one of the biggest mistakes teams were making was to “follow up” with prospects. Add value instead.

[32:21] – You need to have something that establishes yourself at an even level with your prospects.

[33:04] – The final secret is to view closing as a service. It is helpful and important to people.

[34:21] – It is a disservice to not help a client when you know you can and you empathize with the problem you can solve.

[36:16] – Get out of your own way and be willing to also tell someone if it isn’t the right fit for them.

[37:02] – At the end of the day, sales is just helping people get what they want.

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Tweetables and Quotes:


“At the end of the day, you can have the right mindset but if you don’t take the right actions or ineffective actions towards your goal, it’s going to be challenging to get the results you want.” – Elyse Archer


“Anything else that doesn’t align with your priorities is simply a ‘no’ right now.” – Elyse Archer


“At the end of the day, sales is all about helping people get what they want.” – Elyse Archer

Welcome to she sells radio. Okay. So today’s episode is going to be fun and different and hopefully unique from a lot of what we’ve talked about on here. No, if you have been a listener for any amount of time, you probably know my style by now. I’ve, you know, I’m normally doing some sort of interview or if I’m doing a solo show, I’m talking more about mindset and today is actually far more tactical. And it’s funny is I look back at the vast majority of my career in sales training. That’s really what I taught. I used to go into corporations all around the world and really just teach the tactical stuff. And so really diving into mindset and energy. Those are things that I haven’t taught as much up until this past year, but once I started doing them and I got the results I did, I was like, oh my gosh, this is like, this is the missing link, but here’s what I’ll say with all of that.

So you can go back and listen to a bajillion. Well, not a Jillian, I think approximately 105 other podcasts episodes that will focus more on that. But you can have the right mindset all day long, but if you don’t know the right actions to take towards your goal, or you’re taking ineffective actions, it’s just going to be challenging to get the results you want right. At the end of the day, that just is what it is. And so, as I was thinking about today’s episode, you know, I thought back to what are some of the most powerful tactical strategies that have helped me, um, you know, be a top producer in corporate sales, going all the way back to my very embarrassing first corporate sales job of selling yellow pages. Yes, I sold yellow pages. Well, we don’t even know what that is depending on how, how old you are as you listened to them.

And then got it to selling digital advertising campaigns for global brands. And now having been an entrepreneur for over five years and running my own business and I’ve sold millions and millions and millions of dollars worth of products and services have been a top producer in every position and have made a ton of mistakes along the way too. And here’s one thing I’ll say is I am really passionate about helping you not make the mistakes I did and just shorten the learning curve. I think that’s one of the most important pieces of coaching and mentoring. And that’s why I have coaches and mentors is because we want to shorten that learning curve and learn from other people’s mistakes. One of I want to caveat everything I’m going to teach today with one of the biggest mistakes that I made for many years, that kept me stuck at a pretty, it was a good income level, but I wasn’t breaking through a new level for years was, um, trying to like put myself in a box of what other people said I should do.

So I just want to give a big disclaimer here is take what works for you from this, take the best and leave the rest. I promise and guarantee what I’m teaching here. This is what the top, for the most part, like I’ve coached a lot of top sales producers across the world. This is, these are the things that they swear by. This is what I swear by, but take it and customize it for you. Do what works for you out of these. Okay. The other thing I’ll say is that these strategies I’m going to teach you seven of my favorite sales and marketing strategies and secrets that I’ve seen make the biggest shift for me. Um, these are for both entrepreneurs and sales professionals. And you know, if you’re an entrepreneur, as you listen to this, you’re probably more likely at least from some of the marketing side to be doing some of these on the sales side, you very well may be less likely to be doing some of these right now.

Um, but I think also I want you to really listen in if you’re in sales or if you’re in sales leadership, these are really important strategies for your team to be using. And I think part of what made me successful in a different way from how many people were successful in my corporate sales career was I thought of myself as an entrepreneur. And I thought of myself as running my own business. And because of that, I use some of these techniques. I’m going to teach you today that really made a big impact and made a big difference. So regardless of whether you’re entrepreneur in sales, working for somebody else, or you’re in sales leadership, I promise you, you want to listen in final PSA and then we’ll get into the first secret here. I just want to let you know right upfront, I am doing a deeper dive into these this week, if you’re listening in real time.

And if you’re not listening in real time, then sorry, but hopefully we’ll do something like this again, down the road. If you’re listening in real time and still get signed up for our skyrocket, your sales challenge, which is July 6th through eighth, and I’m going to be doing a deeper dive into these techniques. This is for women who want to break through six figures or beyond this year. And so you can go to Elise again, Elise Get yourself registered my friend, and you are going to have an amazing time. So, all right, first of the seven secrets and this one is probably the most challenging, I would say out of all of them, it is to focus. It is to focus. And I know you’ve heard this, but here’s what I want you to check in with. How do you consider yourself a good multi-tasker?

Okay. Well, I, um, you know, as a relatively new mom, I have learned that I feel like I have to multitask more than I used to, so I totally get it. Like I am not saying that I’m perfect at this. I am not, I am not. I am not, but here’s what I do know is number one studies, and this is kind of funny, kind of not studies show that when you try to multitask your IQ literally drops below the level. It would, if you were stoned, okay, now this is not a passing judgment one way or another on getting stone. Okay. But here’s what I do now. If I had to deliver a, um, a big, important client presentation, I wouldn’t want to do it stoned. I’m just saying if I had to prepare a marketing report, I wouldn’t want to do it stoned.

And yet how that’s thinking about how often you were multitasking throughout the day, and it actually puts you at a massive disadvantage. And I know for me, um, when I’m trying to multitask, I, I’m not happy. Like I notice it’s, it’s when I am present. It’s when I am focused on one thing at a time. And I typically do that by time-blocking. And so I’m going to get into that in a sec, in a second here, but, um, I actually can look back at the end of the day and remember the day and feel accomplished. And so I just want you to check in with yourself at the end of the day, do you feel like, oh my gosh, it was a blur and I don’t even know what I did or do you, can you look back and say, wow, I did this. I did that.

I have this memory from this. I have that memory from that. And here’s I think just for context, there’s this great story that I love about Richard Branson. Now, Richard Branson, you know, at the time I read this story, this was a few years ago, you know, it’s worth $4 billion who knows what he’s worth today, but there’s a story about him being asked to speak by, I think it was success magazine asked him to come in and speak. And, um, they offered him a hundred thousand dollars to come in and speak for an hour. And so, you know, they’re not pitching Richard directly on this. They’re reaching out to, I think it was his assistant, but they reach out, they’ve got this big important event and they want him to come in and speak and they offer a hundred thousand dollars for an hour. And his office writes back and they say, no, they say, Hey, we appreciate it.

But now he’s not available. They really want Richard. So they go back and they say, look, $250,000. You know, we just need them for an hour, $250,000. Can we please make it work? Wait to hit reply, wait to hear the reply. And the reply comes back from sir Richard’s office and it’s no, he’s not available. And they say, the magazine comes back and they say, oh my gosh, like we have to have, and this is so important. He’s so inspiring to all of our readers. Look, we will give them $500,000 for an hour. We will have a private plane, come get him, um, pick him up, drop him off for the event. It’ll be waiting for him at the end of the event. So he can get back on the plane within the hour. It’ll take him home. Like we have to have him come speak and they send that offer in back to his office and it comes back, no, we’re sorry, he’s not available.

And they go back and they say, what is it going to take? Like give us a number, let us know what it’s going to take. We have to have him and his office writes back and says, we really appreciate you inviting him to come speak at this event. But Richard currently has three key priorities that he’s focused on. And anything else that doesn’t align with those priorities is simply a no right now. And when I heard that story for the first time, you know, it’s easy think, okay, well that’s because he’s Richard Branson. He doesn’t need the money, but I want you to think about, could that also be why he’s Richard Branson is because of that level of focus and the ability to say no. And so those who succeed, one of the things, the most important things that’s going to help you succeed in today’s beeping notification, constant interruption, interruption filled world is learning to focus.

And so a few quick action items you can take from that. Number one, please, if you’ve not turned off the notifications on your phone and your computer, turn them off. I, and I don’t even have, I’m not going to take the time on today’s episode to talk about getting over the mental of, oh my gosh, what if I miss something, blah, blah, blah. Like that’s very much a limiting belief. Um, and I’ve coached. I can tell you I’ve coached so many from senior leaders, senior leadership founders of companies, all the way down to sales producers within organizations. This is one of the biggest game changers that usually people have the biggest resistance around because they think they’re going to miss out on something, but you’re going to schedule blocks of time. So schedule blocks of time throughout the day to check your inbox. And I’m even like the word check inboxes.

I like process inboxes. So you come in there with an intention and a focus to get it done. And I was just checking and like dilly-dallying in there, but schedule blocks of time, every three hours, every four hours, whatever you need to do to go in and check because every time you’re distracted, you think it just takes you a minute to get back to what you were doing, but it’s not the case. Studies show. It takes 20 minutes on average, 20 minutes to get back to the focus on the flow that you were in before you were interrupted by, by that beep. And so you are going to have so much regained productivity time by turning off those notifications. So that’s the first one focus. Now that ties in with this second secret, which is to schedule your revenue producing activities, okay? Schedule your revenue producing activities.

This one is also a game changer and my friend and business partner, Rory Vaden wrote a book called take the stairs. And he talks about the number one killer in business today is procrastination. And what is that activity that we tend to procrastinate on more than any other, whether we are a business owner or a sales person is what prospecting sales activity, which is kind of crazy because that’s the whole reason you’re this, this that’s the whole reason you’re doing what you do. But what I would encourage you to do is schedule time in this is also where, and we’ll talk about to-do lists in a moment, but they usually don’t work that well for people. And I would encourage you. Anything that has to get done, actually schedule it in your calendar and schedule it. First thing in the day, think about what a relief it is just like for me, I know if I don’t exercise first thing in the day, the rest of the day feels off for me.

And so you can find me, yes, I’m an early riser. You can find me at like 4:00 AM doing my dance, moves, doing my, my strength training, doing whatever it is that I’m into at the moment. Yoga. Um, shout out to my girl, Alison Harris. She’s got me hooked on this, this crazy dance program. We’re literally at four o’clock in the morning. I’m like, um, I’m twerking in my living room. That was way TMI. If she’s listening, she’ll get a laugh. So anyway, it’s the same. That was a really roundabout way of saying it’s the same with prospecting, get it done. First thing. And you will feel so good for the rest of your day, whatever your prospecting is, whether it’s for me, like part of how I generate leads and clients is by creating content. So for me, it’s, I’m going to be doing a live.

So if you’re not joining for our lives every morning at eight 30 Eastern, every weekday morning, except occasionally if I’m traveling, teaching a team or something, you can find me live on my social media. And that is part of my lead gen that’s part of my, and I would do it regardless of whether it generated leads, but I like getting that in first thing in the morning. So that it’s like, okay, I’ve I know that’s a key piece of revenue production for our company and I’ve done it. I’ve gotten it done first thing in the morning. So whether for you it’s sending DMS or doing something like what I do or, you know, doing, I don’t think a lot of people who I coach at least are doing cold calls anymore. Cause I usually teach a very different way of doing it, but whatever your model is, get the outreach done early, early, early, and block it off in your calendar.

And this is so tying back in with the to-do list, there’s a consultant named Kevin Cruz consultant and speaker named Kevin Cruz. And he did this study that I thought was so interesting where he took a group of, I think it was a hundred, um, straight a students millionaires and Olympic athletes to see what is it that they all do. Similarly that creates top results for them. And he found one thing in common. One thing in common that I thought was so fascinating when you said not a single one of them kept it to do list. If it was going to get done, it got scheduled in their calendar. So I find for myself, if I just pop it on the to-do list, I’m going to find other things that are easier or feel more important or more urgent in the moment. If it has to get done scheduled in the calendar, that’s also going to keep you in reality about how long things take and about what you actually have bandwidth to say yes or no to which you know, this wasn’t planned.

But I like how these are flowing ties in with number three, which is delegate, delegate, delegate, delegate, anything and everything you can, you possibly can. So when you know, I used to work in a, um, in this global sales coaching and training organization and they had people track their time to see how much time is being spent on actual like revenue producing activities versus how much time was being spent on putting out fires and reacting and responding. And what we found was that if people were like top of the pack, they were maybe spending 20% of their day on income producing activities, on revenue, producing activities, everything else was admin work, um, stuff that they didn’t have to do, like cleaning the house, right? If you work from home. So what I want you to think about is whatever it is that you want to earn this year, take it and divide it by 2020.

So that’s the average number of hours that somebody works in a year and eight. And even to make it easier to just divide it by 2000. Okay. So let’s say you want to earn a hundred thousand dollars this year. Your hourly rate is $50 at that level. If you want to earn a million dollars this year, your hourly rate is $500, right? Simple math. So take whatever that number is divided by 2000 and anything that you would not pay somebody else that amount to do per hour. You want to delegate to somebody for a lower hourly rate, and you can do it one thing at a time too. So you don’t have to do this all at once. And I’ve, I’ve gotten to the point in my own life and business where honestly, part of what has helped me achieve, achieve results that I feel are successful in my life has been delegating before I felt ready early and often, but delegating at a level that stretched me and doing it one thing at a time.

So I learned this from one of my mentors, Gina, Devee keep a who else could do this list and anything that you find yourself doing that doesn’t require your talent and your skill sets. So for many of us and for you, that very well is probably like being the face of your business, right? So if it’s, um, talking with clients, delivering the service or prospect like a prospect that you can delegate to a lot of it, right. But whatever does not require you physically your talent and service, put it on that list. So as I was ramping up, it would be things like, um, like processing my email inbox or doing social media posts, or even now it’s like operational stuff. I find for me, if I try to think about all the operational stuff behind our business, it makes me feel so bottlenecked and overwhelmed.

It’s just not my strength. Um, but I didn’t start in transparency. I didn’t start delegating that stuff until we were, you know, multiple six figures. But you could, you could do it any way. Like you can, you can absolutely do this any way that works for you. But on that list, it could also be things like laundry, like cooking, like, um, I don’t know, pick your poison, think about what are the things that are energy draining for you and keep that list. And then I would, I would encourage you like every month, go back and look at that list and say, I’m going to pick one thing off this list this month to delegate. And you’ll find that you start getting stuff off your plate and it starts freeing you up. And it’s so refreshing too. And that’s what makes your sales and your business grow is you doing what actually creates money, which is again, you being the face, you reaching out to people, you having sales conversations, discovery calls, application calls, whatever your process is.

And then for many of you, if you are a consultant or a service based business, delivering the service as well, step four, secret number four, schedule your learning every day. And this is, I know like if you’re listening to this, you were probably like me where I don’t even have to tell you this, but scheduling that daily, learning to me, my favorite thing to do, and this, my schedule has changed as Jack has. Our, our son has, um, just his schedule changes. So I used to be a 4:00 AM, wake up girl. And I just enjoyed that early schedule. Now this is, you’re going to think I’m crazy, but I’m, I’m getting up at three, but I’m also going to bed at like eight. Okay. So I get my seven hours. I’m never gonna, I am never, ever, ever going to tell you not to sleep.

I did that for years and it doesn’t work. It was miserable. You have to get your sleep, but I love getting up. I get up so early now because Jack keeps getting up earlier and I’m like, dude, if you keep getting up any earlier, I’m going to get up at midnight. Like to have my time, my daily learning time, there is nothing I love more than getting up. It’s still quiet having a cup of coffee and studying and learning. And this is a technique I’ve done for myself in the past. I’m not doing it right now, but as I say it out loud, I’m like, oh, I want to get back into this. And I I’ve taught my clients to do it is create a curriculum for yourself. So think about what are your quarterly objectives? Like, what are the things you want to do in the next 90 days?

What are your revenue targets? Your income targets, your business and sales targets and your personal targets. Where do you want to be? And then what do you need to learn to be able to accomplish those? Because there are so many personal development books. There’s so many, you know, business books, strategy, books, mindset, books, like there’s so many of them, right. But we could literally just, we could read them all day long and never get done and not have a real strategy behind it. I think part of what will help you sort and prioritize what to read first to say, what do I need most right now? And create a curriculum, you know, for a lot of my clients, um, I was doing a coaching call with a client this morning and what a lot of my clients find is that when they first come into the 10 K club or group program, um, they really need to heal their relationship with money.

And so I’m typically recommending, they’re starting off reading money books, like learning what money actually is, how it works, how to become a vibrational match for the money you want so that it must come to you. And, but having that focus on that curriculum, you know, for other clients who I work with, as I talked to them, it’s more about it is more about strategy or it is more about healing, you know, healing, different parts of them. So anyway, whether you’re working with a coach or not, you can kind of create your own curriculum and say, this quarter, these are the four books I’m going to read, or the 10 books I’m going to read. The one book I’m going to read, right? Set your pace. Do you, but create a curriculum based around your 90 day goals. Okay. Speaking of morning routine, again, I’ve not planned, but I like how that flows.

Speaking of morning, routine secret number five is to really, really, really leverage the power of visualization. Now, if you, um, if you’re following my lives in the morning, then you know, we do a deep dive and we talk a lot about the power of the mind and vision and emotions. And so, um, if you’re not joining those every morning at eight 30 Eastern, you can catch my live on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, where else are we live YouTube. Um, and so we do a much deeper dive into this, but I used to, I used to skim over this one. I didn’t think it was that important cause I hadn’t experienced the power of it yet myself. And so I would keep a vision board, but it was just, and like, I can so relate if this is your approach with it, I would keep a vision board, but it was only because I heard other people saying you should.

And I w I didn’t really feel that strongly about it. I would look at it and I would think, oh, I want that house. I want that car. I want that amount of money this month. And then I would feel fear and nervousness that it wasn’t going to come. And so that’s why I want you to start following those lives in the morning, because I talk about why it actually works like the science and the spirituality behind visualization and why it matters for you. Um, but I would, I didn’t know that I was a great visualizer. I was just visualizing what I would have, what I didn’t want. Cause I was worrying all the time. And so I would worry about, oh, what if this person cancels? And what if this money doesn’t come in? And what if the money in the bank account doesn’t change?

And what I didn’t know was that I was using negative visualization or he is just negative visualization. So your brain, the subconscious, the part that really is responsible for 95% of your results, it thinks in pictures and it thinks in emotions. And so when I say ice cream cone, think about what you see in your brain. Do you see the words, the letters I C E C R E a M no. Right. You see a picture, a visual of an ice cream cone. So here’s an interesting stat for my staff. People, your brain will process images 60,000 times faster than the written word. So it’s really important that you create an image in your head of what you desire. And I would do this during the morning routine to every morning, spending time visualizing. And if you follow me for some amount of time, you know, I love Dr.

Joe Dispenza’s meditations. I particularly love his morning meditation because it helps you visualize what do you want to create that day and that in this year, so on. And so spending time in the morning, seeing yourself doing what you want to do, you’re giving your subconscious brain commands to create that reality for you. So, and do this too all throughout the day. You know, when you visually, like when you’re about to go on a client, call an application called a discovery call, like visualize it going, how you want it to go and you can’t look. I mean, we can never fully control other people. And this is why in sales, you get to be attached to what but not how so you don’t get to be attached to who buys from you. But if you visualize the result and the outcome that you desire, I can tell you, number one, it’s more likely to happen.

So you might as well. And number two, if you keep holding that vision, it will happen. And if it’s not through that person, it will be through somebody else in life. You get what you expect, you get what you expect. And it’s like, I love the Wayne Dyer quote. You will see it when you believe it. All right? So you must learn to believe in what you want and think about what you want and see first in your mind, what you want. And then your outer reality will shift to make that your reality. Okay, it’s that simple. The sixth step is build your personal brand, build your personal brand. And, oh, I love this topic. I I’ve spent years, you know, building my brand. And then I actually had a, um, a challenging situation a few years ago where I exited a company that I was part of.

And part of that built a big brand in the sales coaching space. And part of the exit was I had to completely remove everything related to my personal brand. And I realized in that moment where I had been flowing and lots of leads were coming in and I was getting pretty much all my business was inbound and it was great. And then suddenly it was like, it stopped for awhile. Um, and then over the past few years, rebuilding it and starting from scratch, like, and then also helping other people build their personal brand, helped start a company called brand builders group along the way, which is an amazing, like best personal branding firm out there, in my opinion. Um, and, and that’s because of the brilliant leadership and other people involved. Like it’s, it’s, it’s such a good company, such a good organization. Um, but I’ve realized how important it is to focus on your personal brand.

And this is, again, this is where, like, if you’re an entrepreneur, I’m sure you’re doing this. Like you get this, but if you’re in sales, working for another organization, this is critically important for you too. And if you’re in sales leadership, it is critically important that your people develop their brands underneath the co the corporate umbrella, because people don’t buy from companies, people buy from people at the end of the day, think about what do you enjoy paying attention to on social media? Who do you buy from? It’s not some random, you know, you don’t enjoy looking at like, you probably, there are some corporations that really have this figured out in terms of their marketing, but there’s a lot that don’t. So thinking about what stops your scroll? Is it an image of a corporate logo or is it a picture of a face of a person?

And this is just obvious, right? Know this, but people try, like we buy from people we trust. And when I think about what’s made me buy from other companies and what makes me a loyal customer to some of the vendors I work with it is it’s always, always, always the people and how they treat me and make me feel. So, in terms of building your personal brand, you have to do, I would say there’s a few things that are important to consider. One is what sort of content do you enjoy? So for me, I love anything that’s voice related, which I love pod, which is why I love podcasts. I love lives. I love interviews. Um, clubhouse is fun. I haven’t done that in a while. I need to get back on, but think about one. What do you enjoy? Because you don’t, if being on video petrifies, you, you don’t have to do it.

There’s a lot of other ways you can do it. You can blog, you can, you know, write LinkedIn articles. Um, but the other thing is, think about where your prospects are, where are your prospects and building your brand there in front of them? Um, one of the, so this is just like, uh, uh, you know, we could do episodes and episodes of episodes on building a personal brand. And I have more of them in the, she sells radio archives. So you can go back to that. But I find for a lot of my clients, one of the most underutilized places where they can build a brand is LinkedIn. And if you’re not actively focused on LinkedIn right now, think about who your buyer is. And, um, you know, whether, whether they’re in corporate or not, you know, there’s tons and tons of entrepreneurs on LinkedIn.

Um, and people on LinkedIn, like they are people, people big, it has to be all business. It’s, it’s like, you want to keep, in my opinion, you typically want to keep the application more tied towards someone’s professional goals and careers, but it’s still people, you know, it’s still people. And when I think about what really worked for me, when I was first getting started in my business, um, it was going all in on LinkedIn. And part of what’s great about LinkedIn is video content gets way more organic views than other platforms. At least as of the last time I checked the numbers and, um, it’s, to me, there’s so much functionality with it. Like if you ever run out of leads, I will come lovingly bop you on the head with a frying pan. Okay. You can set up lists on LinkedIn through advanced search of who you are aspects are.

So I tend to do more things inbound in my company than outbound, but if we need to drum up some business, I’m going out then like I do what I need to do. And so I love setting up lists of sales managers in finance and insurance, and I can go in there and do direct outreach to them. So there’s so many ways you can use LinkedIn for your brand. Um, but I personally am just, I’m a big fan of it. And then if you want, I’ve got two other, um, episodes. I was going back and thinking, I know we’ve had other LinkedIn experts here on the show that you could listen to. So if you want to learn more about LinkedIn episode 51 with Scott, Aaron is great. And then episode 87 with Alex Sheridan, we’ll give you way, way more, um, just more, more fuel for your fire for LinkedIn, shall we say?

And then think about too, in terms of building your brand. Um, it’s just, it’s just getting, like, it’s just sharing. It’s just teaching and being helpful. So if you, you know, when I, when I used to do, and I, I still do a fair amount of this, but when I used to do way more tactical sales training for sales organizations, um, uh, one of the biggest mistakes they were making is that the, I found the, the team would just reach out to prospects to follow up. Hey, just following up, just following up, just following up and how often when someone is trying to sell to you and they reach out just to follow up, do you not want to respond? Right? It’s like it’s, and of course we know it’s about the sale, right? That’s and there’s nothing wrong with that. I’m all about it.

But when you follow up, I would really think about adding value. And that’s part of why I like building your brand is that let’s say that you add your, you know, you ask your prospects. If they want to receive weekly tips from you for whatever your business is, you know, holistic nutrition or, um, growing, you know, growing your brand via digital marketing, whatever it is. And you have a weekly content marketing touch point, like an email newsletter or a text list, or your podcast, it’s a beautiful and unobtrusive way to stay in front of your prospects, that positions you as an expert. And that’s, that’s part of why I think, um, for, you know, for sales professionals, like you need to have your own list. You need to have a, a newsletter sensor. You need to have a podcast. You need to have something that positions, you add an equal playing field as your prospect.

And, and when people have been listening to you for a long time and getting to know you, like, it’s not a matter of if they’re going to buy from you, it’s a matter of when they’re ready, they’re going to want to work with you because they’ve been listening to you. They trust you. They don’t see you as just someone like feeling their inbox with, Hey, just following up, you’re actually giving value and you’re creating value. Right? Um, and then the final there’s, there’s so much more I could talk about with content marketing, but I’m going to, um, I’m going to just kind of curtail that one for now for the sake of brevity, the seventh and final tip for you here with sales and marketing is you’ve got to view closing as a service. You have to view closing as a service, as something that is helpful for people and, and is important.

And I was doing a training this past week for a monthly membership for, she sells all access on how to constantly market and promote yourself. And one of our members in that program is, um, she recovered 

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