Hello everyone. Welcome welcome let’s let
everyone in it’s day two of seven figure self image
I’m so happy to see so many of you here live I know a lot of people are watching the replay so if you’re watching the
replay welcome I’m so glad you’re here and for those of you who are here live welcome welcome I am so happy to see you
uh like I said yesterday I know sometimes we got to do these things when we’re doing other things but if you can
be fully present turn on your camera let me see you let me engage with you I want
to see your beautiful faces hey Linda I love it I love it we’ve got so many incredible Souls hopping on today I see
a lot of people returning from yesterday which is beautiful oh my gosh all right so for those of you
who joined us yesterday I would love to hear what were some of your biggest
takeaways in ahas who wants to share and you can type it in the chat or you can raise your hand
um I really like I said yesterday I want to make this engaging and interactive so who wants to share something you are
taking away from this and aha Linda I think I saw you raise your hand there yeah go ahead yeah I loved when you said
you don’t get what you want you get what you are that was so like punch in the face for me
why was that why did that feel like a punch in the face for you because I think a lot of what you said was oh you
don’t just put a vision board up there and look and look how you’re gonna
have to change who you are inside and become that person uh that was I you
know that was just new information to me I really loved it and then I it was great because then when I was doing the
homework Consignment it wasn’t just a homework of assignment it was really digging into creating this whole vision
from myself and my life and it was really lovely to just drink all that in
and I saw the purpose of it so just loved loved loved the whole thing great
job so good I’m so glad it resonated and that I think is that was one of the biggest shifts for me in my life because
I used to be one of those people who like I said yesterday I would do all the Tactical things so I was certainly
working hard I was open enough to the mindset piece that I was like okay I’m gonna make a vision board I’m gonna do
the affirmations I’ve heard from other people that this works but I would look at it and I would and nothing would
happen I would look at it and I would feel defeated um not good enough it would feel distant
I never felt like I was achieving what I was actually putting on the vision board until I learned what you just said Linda
yeah everything’s about shifting yourself image to be a match to what you want yeah go ahead oh I didn’t mean I
thought yeah I was everything seemed slightly Out Of Reach just in front of me just around but always never with me
you know what I mean always so yeah I’m totally looking forward to yeah awesome
we’re going to talk today I’m going to teach you something I’ve never taught before um seven steps to seven figure
self-image so I’m going to take you through a framework um a key piece of it that I think is going to help you bridge that gap for
Linden for everyone here is learning to match the emotional state of it and I’ll talk about why that’s important we’ll
talk about how to do it um so that’s really really key and critical your emotional state really is
so important when you are working on becoming that match um I see in the chat Debbie says biggest
takeaway from yesterday to feel hold on somebody just moved out to feel the emotions of a seven figure earner
beautiful again we’re going to talk about that today so good Kelly no one’s coming to give you permission to reach
your goals oh my gosh I love that you are like that you’re getting that now it
took me a long time to get that when I got that everything shifted everything
shifted so just for all of you remembering like a lot of this is subconscious we don’t
realize we’re doing it but if you are waiting for someone to come tell you it’s time or you’re good enough or
you’re the one it’s not how it works and this is how it works in sales too we
wait for clients to come and tell us that what we have is good we wait for the numbers to come and validate you’re
worthy your million dollar and or whatever it is we have to make the shift your clients will mirror back to you
your perception of how good or not good what you are offering is for those of you who are entrepreneurs this applies
as well if you’re selling for an organization your bank account will mirror back to you how abundant you feel
and how worthy you feel of what you want so it’s all just a mirror and it’s so
empowering because when we know that and realize that we can always look back to the source right the law of cause and
effect we are the cause of everything happening outwardly in our lives so if we want to shift something what do we
want to shift within ourselves so we’ll we’ll talk about that more to today Alyssa is saying now is the time really
resonated for me it’s always been the time oh it lit a fire for you I’m excited well I I can’t wait to um see
what unfolds for you over the next eight weeks because I know you’re coming with us on the journey um and meet the
million dollar use so that’s beautiful um so let’s do this uh let’s see here so
today like I said I’m gonna teach this framework the seven figure self-image framework I think it’s really powerful
and when I look back on my own Journey it happened so fast that I didn’t quite
get it at the time but now I can look back and say oh these are the things that happened and this is what had to be
in place to go from saying I wanted it but not achieving it to actually having
it be my reality so we’re going to do that we’re going to do some live coaching at the end as well so I’m
excited for that I want to take a moment and just congratulate our two fast
action winners from yesterday and you all don’t know that you’re the fast action winners yet but I get to announce I think I saw you both live on the call
um so these were the two people who signed up first for meet the million dollar you kicking off next week and I’m
going to be recording a customized guided visualization and meditation for you based on your goals so we’ve got
Amanda Thomas in the house so Amanda I’m excited to work with you and uh and get
to know you and record this for you and then Jen maurman you are the other winner so I will be getting with both of
you as we kick off the program to talk about your goals your vision and then I’ll record that custom meditation for
you as well which I’m really excited about one thing I will say and then
we’re going to get into the seven figure self-image for those of you who were asking about the program for next week
kicking off um I don’t think I shared this yesterday we’re capping it at 50 people and we’re
20 full already like before we publicly launch it like this is when we’re publicly launching it so if it is
resonating with you I’ll share a little bit more at the end of today and I’ll be happy to answer questions um get signed up I want to support you I
don’t know when we’re going to do it again but I know I’m excited about it and um and lit up about it so with that
my friends all right let’s talk about these seven steps to building a seven
figure self-image and by Dr Joe meditations no you’re still gonna do
those but you’re gonna you’re gonna layer this on top right we’re gonna layer this on top I love me some Dr Joe
um all right friends so let’s let’s talk about this now speaking of this was actually not planned but I love the way
this works this morning I was listening to One of Dr Joe’s teachings and he said
something so powerful that I wanted to share with this group and he said the
best way to predict your future is to create it the best way to predict your future is
to create it now what is so powerful to me about this
in the context of Shifting your self-image to being a person a leader
who earns a million dollars who makes the impact you’re looking to make who
lives life the way you want to live on your terms is in that transition process
it will require you to step into a new version of you because the current
version of you the current self concept is the one who’s creating the results you’re already getting so if you want to
create a different result you’re going to have to shift actually who you are and how you’re showing up
and when we do that it can feel and it will feel it’s important to know this
going into it it will feel uncomfortable because you’re suddenly showing up as a different person
the old version of you is comfortable even if you don’t love the results you’re getting even if you don’t love what’s in the bank account you’re
familiar with it like you know at least you can survive so this is what this is what is so
important is when we make that shift from no longer being okay with just survival just saying this is my one
precious life I get to live at least in this physical body right and how do I
want to live it out and rather than focusing on survival what would it look like to thrive
that’s something that I asked myself a lot because we’ve been conditioned for survival we’ve been conditioned to just
get by and I do not want to look back at the end of my life and say I played it safe or I played small
um or that I was on the defense rather than the offense in my life
I want to look back and say I played full out and I saw what was the full
extent of my capabilities in this life and in order to do that it requires a
continual evolution of your self-concept to be someone who lives and leads and
serves and receives at the level that you’re wanting to do that and when we do
that again it’s gonna feel uncomfortable it’s going to feel scary this is something I tell my clients when they
come into our programs um whether it’s the Mastermind or group coaching or for those of you who are
doing meet the million dollar you like there’s going to be a bit of a shake up and who in here has maybe experienced
that already maybe you’re in our programs and you’ve experienced that or you’ve you’re not but you’re like hey I’ve seen this in my own life when I say
yes to the new level um there’s a shake up you’re not yeah but here’s the thing
um there’s nothing wrong so this is what’s so important to remember that’s actually the sign that you’re on the
right track because you’re breaking old energetic bonds with what no longer serves and you’re willing to step into
the unknown to create that next level version of you
um but coming back to this quote we can go into that change saying oh
this is scary I don’t know what’s going to happen or we can say no I’m going to create my next level intentionally
because I know what I want and I know what I’m creating right the best way to predict your future is to create it so I
think this framework will give you some steps that you can take I to me it’s it’s the steps that I took so I think
this is very comprehensive in terms of creating that new future so the first step
is you have to get there has to be a very strong why and a very strong
purpose behind what you’re doing and behind making the change so again seven steps
to seven figures here seven figure self-image there must be a very strong why and a very strong purpose
reason being exactly what we just said you’re gonna have to get uncomfortable
you’re gonna have to challenge your old ways of thinking you’re going to have to challenge your
old self-concept and say is that really true is that really the best of me
or is there a different way I want to show up you’re going to have to challenge everything you were taught growing up
is that really how money works is it really true that I have to work hard to make a lot of money
does everyone who makes a lot of money work really hard right so there’s a difference between Universal truths and personal truths so
a universal truth is something like the law of gravity we all have to play by it right no one no one escapes that one
but then we have these personal truths that we believe to be true some people believe
um six figures is a lot of money some some people believe fifty thousand dollars is a lot of money some people
believe um you know a billion dollars would feel like a lot for them it’s all
relative so if it’s not the same for everyone it doesn’t have to be your
truth if you no longer desire it to be so remembering though in this process
because it’s going to require you to get so conscious to who you’ve been being
how you’ve been showing up how in alignment or not in alignment
you’ve been with the version of you who creates the goals you’re looking to create which is why I had you do that
exercise last night um it’s going to get uncomfortable
because you’re going to be stepping into a new identity the thing that will pull you through that is having a strong
enough why and purpose behind what you’re doing and reattaching to the vision
continuously which is why the very first thing we’re doing and meet the million dollar you is helping all of you
crystallize your vision so so clearly because we have to be able to come back to that again and again and I was
sharing this with my Mastermind last week like when we are in doubt when we are in fear when we are questioning
whether or not our vision is going to happen it’s because we’ve lost sight of the
vision it’s because we’ve gotten too busy looking around us and what’s happening and what is or
isn’t in the bank account and how many Discovery calls are or not on the books at current relationships or lack thereof
we have to remember what is in your physical 3D world right now is the last step of creation so this is all old news
so if you keep focusing on it you’re going to keep getting more of that because you are a Creator and whatever it is that you focus on you’re going to
get more of so we have to remember that because we are creators anything that exists in
this planet it existed first in thought form whether it was the computer that I’m you
know talking to you on right now the dress I’m wearing the the pen you’re holding if you’re taking notes it was a
thought first so if we want to create something new we want to get a Crystal Clear Vision in
our mind of what we’re creating and it has to have such a strong for this type of shift to happen the type we’re
talking about here in this group this week it has to have such a strong purpose
behind it that you are willing to do the work to come back to that Vision again
and again and to realize that it is as real as everything in your physical world all
you’re doing is you’re you’re turning it from a concept from an idea into your
physical reality all right that’s it but that is remembering that you are a Creator
um and that’s how you’re gonna do this all right that’s how you’re going to do this you’re not going to do it if if
become who in here show of hands or type and type yes in the chat
who in here feels like becoming the million dollar version of you would be a Quantum Leap
would that feel like a Quantum Leap because some of you it may be like now it’s actually like I’ve already run the numbers and it’s gonna happen this year
cool if that’s the case I would actually encourage you to think way bigger um but I’m seeing a lot of yeses so if it if it
is feeling like a Quantum Leap for you it’s not going to be you doing more of the same
it’s not it’s not about just doing more of the same harder that’s why I don’t agree with hustle culture because I
hustled for a long time I found myself with health conditions getting the same results over and over again
um a lot of emotional angst and anxiety around that I would get up at two o’clock in the morning so I was like
well if I want to make more I just have to work harder not the case I kept getting the same results because again my self-image was
that of a six-figure earner so scaling here getting shifting from
whatever current version of you to the seven figure version of you it’s a new identity it’s a new self-concept and
there has to be a strong enough why behind it for you to be willing to make that shift and for you to be willing to
show up in a different way so that’s the first thing I would check in with like how strong is the why for me
I say this in my keynote when I’m working with organizations like your must will move mountains
so for anything that you say you want in your life that hasn’t happened yet
it just hasn’t been a must for you yet and that’s okay
like it’s not I’m not saying you should make yourself wrong for it but if this is a Quantum Leap for you
it’s gonna have to be a must it’s gonna have to be a must so what is the why the reason behind it
and for me it was just I was like gosh I’m sick of getting the same results
over and over and again reading that book the top five regrets of the dying I just really got like my mortality in a
different way and I thought I don’t want to go to my grave if would I want to die what I feel good
about my life if I died tomorrow was kind of I was like I mean I feel okay about it but I knew there was a calling
on my life and a purpose so much bigger that I wasn’t living out
and who can relate to that to say you know what if I died tomorrow I actually would feel like I had not fulfilled my
biggest calling and purpose here so it’s like not not to be morbid but this is so
important for us to remember it’s a powerful decision-making tool to say what decision would I make if I
remembered that someday I’m gonna die and this is actually something I learned from an eight-figure entrepreneur and
she said this is how this is one of the key things that has contributed to the success in my life is she said I
remember I’m gonna die someday and that’s how I make my choices oh that’s it’s good right because if we
forget that we’re gonna keep it’s like oh I’ve got all the time in the world well maybe you do maybe you don’t right
none of us have all the time in the world so that’s it number one very strong why
purpose and Clear Vision now we’re going to get into we talked yesterday about your self-image your
thoughts feelings and actions right there those are the things that comprise your self-image so we’re going to talk about your thoughts so the second step
in crafting your seven seven figure self-image is starting to think like the
seven figure version of you I uh I found these earrings I’ll take a sip of water and then I’ll tell you
I found these earrings that I love that I’m gonna buy as a little reward for myself when I hit a certain goal in my
business that say question everything and I love these earrings I love this
message who in here loves that message of question everything right like like I said yesterday
you’ve been programmed my friend there’s a lot of things that you believe that have to be true for you that don’t
actually have to be true for you again just because you think a thought it doesn’t mean it’s true necessarily so
you have to start to actually listen to your thoughts this is a concept in Neuroscience called metacognition and
it’s getting aware is the thought that I was just thinking actually the most
supportive thought towards me achieving this goal so if we remember and believe that our
desires are green lights and that whatever the vision is whatever the desire is that’s flowing through you is
coming through you for a purpose it’s not by accident it’s coming through you because you can create it that’s the only reason it’s there then we want to
start to look at are the thoughts that I’m thinking in alignment with the version of me who has this end result
created or are they not so we have to get very conscious and
this is something I’ll ask myself every day and I look I’m not perfect with any of this like I am on my own Journey too
with all of you I’m going for another level goal in my life right now um so I’ll have thoughts come up that
aren’t in alignment with it I know I’m not in alignment with it yet because if I was it would have happened in my life
but I’m enjoying the process and the journey so we don’t have to like beat ourselves up over this we get to enjoy
the becoming process along the way but I’ll think a thought and then I’ll ask myself is that thought the thought of
someone who has this end result achieved is this thought the thought of someone who is at the seven figure level right
so you can ask yourself that or if not what would they be thinking so this is part of the power yes Laura I
love what you’re putting in there um in the chat this is to me the power of mentorship this is why I’m always
looking to hire mentors who are at the level that I want to be at and whether you hire me as your Mentor or somebody
else I don’t care get a mentor who is not all I would say get someone who not
only has the results that you desire in your business or in your sales career but also emulates the type of life you
want to live it doesn’t have to be exactly the same um but has the type of life you want to
live in terms of are they happy are they fulfilled um are they if you don’t want to hustle
your way there like are they a proponent of hustle culture are they not right I always look to hire mentors based on how
they think and for me that was a huge shift and that was a key element of what created the financial Quantum Leap for
me from six to seven figures is I hired a mentor who was already at the level I
wanted to be at it was an incredibly stretchy investment for those of you who know my story it was I’d made a hundred
thousand a year before it was fifty thousand dollars I didn’t have the money sitting around but it was a must for me
so I found a way and I put a deposit on a credit card I was like I believe in myself and trust myself enough to do
this but I hired her because not because I wanted her to give me a bulletproof
strategy I wanted to learn how she thought because I knew that there was a
difference in her thinking versus my thinking and if I could just learn to think how she thought I could get a
different result so this is so so so important is thinking thoughts like questioning
everything about how you’re thinking and then starting to get some clarity how would the version of me think who’s
already at this level uh this is something else I teach my my clients to do is have a board of
advisors so I have this little sticky note here on my computer and it’s my board of advisors and I would say like
some of them I’ve actually paid for mentorship um some of them I follow online some of
them are dead but I I like I don’t like I love
both the results that they got in their life and also how they think and their way of being and I know I want to
emulate that so I’ll ask myself if I’m faced with a decision or something where I’m like I’m at a Crossroads what would
so and so do here or what would so and so do here it’s such a powerful concept keep it limited keep it to like a couple
people maybe I’ve got eight on there right now I probably need to like hone it in a little bit because I think that’s probably too much
um but it’s your personal Board of advisors and that’s a really key element is you
have to start to think differently third step your feelings and I love that some of you mentioned
this today your feelings matter so so much
so for those of you who were there yesterday Live I talked about we had just had um
Dr Joe dispenza’s head of research on as a guest Mentor for our 50k Club Mastermind yesterday and she was talking
about the power the magnetic pull behind your emotions so we’re going to go quantum physics here for a minute and
this is something that has also changed my life studying this learning this I include this in my programs
um it’s so important you so you are an electromagnetic being we live in an electromagnetic world the
Earth has an electromagnetic field around it you also have an electromagnetic field around you your
thoughts are the electrical charge so when you think of thought it’s an incredibly powerful electrical charge it
sends the signal out into the universe of what you want so again that’s why we don’t get what we want we get what we
are because whatever you’re thinking about the universe is responding yes yes yes so if you’re thinking about what you
actually want good that’s why we want to be very conscious of our thoughts if you’re thinking about what you don’t
want you’re also sending that out in the universe as I want this that’s the electrical charge but then your
emotional state your feelings that’s the magnetic charge that draws the event back to you
so this is something I think about a lot is how strong is my magnet today have
you ever had one of those day even if you don’t you haven’t really studied this before or maybe this is a newer
concept I’m sure you have had an experience where it was just one of
those days where like you were feeling so good and everything just felt like it was flowing and you were grateful for life
and it just seemed like everything around you was just working for you you ever had one of those days where it’s
like traffic was easier maybe you got an under I’ve seen a lot of hits now and you got an unexpected client
um you money showed up and opportunities showed up or it was like I think like your kids were nicer to you that day
that was your magnet that was your feeling state or have we ever had a day and I’m sure you’ve had this as well
where you just were not in a good mood and you just weren’t feeling good and it
was like everything around you that day was conspiring against you it was just maybe you know again traffic was really
full you couldn’t get to where you wanted to go on time you were late um you’re in a bad mood people around
you seem in a bad mood who in here has had one of those days too right so it’s
it’s the same and this is part of what’s beautiful when we learn to play by these rules we can create whatever we want we
just have to remember the key elements to Creation here so are your thoughts in alignment with what you’re looking to
create and then number two your feelings your emotional state and this was
this was so powerful for me because I didn’t know this I didn’t get this for most of my life and I lived most of my
life with low-grade anxiety I wasn’t aware that my heart was closed off but it was and when I started doing this
work and learning not just learning this intellectually but learning how to embody it and learning how to shift my
emotional state before I had had any changes in my outer environment because I started to understand this oh the
outer just mirrors the inner which is how I’m thinking and feeling and I started feeling worthy and I
started feeling abundant and I started feeling grateful nothing had shifted yet
in my outer world but within for me it was a six-week process and I don’t want you to compare
like oh it has to happen in that time frame because that was pretty fast um I think it all there’s a lot of
variables in there but that in six weeks of making those shifts that was when I went from six to
seven figures in earnings but I felt worthy first I felt abundant first I
felt in love with myself first I felt proud of myself first I felt I felt like
that next level version of me first and from that place when more
opportunities started coming in more money started flowing in if you’ve had this experience you know
what I’m talking about and it’s okay if you haven’t it almost didn’t matter
it almost didn’t matter because what you really want the reason you want more
money is you actually you want that feeling of freedom if the money didn’t come with an
emotional pull it wouldn’t it wouldn’t do anything for you if a sports car did it make you feel cool or excited it
would just if there was no emotional charge connected to what you’re seeking you wouldn’t want it so when we realized
that whatever the goal is it’s not actually that thing
it’s how you think it’s going to make you feel we can hit the emotional state first
and then from that place we become a match from that place we
pull it to us because your magnet is turned on so this is so beautiful and so powerful
and the other reason we want to learn to really monitor our emotions and it doesn’t mean you have to be perfect with
this okay you don’t but we want to learn to shorten the the time period in which
we live in the lower level emotions and get back into that beautiful state faster
um but the other reason why this is so important is that neurologically you can only think to the level that you were
feeling so your thoughts will always match your emotional state so if you were
feeling disempowered you can’t have a thought that’s going to
actually lead you to something empowered from that state if you are feeling
unworthy you’re not going to have a thought that leads to abundance from that state so
this is something I tell my clients all the time is when we start to question our thoughts and check in with our
thoughts what was the emotional state you were in when that thought triggered was it one of happiness joy abundance
gratitude cool if so we want to lean into that right we want to trust that and follow
that but if you were in a state of fear if you were in a state of self-doubt if
you were in a state of anxiety if you were in a state of resentment anger we don’t trust our thoughts from those
States they’re not going to get us to where we want to go and they’re not your highest and best good
so this is why embodiment is so important and you must
you’re going to do this the way that I’m going to encourage you to do it which isn’t that just work harder for 20 years
and then maybe you’ll get there but like no let’s have a real Quantum Leap thoughts we want to get those in
alignment and feeling State we got to feel it first so that’s I think it’s week three of the
million dollar you it’s all about embodiment and how to access and tap into those feelings now and embody it
now because we do get we get addicted to the old emotions
because they feel like us so we’ve got to create a new emotional signature for your body and this
requires again massive awareness but it’s beautiful because the side effect of all of this is that along the way in
your journey you start to transform how you feel and I have had clients and a client say
this to me recently I’m not sure if she’s on today or not but she was like I don’t know what’s she’s thinking
something wrong she was like I suddenly she spent so many years of her life in anxiety and she was like suddenly
everything is so beautiful and she would look at her kids and just start they used to you know stuff with
with all of us as parents sometimes you get agitated but she was like now I just I look at them and they’re so beautiful
and I just like I’m crying in tears of gratitude I was like yeah that’s it so you can
shift that you can shift that it all comes from within you so that’s the the thirdest feelings
number four your actions this is key again we’re not just
sit and then thinking about it and feeling I mean you can attract some pretty cool stuff that way but I action
opens you up to receive so we must take action towards our goals
the key though is nailing or you’re not going to nail it probably on the first
try that’s okay starting to raise your level of Consciousness in terms of your thoughts and elevating your emotional
state more consistently and then from that place you’re going to take a different level of action so when I went from six to seven figures
six figures was a lot of um busy work it was a lot it was a lot of hustle action
it was a lot of just doing more of the same seven figures was far more expansive it
was actually less action but it was more expansive so it was I’m gonna
um I’m gonna host a group like I’ve never done I’ve never done one of these and I
was scared like will anyone show up are people gonna want to listen to me or people who want to join my programs
um so I had a ton of self-doubt about it but I did it anyway and I I started running
you know live training and a webinar and started inviting people in and offering a new program and these were all things
that I would not have done as the old self-concept so it was again it was action that
challenged me it felt uncomfortable but it wasn’t just more of the same and it actually worked far less now than I
did when I was a six-figure earner so this is really important to remember it’s I firmly believe it is easier to go
to seven figures than to six but we want to shift your self-concept along the way
okay so I work half days most days right now but the actions I take are more
intentional they’re stretchier and now I’m doing eight figure things
I’m like okay how does an eight-figure CEO how does she act what does she do and it’s again it’s different so it’s
always challenging the old way you used to show up a really powerful thank you Laura for putting that in there a really
powerful tool is decision making from the end so when you are faced with what action
you’re going to take you want to ask yourself what would the version of me who already has this result created do
and so this was why for me again part of my Quantum Leap experience was I invested very uncomfortably in
mentorship but I remember I had heard somewhere along the line you should invest five to ten percent of what you
want to make this year into mentorship and so when I was faced with the opportunity to work with a mentor who I
felt aligned with and it was at the time it was a fifty thousand dollar investment to do six months
um and it was very uncomfortable but I said well if I want to make a million what would I invest
there you go right so you can do this with mentorship you can do this with all things what decision would I make from
the end result already accomplished and this is so powerful because then we stopped doubting ourselves we’re like
well of course I know what I would do right you already know what you would do you’re just letting self-doubt creep in
so decision making from the end number five willpower
it’s critical we create and time lag so there is going to be a period of time that elapses from
when you start to actually make go on this journey you make the decision now I’m becoming the seven figure me I’m
becoming a million dollar me and you start to think differently and you start to feel differently and you get way more
aware and then you start to act differently there is still a period of time that
must elapse between which you make that decision and you start to see the outer change
all right we don’t control the time period so this is the law of gestation and this is why faith is so important
and why willpower the will to hold the vision of what you’re creating long enough that it can actually
manifest for you so we know how long it takes for a baby
to just say we know how long it takes for um plants to be planted and come up
depending on the environment we know how long the only thing we don’t know how long it’s going to take is your vision
there’s a lot of factors that come into play with that we don’t have time to get into all of that today there are so many
factors that come into play with it but one of the ways you can bring it most quickly into your world is by doing the
steps I just told you above so you want to think as though it’s already done act as though it’s already
done feel feeling is key skin we’re pulling it back to us that way feel as though it’s already done
that’s the fastest path but there’s still a time period that has to elapse so again I think mine was really fast
but I was ready because I had studied this enough to know what it was going to look like
and to have faith when the massive self-doubt appeared because it did I would have days where I was like
on my knees what have I done have I just put my family’s future at stake um have I made a terrible decision in
investing in myself what am I doing who am I to think I’m the one to do this so I had that pop up and I had to come back
to this again and again and again and it’s that willpower to hold the vision
and to come back to what is true for you what you know is true which is studying this right and and if you feel called
getting mentorship in this to help you along the way it’s so important because there is a period of time that must
elapse so the key is just knowing that and remembering that
um but knowing that it has to by law when you get that clear intention of what you want to create and you start
showing up in this way around it and you decide no this is happening for me by law it must happen in your life you just
don’t control the time frame but when we remember that we get to almost sit back and be like I’m so excited to see not
sit back because you’re still you’re actively every day showing up for yourself but there is a level of relaxation with it
there is a level of calm and patience and faith and excitement like oh let’s
see what happens today I’m doing my part my part is I hold the vision right I I start to feel as if it’s
already done and then I just take the action steps that show up along the way aligned action
step number six you’re going to notice the inner shifts so this is how do you know if you’re on
the right track because there is a period of time lag that will elapse uh inner shifts first
are you feeling better this is it this is what I look for with my clients if they’re like oh it hasn’t happened
yet I haven’t made the sale yet it’s like I don’t care are you feeling better
if you were feeling better you’re on the right track who here understands this I’m seeing
some heads not who I know have been clients right or our clients right now yeah I feel I saw someone put feeling as
the secret by Neville Goddard um yes that is the key that is the key so are you feeling better if you were
feeling better even just a little bit maybe you’re moving from a more consistent state of
self-doubt to a state of just calm open-mindedness
you’re on the right track right so this is something else I teach my clients is the emotional scale it’s like the more
the closer we get to the emotion of whatever emotions that you’re looking to
feel with you stepping into the million dollar version of you so actually just put some of those emotions in the chat
what are you looking to feel is it freedom is it gratitude is it Joy
um I’m seeing expansive empowerment yes the more you practice that uh the
emotional scale Linda it’s something that I’m not the only one who teaches that there’s a lot of people out there who teach it um it’s basically we live
on a ladder of emotions and we we tend to have a set point that we live at
emotionally but it can range all the way from Joy Freedom empowerment all the way
down to grief um yeah grief is one of the lowest level ones grief and disempowerment and we
tend to be on this scale so there’s tools and tricks we can use to get higher up on the scale
um so we just we have to be so aware of what of where we’re living because you can only again draw back to you things
that are a match for that emotion that you’re putting out um let’s see here Clarity relaxed
freedom freedom and joy inner peace yes so when you start feeling those more
you’re on the right track and then the seventh step is the outer
transformation you actually meet the million dollar you and you your physical
result your physical world shifts to Mere back who you’ve been being your self-concept
so this is the practice again when you do this the way that I’m teaching
it will be like an of course this is also how you know you’re on the right track as it hasn’t happened yet
but it feels very natural like I used to um the goal that I’m going for right now
used to feel pretty far off I’m pretty unnatural and big I’ve practiced it enough in my mind right now
that it actually feels very natural to the point where I have certainty it’s happening I don’t care when I know it’s
going to happen if it’s a couple years if it’s less if it’s more I don’t care I’m excited to become the version of me
who actually creates this in her world and that’s what I’m focused on so that’s um I mean that’s that’s really the prize
but your outer must shift to mirror your inner State and how you’re being so
um Jess what’s the goal you’re going for right now are you sure that yeah sure um eight figures so we’re building and I think we’ll build beyond that for me
it’s about the impact I was like do I am I excited for that level of abundance
yes um but to me it’s way more at this point about how much impact can I have and how many
lives can we touch and what sort of a legacy can I live with my life and I know that doing that it’s it’s just a
quantifier again they figure it’s just a quantifier like okay I’m continuing to make bigger impact in the world so I
think through that lens now and I make decisions through that lens um I hope that yeah I hope that helps
I’ve done this in other areas of life I’m getting what you’re teaching yes Debbie that is so important it’s like apply this from some other area where
you’ve gotten it to this area it’s so powerful you’ve all done this in another area um so that’s so beautiful I’m so glad
you’re getting this so let’s do this let’s take just a couple minutes oh man I’m like gosh I could spend another hour
with all of you easily let’s take just a couple minutes we’re gonna just recap what’s happening next week what’s
kicking off we’ve got a Bonus that’s good through today and then I want to open it up for coaching with anyone who wants coaching on what you know
whatever’s shown up for you um and what you need support around with this concept so if you weren’t here
yesterday I’m super excited we are launching a really really beautiful program next week called meet the
million dollar you it’s going to be an eight-week immersive journey and experience to help take you from where
you are right now to the million dollar version of you uh it’s going to be a combination of mindset so everything we
talked about today getting you Clarity on the vision then what are the thoughts of someone who’s at that level what are
the feelings and then also what are the actions so we’re doing all of it so I’m going to be working with each of you
custom depending on where you are right now and what your goal is to craft the
thoughts get in touch with the feelings and then also craft out the Tactical strategy for how you’re actually going
to do this in your world so that’s part of what’s beautiful like when you’re going for the next level goal you don’t
need to know the how but part of the how can we get with a mentor who knows how to do it or who’s done it before and can
give you the steps this is part of why I hire my mentors and how it works so um we have five hundred dollars off
through the end of the day today you can go to Laura if you could just type in the chat elisearcher.com million dollar
you that’s the program page the code million VIP will get you 500 off it is
it’s a five thousand dollar program this first enrollment of it we’re doing it for 3997 but you can do 500 off through
the end of the day today with that code million VIP it’s open to all we’ve got a lot of men in the community who have
been like what are you doing something for us then and I’m so excited for this this is open so if there’s a the men who
are on the call or if there’s a special man in your life or you’re like man like I know he wants to meet the million dollar version of himself too cool bring
him in um we’re capping it at 50 people like I said we’re 20 full already on that so
um I love going deep with my clients I want to partner with you on this journey if you want more support in this area we
do have financing options available so if you need help with the money any piece I’ll actually grab the link and
pop that in there too give me just a second I’ll do that in a minute and then what else oh if you want to have a chat
with a member of my team about the program about what we’re doing then just send an email to Elise elisearcher.com
so you want to hop on a call and we’ll schedule a call and a time to talk through everything with you um Maria I’m enrolled and looking
forward to it yes I know I’m so excited to working with you there’s a number who in here is doing it either way there’s a
number of you I know who are already enrolled and I’m so excited to be on this journey with you it’s going to be
so beautiful and so powerful um so yeah and if you have questions you can email again email Elise
elisearcher.com um we would love love love to have you there as well
um okay awesome Laura thanks for putting that that looks like it may be the full enrollment page so I’ll pop
um I’ll pop the link in there as well below oh no never mind that worked okay awesome
um yeah elisearcher.com million dollar you oh good all good let’s open it up for coaching who wants some coaching
around what showed up for you over the past two days around stepping into your seven figure self-image it can be based
on the homework last night it can be based on what we talked about today
um let’s set you can just raise your hand if you’d like some support and some coaching around what we’ve talked about
I would really encourage you like take advantage and your question I promise it’s going to help somebody else
so this is something I love is uh working with you specifically on your
goals so who I know there’s got to be some questions I mean y’all I can keep going if there’s
no questions but I would imagine we have a question or who’s like man I
crafted my seven figure self-image but it feels distant it feels uh you know it
feels Out Of Reach anyone there I’m going to type a few notes in the uh
chat while we have people there’s our hand are there no questions I always get
questions Debbie says what if the action is a leap for my current followers
tell me do you mind coming off mute and telling me what you mean by that
sure so I’m thinking um while you’re you’re talking about this I’m like
I can see some actions I might be willing to take here and I’m looking at them and then my mind says but will will
those that trust me now go away will I need to be ready for a new audience can
you speak to that I mean maybe
so not maybe yes I can speak to it will they go away maybe so
when you elevate your self-concept and when you start showing up in a different way in your
life um that which is no longer a match we’ll
move away now it doesn’t have to be traumatic
it doesn’t have to be negative it can simply be that something just shifts out but when we remember
the vacuum law which I think you and I talked about a while back right vacuum law Prosperity which is the universe aboardza vacuum the only reason it’s
shifting out is so that something that’s of a better and higher nature that’s in alignment with how you’re showing up now
can move in so that’s why we want to remember this is why I work with my clients on understanding
universal laws and how things work in this way because at first it can appear like oh what happened I have been
working with this client for years and they just canceled what right
nothing wrong all they’re doing is making space for a new client who’s like hell yes about paying your new rates or
going on the journey with you so this is something that’s so important something I teach especially my clients
who are like service providers coaches Consultants you want to have the belief that your clients will do what it takes
to be in your energy so for your ideal clients they are going to do what it takes to be in your energy
and as you elevate your energy your ideal client profile will shift and that’s okay and there’s nothing wrong
with that so I would shift it I think that’s a beautiful question Debbie I would shift it to Simply an excitement
of oh like who’s going to show up to be in my tribe now like who’s going to show up to follow to to work with me now all
right and it’s all good right it really that really helps thank God yeah you’re
welcome um Jan how do you fight through the fear can’t talk okay great
um I would say a couple things I would encourage you to not think about it like fighting through the fear
because if we feel like we have to fight it um we actually just add fuel to it so
what you resist persists right so if you’re like man I feel a lot of fear around this and I just need to like
if I can just get rid of this fear you’re just adding more energy to it and you’re just gonna grow it because you’re
putting more attention on it so I would simply notice it oh it’s so interesting fear is showing
up okay cool uh what’s the thought that I just thought that triggered the fear
right because again we we have these emotions we live by but they’re triggered by our thoughts so
when you think of thought it triggers a chemical reaction in your body that you experience as an emotion now over time again you get used to
feeling certain emotions so this is when the body becomes the mind and if you’re used to living in a state of fear your
body’s going to send signals and thoughts up to your body like oh let’s think some more fear-based thoughts because this is how I know myself this
feels natural and normal for me so it requires a great deal of self-awareness to be able to question it
and say man I just was thinking this isn’t going to happen I just was thinking something could happen at the
bank account or whatever it is your emotions are your body’s way of
telling you how close to your truth you’re thinking so the better we feel
the higher and closer to the higher and more truthful our thoughts are about what’s really possible for us about who
we really are so if we’re thinking thoughts of fear that create fear then we’re thinking
thoughts that aren’t actually true for us this is really beautiful when you learn this
um so we just question it but we don’t make it wrong you know when I when I feel lower level emotions I don’t love it
but I’ve learned to look at them um this is who wrote The Secret Shonda no Rhonda
Byrne she talked about her Mentor taught her this and I don’t know her her Mentor is but I’ve used this and it works
really well the welcoming ceremony if I feel a negative emotion showing up
rather than shutting it away and raking myself wrong for it you want to just imagine like
your doorbell rang to your house and there’s a little child outside
and it’s a scared little child or it’s an angry little child
and what are you gonna do when they show up outside your door are you gonna like are you gonna push
them away they’re gonna say God like just get out of here you’re gonna fight with them
are you gonna Comfort them are you gonna open your arms so you literally just Envision yourself opening your arms and
embracing them like this is something we do with um with our he’ll be three in a couple
weeks like when he’s feeling scared or feeling um angry or upset it’s like let me just
love on you let me just pour love on you and it shifts the emotion shifts so
that’s what I would do that’s what I would do and that’s how we start to recondition ourselves to a
different emotional state that’s actually in alignment with what we want to experience
get your body used it’s like it’s not a big deal when those things show up I just love on them and they and I move through them right
um who else has a question and again you can raise your hand I love working with you live so good things oh good Jen I’m
glad that helped yeah don’t don’t fight it let it be it’s all good we let it be but then we also realize we’re not
having our most intelligent thinking in that moment so that’s where we want to come back to questioning our thoughts
was that really true um who has a question
about what we talked about Jen I I was so funny I was like I bet Jed has a question so of course by the
way I’m so excited you’re joining us next week me too yeah me too thank you
so much for hosting this this is beautiful yeah so I’m sure this will obviously be a part of the course as
well so I apologize in advance if you are sharing some Secrets but um no I I just think I’ve always admire you over
the years of really honing in on your vision and holding it strongly do you have any tips of like for you that works
for you yourself on how you hold that Vision so strongly yeah um
so for me it’s a daily thing um that’s part of to me the power of meditation visualization is coming back
to it every day and making the time for it which I get in a different way now
people are like I don’t have time to meditate like now that we’re for those of you who know our story like I’m taking care of the boys solo while my
husband is up in Maine and we’ll we’ll get everyone up there um and I know there are other people who have way more challenging demands on
their time too so it’s none of it is an excuse we can’t let it be an excuse um it’s about knowing that you are
worthy of carving out the time to realign with that Vision every day and get reconnected with the vision
um but the key is not just not just meditating or visualizing or doing your
self-image statement or whatever the thing is that you’re gonna do to check the box because that doesn’t
actually do anything it’s doing it with a level of intention where you’re like no I’m going to
connect with this emotionally and I’m gonna Feel It Like It’s Already
Done right so this is something that I’m just I’m noticing in my own life it’s like
wow I’m I’m stepping into a whole new level of self-love which wasn’t natural
for me for many years of my life but I know that the woman who
I’ve I’ve fallen so in love with myself as I’ve been on this journey over the
past few years and I also am aware that there’s a higher level of self-love that I’m excited to tap into now
um that is on par with the woman who has the results I’m looking to create in the world so when I’m visualizing those
results not only am I just thinking about them but I’m actively bringing up that feeling in my body
self-love it could also be gratitude worthiness and then from that state from
that state of openness um that’s actually where the beautiful ideas flow
that you will give you the next steps to take to make that your reality
um so yeah does that help in terms of staying attached to the vision yeah I love that that’s beautiful thank you so
much oh my gosh yeah absolutely we’ve got time for maybe one more question
does anybody else have a question or even a takeaway
um Michael yeah go ahead I didn’t see who spoke but please oh anyway
I was just I’ve been working on a lot of the things that you’re talking about and I find myself because I came from the
hustle that’s you know the hustle muscle I still haven’t managed to move out of
that so I find myself getting frustrated and angry because I’m focusing on it I’m trying to imagine and Associate the
feelings with it and everything but then when it doesn’t happen I’m like what you know why am I I just think I need to
push harder or think about it more or you know what I mean I don’t know because that’s just my way of the way I
you know I’m trying to get away from that push so hard work so hard it let it come to me
um but I find myself continuously going back to that because I feel like if I’m not doing anything that
if I’m not I mean not doing anything because I am doing things but where am I missing something in there
does that make sense yeah for sure so I know in my own body when I feel like I’m
like pushing really hard for something I’m actually not in alignment with it so this is a really important check-in
is am I feeling like I’ve got to like push this one up the hill or am I feeling like man like hey I just need to
grind it out you’re not in a state that’s a match for it okay okay so so we want to remember what
am I what you’re looking to create the seven figure version of you there is there’s um the thought component of it there’s
also the feeling component of it I’m assuming you’re not looking to step into this because you want more hustle more
push more like just hard work and efforting right so if you are in that
state that’s a really good time to actually step away so this is something else I teach
because we do we have we like I said we’ve got men women we’ve got all genders in the community
um when I’m working specifically with the women in our community this is something that is so empowering for them
to learn is that you as a woman are wired to receive you are wired to receive so when we are
constantly out out out pushing pushing pushing it’s like you’re constantly exhaling and
you’re never inhaling and if you were constantly exhaling and you never inhaled what would happen
you stop breathing stop breathing and you would die so yeah so it’s not that
there’s not going to be action Amy but the action steps that are gonna get you
there are the ones that come from you doing the inner work first to feel like
what you want has already happened and then from that place it will be
send out this I don’t know what you just be like send out this email make this phone call go to this conference hire
this mentor do this thing reach out to this person and you’ll be guided there and it will
feel uncomfortable because it won’t be things you’ve been doing before but it’s not gonna feel like hustle does that
make sense the difference yeah yeah um yeah absolutely absolutely so yeah I
hope I hope that helps um beautiful I know we are oh you’re so welcome oh yeah Amanda I’m so excited
you’re joining us I can’t wait to work with you um thank you so much everyone for being
here these past few days I’ve Loved this time with you again if you feel called and you want to join us and meet the
million dollar you we kick off next Tuesday it’s Elise archer.com million dollar you the code million VIP will get
you 500 off through midnight tonight so come join us come play it’s gonna be
amazing and wherever we go from here so much love to each of you I’m grateful for you and please reach out elysearcher.com
if my team and I can be of any further support to you from here all right lots of love everyone take care
see you soon.