Branding for High Dollar Sales with Johanna White Part 2


Johanna White is back for a part 2 by popular demand! If you haven’t already listened to episode 134, you’ll want to at some point to learn about Johanna’s powerful backstory which is the most inspiring interview I’ve ever done on the podcast. In that episode we talk about the power of belief but our original intention was to talk about branding. So Johanna has graciously come back for that conversation today.


We aren’t talking about just any old branding. We are talking about branding for high dollar sales, high ticket sales, luxury products and services, whatever you like to call it. It’s what you deserve, but how can you brand and position yourself to attract your ideal client? Johanna’s zone of genius is all things branding and marketing and we are so fortunate to have her expertise. Through her sense of humor, down to earth realism, and storytelling skills, she will have you hooked on her every word.


Show Notes:

[3:31] – Johanna’s expertise is branding for high dollar sales. If you want to attract the best, you have to look like the best.

[4:34] – What does Johanna mean by Best Kept Business Secrets?

[5:46] – When the experience matches the scale of the brand, the price is not surprising.

[7:50] – Johanna demonstrates the power of branding and what happens without it.

[10:55] – If you want to look like the best, look at competitor’s inside and outside of your industry to find an image of luxury.

[12:06] – You want your brand positioned in the mind of your consumers next to something that they already perceive as high value.

[15:20] – Johanna explains brand positioning.

[17:12] – Using the coaching industry as an example, Johanna gives tips on how to position your brand as high end.

[18:42] – Consistency is perceived as high value.

[19:57] – Branding is either done by you intentionally or it is being done to you anyway. 

[22:57] – You have to show authenticity and mix it with brand positioning.

[24:39] – At the very least, stop undercharging. Premium and luxury are relative.

[25:35] – First, you must know your value then you show it.

[29:08] – Branding doesn’t stop with just your website or your service.

[30:40] – What do you do better than anyone else for your ideal client?

[32:19] – Why should you always look for ways to provide more value?

[33:49] – Johanna actually does not use automated emails to clients.

[35:42] – Expand your vision of what is possible.

[37:14] – Johanna doesn’t need a lot of clients and that is on purpose.

[38:46] – Always look for ways to get personal with your customers.

[41:15] – Johanna offers a brand analysis where she does a deep dive into your brand and finds your opportunities.

Connect with Johanna:

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Speaker 1 (00:02):

Welcome to she sells radio. My guest today, Johanna white is backed by extremely popular demand. And if you have not yet listened to episode 1 34, uh, go do yourself a favor and write after you listen to this, listen to that episode, which is about the power of belief. And, um, Joe came on and talked about how she literally overcame a brain tumor with belief and with mindset. And she has such a powerful backstory that we dive into there. And it was one of, I think the most inspiring interviews I cried probably more than I ever had in an interview before. And it was so powerful, but we ended up talking so much in that interview about the power of belief and about mindset, which are things that I’m obsessed with and could talk about forever. And our original intention had actually been to talk about branding because that’s what Joe does professionally.

Speaker 1 (00:57):

And she’s the founder of design by Joe studio. And for over 10 years, been working with individuals, startups, fortune 200 brands to help them really build incredibly attractive brands and attract ideal clients, which as all of us know in the sales world is really, really, really important. And so today we’re gonna dive into all things, branding. We’re gonna dive into all things, this marketing and Joe is just such a wealth of information. Um, and this is one of your true zones of genius. I know. So welcome back to she. Sal ready, Yohan. We’re so excited to have you.

Speaker 2 (01:36):

Thanks, Elise. I’m so glad to be here. And I, uh, pinky swear to today, give your viewers and listeners the experience we promised them last time, which is loads of information on branding for high dollar sales, which I think will be something your audience can really benefit from. And if I start to meander off into like how I learn from a brain tumor, just yank me back in.

Speaker 1 (02:04):

Oh my gosh. Well, I don’t think anyone was upset last time. We literally, I had so many listeners DMing me like, oh my gosh, that was the most powerful story. So truly if you are listening to this now and you have not listened to that episode, go back after you finish listening to this one and listen to that one, cuz it’s so inspiring, but I am so I’m so eager, dive into all things, branding with you. And it’s an area of my business that I didn’t focus on for a really long time, cuz I was so focused on like the actual sales process, but it is a game changer. And I love to how you focus on like branding specifically for high dollar sales, which a lot of our listeners, that’s what they’re. So here’s what I wanna hear from you is first, like one of the key points that you make is if you wanna attract the best you need to look like the best, which as a woman who loves aesthetics, who loves visual identity, I’m like, yes, I’m here for it. I, I hope we talk all things aesthetics here, but I wanna talk about like, how do we, how do we do that? How do we start to look like the best and look like that? Perfect. Um, that perfect match for those high dollar high value clients that we wanna work with.

Speaker 2 (03:17):

Well, that’s a great and um, I have let’s, let’s start with this story to answer the question because those are easy to remember. So, um, a lot of my clients, when they come to me, I like to call them at that time, best kept business secrets. They have an amazing product or an amazing service, a lot more service businesses. Um, I work with than product, but it’s freaking amazing. Nobody knows about it. And um, when I try to describe to people what this looks like, I remember this trip I took to traverse city, Michigan, I with my husband, one time we were going just for like a weekend getaway. And while we were in traverse city in the main part of town, we decided to go out for sushi and there was this place. It was at the top of the ratings on Yelp. And um, it had all the, the earmarks, all the signs of like we have to eat here. There was a really long wait. There was literally a line out the street of people just waiting to get on the wait list. They had beautiful branding, like beautiful signage. Um, the host outside had some menus that you could look at. They were leather bound. They were very luxurious feeling. So we get a reservation for the next night. We go in and eat there. The experience matches the, the branding as far as like the ambiance inside is phenomenal. Um, to be honest, the sushi was just average.

Speaker 1 (04:58):


Speaker 2 (04:58):

It wasn’t even that amazing. But when we get presented with a bill for like $300 for two people, we weren’t shocked at all because we had been anticipating that based on the, the branding and the experience and the look, and, and we were happy with our experience. We were not, you know, upset at all. That was, we paid a high price for something that was positioned and looked like it was going to be high price. Everybody was happy. Yeah. Um, on our way home from that trip a couple days later, like 15 minutes outside of town, we decided to stop for lunch before we really got on the road and we saw this building and it said sushi. And we’re like, well, we still love SU, but it’s like this old repainted pizza hut building, I think green and black stripes, it’s really hideous. Um, it has no signage whatsoever. We can’t even tell if it’s really open. We go and the door’s locked, but it says open. We call them and they’re like, oh yeah, uh, we are open. Come on in. They let us in torn booths, dirty menus, like hole in the wall type of place. And we order sushi and it’s like six bucks a roll, like, okay, I’m, I’m kind of expecting food poisoning here. You’re like, we’re yeah,

Speaker 3 (06:21):

This is not gonna end well,

Speaker 2 (06:24):

This sushi, um, this chef back there, he’s taking his time making it. We’re starting to get better feeling like he’s kind of a sushi artist back here. Mm. Taking his time, the sushi comes out and it’s on, on these cute wooden boats laid out beautifully. We dive in and it’s the best sushi I’ve ever had in my fricking life. Wow. Best sushi. But this place is like this chef barely getting paid. He clearly loves what he does, but he is, um, stuck under charging cuz no one knows about it. There’s no customers waiting. We were the only people there, 15 minutes away from this place that has like a two day wait. Wow. If he had even decent branding, let alone branding that really captured like how delicious this food was. He, he could have a line out the door and well deserved. Like his food was so much better, but because he didn’t have branding, he didn’t look like it was gonna be experienced.

Speaker 2 (07:30):

People drive, ride on by, or they don’t even see the building. Like there wasn’t even, I’m here kind of branding, let alone I’m here. And I’m amazing. Wow. And so he, the really talented at his craft is probably going to go out of business if he hasn’t already, because he doesn’t look like as good as he is. Mm gosh. Not even close. Yeah. And it’s, it’s like, it’s not just a shame for him. It’s a shame for the world, cuz this is, I love sushi. I have it all over the place, the best sushi I’ve ever had and no one knows. And so that is why when I tell my clients like to attract the best, you need to look like the best. That’s just kind of entry level. Right. Uh, example of what it looks like. And when you don’t, maybe, maybe there’s, you know, there’s different levels of branding and he had none he could have at least started with some before he goes to luxury.

Speaker 2 (08:30):

But his product was so amazing that if he had branding that looked anything like the downtown establishment, he would’ve been more by far taken market share and had clients from all over. But, but he didn’t. So he remained invisible and it best kept as a secret. Now this, this one downtown their product was, it was okay. It wasn’t even amazing, but because they looked like they were going to be the best, they looked like such a luxury premium spot. Like people keep coming, they leave good reviews. They, they’re not disappointed because they’re having experience, um, not just food.

Speaker 1 (09:14):

Right. SA so it’s I love no, I love the example. And I feel like it’s like, oh my gosh, there’s so many light bulbs going off. Well, you talk about that. And one of the things I wanna ask like is follow up to that is so if we let’s say that somebody is selling most of their stuff online, right. So they’re in the online space and they are a luxury brand or they’re selling high ticket items. What are some of those like quintessential, you should be doing this in your brand. If you’re gonna look like the best and you’re selling that high ticket item, like what should we be thinking about?

Speaker 2 (09:49):

Well, so the, the human brain is both complex. And then in other areas more ridiculous, simple than, than you would think when it comes to that type of thing. So, um, I’m going to go a little bit, um, not trite, but like if you want to look like the best something that you could do is, um, I do a lot of research for my clients. You can do research on your own. Look at competitors, look at your industry, look outside of your industry and find imagery that represents luxury already in the mind of your consumers, because brands are about, um, creating, driving emotion and perception. And um, a lot of people will think that, oh, if I, I just have a, a great logo and I have a website that at least has me on it somewhere I’m

Speaker 1 (10:47):

Branded, I never had a website like that. Um,

Speaker 2 (10:53):

You, you are just, you have like a drop of a brand. Yeah. But in if even that, but in reality, um, what you want is brand positioning. You want your name, your concept, your service, it positioned quite literally in the mind of your consumers next to something that they already perceive as high value.

Speaker 1 (11:17):


Speaker 2 (11:17):

So, uh, for example, um, I’m gonna start with a product example, cuz it’s a little bit easier to describe in pictures, but then we’ll move to some, some online like service industry examples, but right. Um, let’s take, uh, a picture in a magazine. Um, you pick up GQ or you pick up L or you up any of those and there will be a perfume ad or a purse. And there will be, this purse will be somewhere in the photo of the ad, but also in that photo will be a horse and uh, an old steamer trunk and a beach and a really elegant ball gown. And like,

Speaker 1 (11:59):

This is, I’m like, I literally have not like stopped to actually think about this and what’s going on in these photos. Cause it’s all subliminal. Right. But you literally look at it and you’re like, oh, of course that’s worth, of course it’s

Speaker 2 (12:10):


Speaker 1 (12:10):

Brand or whatever. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There’s a

Speaker 2 (12:13):

Next to it. Of

Speaker 1 (12:13):

Course. Cause there’s always a horse next to a purse. Right. OK. This is making a ton of sense. Yeah. So,

Speaker 2 (12:23):

Um, the first thing that I would say is how is your brand positioned? Are there elements, imagery, words that you use that are already making your, like already familiar luxury ideas in the minds of your consumers or no? Hmm. So my business, for example, when I, before I learned and implemented this, I was a commodity of a graphic designer charging the same, less than every other designer that I knew of. And still frequently getting told I was too expensive. Mm. After I figured this out and implemented it, I raised my rates by 800%. And actually I think this year more, we won’t

Speaker 1 (13:10):

Say yeah, good for you. I’m all about this. Always, always, always want people making more money who offer good services like you. Yes. Yes. I love

Speaker 2 (13:19):

That about you. So I raised my rate by 800% and still close 20% more sales.

Speaker 1 (13:24):

It makes

Speaker 2 (13:24):

Immediately It

Speaker 1 (13:25):

Makes difference. Yes. Okay. Keep going. I just, I, I get excited. I feel like I’m in like branding and marketing church.

Speaker 2 (13:32):

So that’s like, um, the concept of brand I took very literally, if you look at my website designed by Joe’s studio, you will see, um, dripping gold. You will see crazy, ridiculous acrylic, custom nails with like diamonds on them. You’ll see an air MAs bracelet, you’ll see a luon heels. Like I went, what known products do my ideal clients already perceive as luxury. I’m going to quite literally place myself. And, and in this case, my business card right next to them.

Speaker 1 (14:08):

Interesting. Gosh, I’m thinking about your website now, too. Cause as soon as I saw it, it was like, gosh, that’s gorgeous and it looks high end and it’s all making sense. It’s

Speaker 2 (14:18):

All making sense. So that is not to, um, make light of the industry, but that is brand positioning in its most literal simple form. Um, you think of a service like an interior designer and the ones that you would look at their website and perceive as luxury premium would have pictures of staged houses, where they used like gold edged mirrors, glass table tops, or maybe like Edison lights or whatever is, you know, really trendy and high end right now in the housing world, they would have those either staged or renderings of those in their photos, the artwork on the wall that the, the plants even like how they set it is because gold and glass and reflective surface and a lot of extra space are things as perceived to be luxury. So they’re positioning their service into your design with a luxury look and feel.

Speaker 2 (15:24):

And so let’s go with coaching because you have a lot of coaches in your audience. Um, you might still do the same kind of things that I do. Like, um, I, I focus for my clients, not just on their business brand, but also on their personal brand, which being part of brand builders, you probably know. Oh yeah. Just as much about personal branding as, as I do, but I’m heavy on the implementations side and um, taking my clients, styling them, doing their personal branding photo shoots in a way that the staging items that show up in those photos, the locations, the, the clothing that they’re wearing, maybe a statement piece of jewelry or a particular kind of shoes, both really to you, something about who they are as a brand, but also positions them in that premium space. Yeah. Gotcha. And yeah, go ahead. And then it goes levels deeper.

Speaker 2 (16:24):

Like other things that your eye perceives as worth high dollar worth that premium price are not just items, but how, how it’s positioned, how it’s shot the angles, the, the lighting, the, the quality of the photo. Like you can tell when a picture or a video is really well produced, well made and you go, oh, they’ve got, they’ve got a team, they’ve got a budget. They’ve got like, they put so into this. Yeah. Not just, um, like maybe there’s a coach and they have 10 photos of themself on their website. Okay. They’re probably doing better than some coaches who have no photos of this. Right, right. On their website. Because, um, people like people, you know, they wanna relate to people. So as the coach, how you show up is very crucial for selling your services because you are selling you. Yeah. Um, but if you have 10 photos taken it 10 different times in 10 different types of settings or moods or, um, styles of apparel, you have consistency and the eyes kept that and they go, Hmm. They, they didn’t really take time for a photo shoot. They didn’t take time to strategize or plan, or I’m not picking up. Consistency also becomes perceived as worth value. Um, of course you can be consistently bad,

Speaker 1 (17:59):

True, valid point. That’s not what we’re going for. Doesn’t help. But

Speaker 2 (18:06):

Like when you see someone’s website for a coach and they have beautiful photos that aren’t just there, but they were carefully crafted to tell the story that ties with the message that they’re, um, sharing. You perceive that instantly as, oh, they expertise. Mm. Um, professionalism, they know what they’re doing. And then I like with my clients, we’ll take it a notch farther into that brand positioning. And we will be super intentional about what they wear and how they pose and, um, tell the story that they want. Like, are they warm and approachable? Do we wanna tell that story? Are they kind of like aspirational and maybe even a little bit standoffish because they’re just like, I’m success and

Speaker 1 (18:59):


Speaker 2 (18:59):

And, and so going into that positioning and then creating perceptions, and they say that branding is, um, either done by you intentionally or it’s being done to you anyway, People are perceiving you. So either you create that and drive the perception that you want, those emotions, those responses, or you don’t do any of it cuz you feel like you’re not, not ready or you don’t know enough yet. Or you just don’t wanna bother with yeah. With that. And people are still forming perceptions of you and those begin to be what you’re known for, but they may not be the story you wanted to communicate to your audience. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (19:47):

Yeah. It’s it, it takes a level of intentionality, right. From what I’m hearing you say of like, how do I wanna show up today and what even down to like, what you wear? Is it on brand or is it off brand? I think it’s like, can we have an off day or can we have a day where we don’t show up on? And what I mean by that is like, I’m an eyelash girl. I, I love that. I love like certain colors from my brand. And some of my most popular videos have been videos where like I haven’t been wearing any makeup and I’ve looked like a mess and I don’t do those a lot. Those are rare, but those tend to get the most. Maybe they just get those views. Cause people were like, what’s going on there? So I, I, I think I know the answer to this question, but I just wanna hear your take on like authenticity and being able to show up just kind of like being ourselves, even if it’s not totally on brand versus no, do we, if we’re gonna be luxury brand, like we really need to be curated all the time.

Speaker 2 (20:42):

I think that authenticity is part of your brand and that’s why it works. Um, uh, so for example, um, I had a client that would always show up to her. She was a coach. She liked being comfy. She would always show up to her zoom calls and such in like hoodies and, and she was coaching professionals, um, a lot of like men in their forties in business and showing up like this. And so for her, that was a problem for her perception because nothing about that experience came across as professional. Yeah. But, but that was all the time. And she also acknowledged, like she had not put any intention into how she dressed. She didn’t feel confident in that. She didn’t know how to choose, which is one of the things that I help with. But um, now she has like 90% of her videos. She shows up looking really crisp and professional and then 10% she shows up out in the woods, wind blown hair, like being herself out on a nature walk. And it works because she’s put the intention in that, like this is, I, I care about my clients enough to show up. Yeah. But then also the authenticity can come through and, and, and that works. Like it’s not,

Speaker 1 (22:18):

Yeah. We can, we can mix a little bit. Is what I’m hearing you say, which is, which is reassuring, which is very reassuring. Cause I, yeah, go ahead.

Speaker 2 (22:26):

Or you say my entire brand is comfy authenticity being myself, wet shower hair. And like, why it can be that, but why, if you’ve got a really good why then we will be able to dig that out and craft something from that. But um, it’s just that intentionality. Yeah. And so like when it comes, when it comes to branding for high dollar sales, I like to break it down into kind of three main parts and actually brand positioning is the middle one, but I, you know, I’m wild. I like to jump in the middle, start there.

Speaker 1 (23:08):

I love it. I love it. No, this is exciting though. I’m curious to hear what these are.

Speaker 2 (23:13):

So, um, the, the first one, actually let’s back up one step and say, why should your listeners even care? They’ve they’ve hung on this long because we promised them that it would be more than just brain tumors, but

Speaker 1 (23:28):

More than brain tumors, that’ll be the title of the stuff as, so

Speaker 2 (23:32):

Branding, not just brain tumors.

Speaker 1 (23:35):

Yeah. Right.

Speaker 2 (23:36):

Wow. But branding for high dollar sales. When I say that, um, that’s just one way to say it. You can say for high ticket, you can say for luxury, you can say for premium, but, but it is if you want to attract luxury clients or maybe you just wanna drive higher margins in your business, um, it is if you wanna be as delightfully expensive, as you know, in your gut, you deserve to be, it is so that at the very least you can stop under charging and earn what you’re worth. And it is to help you appeal to the high end of the market that you are in. So I would preface it by saying that premium and luxury are relatives also.

Speaker 1 (24:22):

Hmm. That’s a good point. Yeah. It’s all. No, that’s, that is a real, really good point. Right? It’s all relative. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (24:28):

Yeah. So, um, that is what we’re going to talk about. Help them with today. But the three parts in my mind to branding for high dollar sales are first. You have to know your value because you cannot create a brand around something that you are not even sure why you’re worth it. Mm. You have to deep dive and be confident that you are first and then step two is do something about it. Show your value. And um, I don’t know if you, in our last episode, one of the things that I mentioned was like, one of the lessons learned from the tumor was this, um, idea that what you believe matters, but what you do about what you believe matters even more. Yeah. That is also branding because once you know your value and you believe you’re worth it, that’s great. That’s step one. But if you don’t do anything about that belief, if you don’t take the time to create your brand, to do your website, maybe to hire some help, if you’re not a plus grade at that, which most people aren’t.

Speaker 2 (25:48):

Yeah. Um, and that’s okay. I didn’t even used to be great at doing my own brand. It is hard, it’s much easier to get help, but until you do something about that value that, you know, you have to make it so that other people can see it. It doesn’t bring you anything except maybe frustration because you know, you’re worth it, but nobody else does yet. Yeah. So, um, and that might, I’m sure that there’s more going on under the scenes of knowing you’re worth, like build your confidence, begins to build and you teach a lot of really great stuff about how just standing in that and believing that starts to attract that. And that’s totally true. And, and I think though, that brand positioning and, and showing your value, just start to happen next, like you begin to manifest ways to do that because you’re ready for that.

Speaker 1 (26:42):

Yeah. So, well, yeah. I, I wanna just pause on, on that, because I think that like having that as the foundation is also, I mean, it’s like, that’s part of authenticity, cuz if you’re trying to brand that your luxury and high value, but you don’t feel, you don’t feel that way inside, you don’t feel like you’re worth it. That’s completely inauthentic. Right? Yeah. And it’s gonna come through and it’s, it’s not making the person wrong, but it’s just saying like, you gotta build from that strong, solid foundation. And it’s part of it, I think is a decision that you’re worth it. And that what you have to offer is, is, is, is worthy. And um, and if we’re waiting, one of the things I see a lot, like I did in my own life for so long, and then I know other listeners may find them.

Speaker 1 (27:28):

Some of our listeners may find themselves doing too is like waiting for validation from somebody else that they’re worth it or that they’re good enough and they can start charging more and decide that they’re a luxury brand. And if we wait for that validation, we’re gonna be waiting a long time. Right. So we gotta make that decision within ourselves, get firm on that foundation and then present ourselves that way to the world. So I just wanna take a moment and say, that’s very much in alignment with what we teach here. So I really appreciate that.

Speaker 2 (27:55):

Yeah. You, you have to know that you’re worth it. Otherwise you might, um, try to show your value. You’ll create this brand and then it’ll fall apart because either your confidence isn’t there, or maybe you are offering a product that, you know, in your heart is not your best. Yeah. And it’s not that great. But if you try to brand it as great and create this smoke and mirrors again, it will fall apart. Cuz branding is doesn’t stop. When, when someone sees your website, it doesn’t stop. When someone buys your service, it continues on through how you deliver it. And the experience like part of that experience, it’s building those emotions, those connections that they will have with your brand the next time they think of you. So maybe you manage to, um, Uh, visually brand yourself. Maybe you hire someone and they make you look really great, but you don’t, you know, actually that you’re not putting your best value forward. You’re not really showing up. And then that will trickle through to the experience. And then they will never come back, will spread. And you will go from like looking like luxury to having all these ratings about you that say, don’t do it. It’s

Speaker 1 (29:15):

Not worth it. Right. Right.

Speaker 2 (29:16):

So, so step three in branding for high dollar sales is always find a way to add more value. Mm. Which is like to me, once you’ve known your value. And I ask my clients a lot of questions when we’re, we’re diving into that and we figure out their X factor who their ideal client is, identify the problem that they solve for that client better than anyone else. Like that’s a really good question to ask yourself, what do I do better than anyone else for my ideal client. That’s a really good why they would want to pay more for you. And when you start talking about problems instead of just products or services, now you’re talking now you have something unique that, that you can, um, you can brand because people buy solutions to problems.

Speaker 1 (30:07):


Speaker 2 (30:08):

Right. That’s what they’re really looking for more than a, a product or service. They’re looking for a solution to something in their life that’s pressing on them.

Speaker 1 (30:16):

That’s such a good point. Yeah. Yeah. Tell us. And you may, you may be about to go into this, but I I’d love to hear from you cuz I think this is, this is one of the key difference makers is like that focus on those continued value added like high value, luxury feeling, touch points that are consistent with your brand after somebody becomes a customer. What are some of the things we like? Maybe even if there’s like little things we can do that, create that.

Speaker 2 (30:42):

Yeah. So what you’re saying, Eli, stop talking in high, high arching concept, Johanna, get down to the nitty gritty of something they can do today.

Speaker 1 (30:50):

I love it all, but I I’m like, I, I love this stuff. I absolutely love this. So I’m always looking for like, what’s something else that we could do that’s different or better. Um, yeah. So yeah, I’m super excited

Speaker 2 (31:01):

Absolut. Um, when it comes to, you know, your value, you’ve shown it, you’ve done brand positioning. Your website is starting to look like you’re worth what you’re charging or it’s starting to look so great that you’re able to double your prices. Now you’re getting somewhere. So then it comes to always finding a way to add more value, which is two is for two reasons. One is to turn those customers into raving fans that come back again and again, and two is for your own sake so that you continue to build your confidence and feel great about I am delivering this. Like I am doing this. So some of the fun things, um, I’ll use a couple examples of what I do. And then we’ll, let’s pull some examples from like, uh, Jimmy chew or like Louis Vuitton or love it experiences where you go into their store and you get some of this that feels like luxury.

Speaker 2 (31:57):

So, um, from my business, I like to pay a lot of attention to client gifts. Um, if I’m working with a woman and we’re doing her personal brand, I will often send a statement piece of jewelry to her, uh, to prep for her photo shoot. So she has this really unique, cool piece. And then I will make sure there’s a bottle of wine. Um, at our sessions are at the shoot that matches her brand colors. And I will, um, if she’s single on Valentine’s day, I’ll send her flowers. Oh and like just little I’m thinking of you. You’re not just a number type of touches. Um, I, I don’t, this is probably gonna be frowned upon in the like scaling community, but I don’t do automated emails to my clients.

Speaker 1 (32:55):

I love that. Yeah. I will love

Speaker 2 (32:58):

That. Every single one, every single one is, is personal because I’ve joined these, um, expensive like coaching communities where I’m getting so many auto emails and texts that aren’t even accurate to where I’m supposed to be in the program. It’s really confusing. That’s part of the experience. And it throws me for a loop. I’m like, yeah, I, you know, I just paid 20 K to be here today and you are sending me a text telling me the events actually next week, but I know it’s today. This is so confusing. Wow. So, so add good experiential touches. Watch out for negative ones that can happen from simply following a lot of advice on how to scale your business quickly and automate.

Speaker 1 (33:42):

Gosh, that’s such a good point. That’s such a good point. It’s like, we’ve all had that experience where it’s like, uh, you just texted me and you like did the wrong name or whatever. And, and there’s, I guess kind of that, it’s just like that key strategic decision you’ve gotta make is the business owner is like, or you, you know, if you’re a salesperson listening and you’re selling high dollar, it’s like, what, you know, what are your values? What are your priorities? But I, I think that’s a really great point and I’m glad you bring that up because if you’re selling high ticket little mistakes like that.

Speaker 2 (34:14):

Yeah. Well, if

Speaker 1 (34:15):

You only for anybody it’s not great, but especially when someone’s just invested to your point, like $20,000. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (34:21):

Yeah. So it really, you can be on the lookout that you’re not taking away from the experience in addition to finding more ways to add to it. And then when it comes to adding more value, since I’ve identified some of my X-Factor and ways that clients really love things that I do that are unique, um, as I’m going through the project, I’ll look for ways to add more of those in, um, for example, when it comes to their business brand, I am really good at expanding their vision about what’s possible creating like imagery and mockups of their brand in the real world, showing them how it could show up. Wow, that takes extra time and you don’t need to do that to deliver a good brand. But when they see that they light up and they go, I am that person, oh, I, I totally am this.

Speaker 2 (35:12):

Or like, um, after their website is done, I’ll create some, uh, maybe mockups that they can use on their social media to say, look are new brand has launched or I’ll do a press release for them, um, that they can send out to their clients and I’ll write it as if I’m them. And four outta five times they cry when they read it the first time. Because a lot of times people aren’t as complimentary about themselves as other people would be about them. Yeah. And so if they wrote it, it would be good, but it would be more factual and it would, it would just be kind of like, here are the facts I go into their character, why they did this, what they did. And they kind of get a recap of why they started this whole project to begin with and this excitement builds and they get to share it.

Speaker 2 (36:01):

So I always look for little ways to do things that I haven’t promised to do. And I also, um, wanna make sure that they’re getting a lot of like my time. So, um, that kind of exclusivity is a, a very luxurious touch. Yeah. So I don’t need a ton of clients and I do that on purpose so that I can really give a lot of focus and attention because in today’s world, there’s so many things that are DIY or even like programs that you learn along. And they’re wonderful. And you can still learn so much, but there’s less and less experiences where you just get like your own concierge, stylist. Yes. Type of premium. Like it’s all about you. So those kind of things, like when I take my clients shopping and we go in, uh, Burberry and, and they bring out a trade of champagne, they’re creating an experience. Yes, yes. Yeah. And they take your coats probably so that you’ll put on theirs,

Speaker 1 (37:09):

Very intentional, but feels good.

Speaker 2 (37:14):

Or you go in Louis VU and you, um, get a, like personal shopper ride away. Um, again, some of that is for their own security, but also you feel great that you’re on this, person’s iPad and they’ve got a few facts about you and they’re like walking you around the store to show you anything you want, tell you anything you want, bring you drinks, bring you snacks. Like it’s about being in the moment they’re creating moments. Yeah. So what can you do in your businesses no matter what you sell to create moments for your clients. Wow. Whether it’s a, a, a text message on a Saturday that just says like, Hey, I saw this and was thinking you and you were on my heart. Or like, just get personal again. Everything is so automated. And I think that’s where, um, I found a really good way to stand out is like, Nope, you’re gonna just be working with me. You might not get your response email in 10 seconds, but you will get it. It will be intentional. And I’ll do everything I can to, to do this and go above and beyond. And then I feel great. Like, I feel great charging my prices because I know without a shadow of a doubt that I’m overdelivering every time.

Speaker 1 (38:37):


Speaker 2 (38:37):

So, and so that confidence doesn’t go away.

Speaker 1 (38:40):

Yeah. Gosh, that’s so good. I’m so I’m and I, and I love just kind of wrapping on that. Like, I love that it doesn’t, if you’re starting off or if you don’t have that budget yet for like high end gifts to your clients, like you can still send the text, send something, do something that’s intentional. It’s really about making people feel seen and valued in especially today’s world. And there’s so many ways to do that. So yeah, that is, oh, this I have so many ideas. My brain is just like spinning with all these things I wanna implement for our company and our brand. Thank you. So my, like, so, so much for your wisdom and for coming back and I feel, I literally feel like this flew. I’m like, oh my gosh, how are we? I’m gonna have to find a way to get you back for a third. Well, let’s do it. I love it, Joe. Okay. So please tell everybody if they wanna go connect with you and, um, you know, just find out more about you with you, where is the best place for everyone to go?

Speaker 2 (39:39):

Yeah. So they can find me on my website, which is designed by Joe and they can shoot a, a contact form request. Um, it just says request a consult, but they can chat with me, say anything. They like, uh, also can find me on Instagram and Facebook. Both of those are at designed by Joe studio. And if they are looking at their brand and they’re saying, I don’t know where to start. Like, I think I need branding, but I don’t know where to get the most value out of that branding. Yeah. I don’t know how to get ROI. I, on branding, I thought it was just pretty, how do I actually turn it into a business tool? I offer something called a brand analysis. And that is like a deep dive into your business where we highlight your, um, opportunities to stand out places that you maybe waste seeing money by trying. And, but just looking like everyone else, um, uh, competitors who here’s an opportunity where you could really pass them or here’s somebody super aspirational and how you could model something in your industry after something in this industry. Um, so kind of like here are your best branding opportunities so they can, uh, request that as well. And, um, yeah, I would love to help everybody be as lightly expensive as they deserve to be.

Speaker 1 (41:11):

I love that so much. I love that so much. Uh, thank you so much for coming on. Thank you for your wisdom in your heart and your soul. Not only do you have just a powerful, personal story and a beautiful heart, but you’re brilliant. Um, and this has been so like just, Ugh, so good. Like I said, I have so many ideas I wanna implement, so thank you again, Joe. And, uh, gosh, gee, my listener connect with Joe and let like take a screenshot. You’re listening. Let’s take a screenshot tag, both me and Joe on social and let us know, like, what is the number one thing you’re gonna start implementing? Cause there were so many good little tips and little things in this episode that you can pull away, like pull out right away to start implementing. So we, we wanna hear from you and hear what the biggest takeaway was too. So, uh, all right. My dear Joe, thank you so much for being here. You are incredible. I’m so grateful for you and uh, to you my listener, thank you so much for listening today. I’m so grateful for you and we will see you next week. On the next episode of she sells radio bye for now.