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Mastering Value Creation: Business and Beyond with 9 Figure Entrepreneur Lee Benson

Whether you want to grow and scale a successful organization, or you want to empower your kids with money, I know you’re going to get a ton of value from learning from today’s guest, Lee Benson.

Lee started his first business when he was $600k in debt, and scaled it to a 9 figure exit. He is now passionate about teaching entrepreneurs and kids about financial literacy as well as scaling and growing successful businesses. Lee is also a bestselling author and business scaling master who has founded and sold 7 successful businesses.

Today, we’re diving in. How did he start when he was so deep in debt and wind up with the wealth and success he has now?

Show Notes:

[3:04] – Lee describes the experience of starting his business and how he wound up so deep in debt.

[4:51] – How were they able to achieve a 9 figure exit? Through creating real value.

[6:19] – The three areas that transformed Elyse’s life are shifting her relationship with money, learning how to sell that is in alignment, and her belief systems.

[7:51] – Lee explains the Value Creation Cycle. 

[8:54] – Learn to trust the struggle. No matter how hard it gets, there’s a way out the other side.

[9:51] – Positive emotional energy is the scarcest commodity.

[12:24] – Foundationally, struggle does not automatically equal trauma.

[14:39] – Where do you need to be at every point in your business?

[17:19] – You can eat and dream at the same time.

[20:18] – The goal is to accelerate at the same rate that you create value.

[22:11] – Be passionate about the ways to get there.

[24:33] – Kids discover over time how to create value. Our job as parents is to create an environment where kids will be allowed to discover this.

[26:50] – We need to teach kids the concept of healthy struggles.

[29:05] – There are problems with the way kids come out of high school and college that are not at all prepared for adulthood and thinking critically.

[31:08] – In his book, Value Creation Kid, Lee provides activities and practices for kids to learn this concept.

Connect with Lee Benson:

Execute to Win (ETW) Website

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Welcome to She Sales Radio today you are going to learn from someone who started his first business


$600,000 in debt and scaled it to a nine figure exit and is now passionate about


teaching entrepreneurs and children the financial literacy they need to learn as well as scaling and growing successful


businesses so whether you want to grow and scale a successful company like I know so many of our listeners do or


maybe you want to Empower your kids around money which by the way as a mom


of a now three-year-old and six-month-old I’m really starting to think about that a lot for my kids so I’m excited about that part of the


conversation I know you’re going to get a ton of value from learning from my


guest today who is Lee Benson Lee’s a bestselling author and a business scaling master who has founded and sold


seven successful businesses uh Jack Welch the former chairman and CEO of GE


said that Lee has built the best business business management system he’s ever seen so if that’s not a resounding


recommendation I don’t know what is Lee welcome to She Sales Radio I’m really really looking forward to our


conversation today Elyse it’s so good to be here thank you absolutely so you and


I were connecting a bit in the pre- chat and I was saying look I’m excited to learn everything from you both as an


entrepreneur um who wants to grow and scale her business as well as a mom of young kids so I want to talk about all


of it today and I think what would be really powerful is I’d love to start with just more of your background so


when I was reading up on your background and the fact that you started your first


company able Aerospace right I think was the name and um you started $600,000 in


debt and then grew that company from three to 500 employees and nine figures


over the next 15 or so years I’d love if you could take us back to that time when


you were starting and what that Journey looked like for you um how did you start off so deep in debt and then what was


the business trajectory from there that led to your success yeah the first


organization was actually able metallic Services it was a small electr plating company where I was the general manager


and it was something I did during the day to kind of pay for my music habit because I would play in bands at night in the 1980s I played over a thousand


nights and concerts and all of that and in a lot of ways it was uh my first real


business I was I was kicked out of the house at the beginning of my senior year in high school and I had already uh become


financially independent I’m very competent that way and it was a sort of a non-event financially to get my own


apartment and a big part of how I supported myself was playing music and and clubs it was it was fantastic and


then to kind of get to your question you fast forward here’s this company I want to go One Direction and and we had uh


really One customer which is a horrible position to put yourself in for any business owner they were 90 plus% of our


business they cut us off overnight that’s a whole story in itself and I went from 25 employees down to three my


boss said closer to sell it you’ve got 30 days I couldn’t find anybody to buy it so I went back and said look I want


to go this direction um he said you’ve never done it before it’ll never work I don’t believe in it I said well great


well let me assume the debt and if I turn it around you get paid back all this debt and if not um I assume the


Creditor and he said great you know take this thing so the three employees in that


first year and this was the uh this was late 93 when I when I took it over um


the first year we almost went out of business about 15 times I bet a lot of your listeners can relate to that but I


I never thought I would fail like there’s always a way and it was my job to to figure it out in that first year


94 we did $360,000 in sales and our Capital Equipment budget was


$175 and I’m not kidding went to an auction and got all these shells so we could sort of stage work


that we could go out and find and all the growth that we had from there because we went from that first year


really low sales to nine figures in sales and well into a nine fig exit uh


was 100% financed by the work that we went out and got had to hit the road and


sell it not a dollar of of investment um Equity um Capital at all coming in where


a lot of folks say hey when we start the business we need to go raise money and and play this whole I call it playing


the startup game instead of Leaning into our customers and going out there and creating real value that they want to


repeat you know purchase from us and we were able to do it and it was a wildly


Capital intensive business we had tens of millions of dollars in U equipment parts inventory setting on the shelf and


through all of that had to raise no outside money we built great built um great relationships with banks and and


had credit facility towards the end when I sold it up north of $30 million and it was great it was it was a tool


so so much to unpack um from that from there all the way to where I am today


and wow is it exciting I feel so much smarter today than a year ago and year from today it’ll be even better for oh


my gosh for sure and I actually you know when you’re talking I had a number questions show up but one of the things


I want to ask because we so Lee one of the things we teach our clients about um


sales and why I think a lot of people struggle to achieve their sales goals is that there’s often a gap and I call it


the big three which are three core areas that for me transformed my life and my


relationship with sales and when I didn’t have I think we’re always growing to your point so I’m going to say


Mastery Loosely I know there’s a lot more I get to learn in these areas but when I was a lot uh when I wasn’t as far


along on the journey I really struggled in these and when I learned them it unlocked everything so um one is


Shifting your relationship with money and worthiness around receiving money two is for women learning to sell in a way that feels aligned with them as


women and then three is belief systems which account for 95 to 98% of our results according to Neuroscience so you


said something really important there at the beginning you said I never this is


paraphrasing but I never felt like we were going to fail right you said there’s always a way I can only imagine


you know that that night when the um or that day when the One customer who accounts for 90% of your business shuts


it off in that moment and then you said there were what 15 times you almost failed or almost went out of business in


the next year there had to be some thoughts that showed up of Doubt there had to be some thoughts that showed up


of how in the world am I going to do this but what was the core belief that you held and that you embodied that


allowed you to not give up and not give in and continue pushing through in those


Dark Nights of the Soul what what was that belief for you yeah I actually talk about this in the book titled value


creation kid the healthy struggles that your children need to succeed and and I call it the value creation cycle so


there’s a struggle to build a capability which increases confidence and then use that to actually create value so when


I’m six seven years old I’m being asked unsolicited by neighbors not friends or


family would you please pull weeds in my Garden for 25 cents an hour and back then you could get two candy bars and


have change I said sure I’ll do that and then wow this is a lot of work and I’m doing it every couple of weeks I wonder


how else I can make money and then I um started shoveling snow where I grew up in Spokane Washington got a lot of snow


back then and I would get 50 cents it would take me about 30 minutes to do a driveway and a sidewalk so why I just


for folded my money then I got a paper out then I was a um dishwasher bus boy and a cook and by the time I was kicked


out of the house um in my my senior year right at the start of it it was a nonevent to afford that stuff so this


value creation cycle you know the the struggle get a capability build confidence use it to create value I just


kept doing this Loop and I learned to trust the struggle so no matter how hard


it got I always knew there’s a way coming out the other side and I could do


anything that I set my mind to because that that saved me from I would say a pretty toxic and dangerous um home


environment um so much to unpack there as well but I I look at this value


creation cycle and trusting the healthy struggle let’s get kids started really early like I did and you never get off


the track once you get on it and this is really about creating a value creation culture within organizations where every


decision every action is about improving what’s most important and really creating value and same thing in the


family how do you operationalize value creation within families and and for me


when I when I talk about value creation most people go right to money he said no there there’s three macro buckets one is


material value the second one is emotional energy value and the third one


is spiritual value and I think positive emotional energy is the scarcest commodity on the planet because when


that’s on nine or 10 on a scale from you know 0o to 10 you can do anything when


it’s on one you get a flat tire and it runs your entire week and so I’d rather live a life half as long on nine or 10


than one or two so I think about value creation across the board in those three buckets material emotional energy and


and spiritual how does that resonate Bel 100% I’m writing those down um there’s


so yeah there’s so much the emotional energy piece this is something where I


wasn’t aware for so long and um I lived most of my life with low-grade anxiety


and self-doubt and fear and wasn’t even cognizant of how our emotional state


affects the capability of ourselves to to think right and to solve problems because we can only think to the level of our feeling and our emotions so what


you just said right there Le about I’d rather live half the time but live it at that nine or 10 emotionally it resonates


so much because once you figure out how to hit that nine or 10 and then to me


the game is stay there as long as you can and we’re not going to stay there forever because it’s life and things happen and to your point we’ll have


things come up where we get to have a heal struggle to figure out the next uh iteration of our Evolution there but um


it’s life is so different when you’re lit at that nine or 10 level it really is um so I want to I may want to Circle


back to that with you because I think our listeners will really resonate with that but I I want to make sure we didn’t miss something else that you said um


which to me I was like gosh I want to just I want to dive deeper into that it’s such a sound b trust the struggle


trust the struggle so if somebody is listening and they are going through a period of


struggle right now in their business or maybe they see their kids struggling


um but if they’re going through that period of struggle the conditioning is


to say for many of us to say I’m a failure I can’t do it this is feedback


that I should give up what I’m hearing you say is to reframe it and look at it


as what’s being asked to evolve out of me right or who do I need to become in order to um to Rise Above This but I


want to hear from you like what’s a powerful question someone could ask themselves if they find themselves in


that moment of struggle in their business or their life how do what question can they ask to help reframe it


and find the gift in the challenge and in the struggle you know


foundationally um struggle does not automatically equal trauma and I feel


like with kids and with adults um any struggle at all is bad and if that was


true then I the less I went to the gym the stronger I would get um the more I


ate anything I wanted because that was the easiest thing to do the more fit I would look and the lower body fat and


everything else I mean if you thought about it for just a couple of minutes it m it makes really no sense and so I I


believe the whole purpose of life is to elevate human consciousness but let’s say it more simply to figure stuff out


the more stuff we figure out the easier everything gets and the more value that we can actually create in the world so


once you think I would say think back to struggles that you’ve had and when you came out the other side and said boy that didn’t feel very good going through


it but look what I learned and look what I can share and even unhealthy struggle


can be leveraged to cre value in the world just look at Victor Frankle and man search for meaning the book right um


you get to make a choice um but I I say you know learn to to trust and I would


say even love the struggle because if you’re if you’re doing the work right you’re going to come out the other side


able to create so much more value but if you choose to be a victim and see it as trauma and swirl and stay there not a


very healthy place for yourself or for really anybody around you U so that that’s how I think about it does that


does that resonate it does and you said so is there a difference between healthy struggle versus unhealthy struggle and


if how do we know the difference between where we are healthy struggle is figuring things out in life you know if


we’re let’s just let’s look at business and oh my gosh sales aren’t there why aren’t people buying our stuff we’re in


love with our stuff how come they’re not in love with our stuff right we’re focused on the wrong thing and not truly


creating value for for our customers whether it’s a product or service so where are we focusing where are we


struggling what’s that like for any anybody building a business you know whether you’re you know in six figure


Seven 8 n whatever it is where do you need to be at at every single point in


time that critical point whatever you want to call it that you where you need to be to create the most value next in


your organization and if sales is an issue as an example well what are all


the pieces that make that up um do our perspective customers really like what


we have is it just a matter if they don’t know about us or maybe we haven’t done the work to prove that there’s a a


really solid product Market fit uh but when you think about that and you look at this whole value stream from


identifying customers in your addressable Market what’s The Sweet Spot in the addressable Market because


there’s all all customers aren’t created equal and then how do they hear about you how do they get into the funnel what


does that whole journey feel like to where they they buy it there’s an ongoing experience maybe um we want them


to tell two friends or maybe 10 friends relationship based selling you know Word of Mouth whatever it is but as you think


about that whole I I call it sort of a value creation process flow um where do


you need to be at every sing single point in time and you’ll probably have to struggle to build the capability to


do that one part of it better and you could just you could list this and just rank them red green or yellow and and


red is wow we got a lot of work to do yellow we’re getting close green it’s working really well yeah and as you move


along those colors are going to constantly change this is the fun amazing game of business and yes there’s


a little bit of struggle there you don’t just wake up and everything works right yeah oh my gosh for sure if someone is


listening because we have quite a few listeners who are um solopreneurs or they’re still doing founder-led selling


and so they’re they are aware there’s so many different things that could and


should change in the business in order to create more value and yet there’s also the day-to- day of I need to be


selling right I need to be I need to be selling I need to be for many of them delivering we’ve got coaches Consultants


who listen to this as well um how would you advise that someone allocate their


time time between the actual day-to-day delivery and implementation of what they


need to do to keep the business running and generate Revenue versus the bigger picture um strategic planning and to


your point looking at things and ranking them red green yellow uh keeping in mind too that a lot of our listeners are moms


and they may not have a full 40-hour work week available so I I don’t know I may have just thrown a doozy at you but


I have a feeling you have an answer and some thoughts on that of how how you would allocate time I think it’s a great


question I work with organiz that are as small as solopreneurs all the way up to Value over $50 billion


doar as public companies and these challenges are they’re just it’s a scale


um you know difference but they’re the same really all the way through and one of the things I talk about in my book


your most important number is eating and dreaming at the same time so eating is whatever it takes to get results right


now today short term this quarter this week sometimes today if you’re on the edge like we were in the first year and


dreaming is doing things differently to get an even better result in the future


and and when you’re starting out as a solopreneur you’re probably 80 to 90% eating but you need to spend at least a


little bit of time you know thinking about doing things differently to get a better result in the future because I


believe the primary job responsibility of the leader of the organization


whether you’re the you know founder CEO president at any stage is to continually increase the value of your organization


that’s it and ideally as as time goes on and you grow because we don’t have you


know Limitless resources where we can just assign it to everybody we’re doing everything ourselves But as time goes on


and you’re able to start building you’re doing you know really smart work um you’ll probably level out to where


you’re somewhere in the 80% dreaming and 20% eating and that’s where I ended up


by the time I sold my business from working 60 to 80 hours a week which was normal and I loved it and never felt


like work it probably only took me about 15 hours a week to kind of run the


business the rest of the time it’s all the dreaming stuff you know who could we partner with travel the world land you


know bigger deals that we hadn’t thought of before add new capability you know


connecting the dots better uh but I I would say to the listeners think about it in eating and dreaming how much time


do you spend doing things you have to do today uh to meet the results that you need to keep this business going and


then and then how much time do you spend thinking about and implementing things that you can do differently to get a


better result in the future within your business and there there’s also a chapter in my book around strategy and


you know it says hey you’ve completed your strategy congratulations you’re 3% of the way there 97% is actually going


in and doing the stuff absolutely okay that makes a ton of


sense and I appreciate the breakdown because whether you have 20 hours a week to work 40 hours a week more we can all


think about all right what is 10 to 20% of that for the dreaming if currently I’m all I’m doing is eating and I’m not


even thinking about scaling or how to grow I want to ask you Lee one other question um before we shift talking more


about um your new book and how we can Empower our kids financially so you say


and you’ve talked about this some already in this interview but I want to go deeper the challenge for all of your businesses and for your clients as well


has been to Exel cerate the rate at which um you create value so I’d love to


go deeper into that accelerating the rate at which we create value what do you mean by that and what are some of


the again questions or things we can be looking at to start accelerating that rate um sure for an organization um you


know you’re doing this correctly when the value of your organization is increasing over time and the better you


get at the work that increase will start accelerating you know going in and and


value creation what we’re talking about is creating this again this value creation culture where every decision


every action that every team member is making and taking is through the lens of


how will this improve what’s most important which is increasing the value that their team is designed to create


you know for the overall organization maybe that number is cash flow or or what your version of profitability but


as your organization grows every single team whether there’s you know HR engineering sales marketing Etc they’ll


all have a most important number that does two things above all others it says that team is winning or losing the game


on the value they were designed to create and two that number will drive the majority of the right behaviors as


second part is really important because you can pick numbers that have a lot of unintended consequences going in and


this value creation culture is for every stakeholder it’s every team member in the organization it’s all of our


customers it’s it’s every shareholder ER you know Etc um and and again it’s not


just money it’s material which is really important if we want to have security as


we go forward with our families um but emotional energy you know leaders should


be creating this energizing environment and they do that by passionately talking about what’s possible and productive


ways to get there not what’s wrong with people and things and why stuff won’t work which seems to be what most people


want to talk about super deflated if you want to energize passionately talk about


what’s possible and productive ways to get there and then um the third bucket


the you know the spiritual bucket that means something different to everybody it could just be connectedness to the


community it it’s love it’s um it’s your it’s your faith and and whatever that


looks like but every organization nonprofit for-profit and I would say even government they play in all three


of those buckets so you’re thinking about total value creation


culture okay thank you that makes a ton of sense I love that I want to ask um I


mean we could go so much deeper onto the business side of things but I want to make sure we we hit your new book value


creation kid and talk about um how you I love you say this how to prevent kids from becoming spoiled fearful lazy or


entitled so like I mentioned I’m a relatively new mom um you know it’s so


interesting with our three-year-old I mean both my kids are incredible I love them both two little boys and with my


three-year-old I have seen the number of Toys that he has received in a short amount of time like he developed a a


monster truck Fascination over the past six months we probably have le I I have


I mean dozens and dozens of toy monster trucks that he’s accumulated just in the


past few months from well-meaning family members but wanting to give him gifts and wanting to just shower him with


these toys and it’s like it’s fun and I I he’s not entitled but I as a mom I’ve


started to just be very conscious of how he assumes things come and how he


assumes that oh we can just go buy whatever we want um and I do like I care about teaching him abundance I care


about teaching him Prosperity principles and all of that because I I do believe in that very much and I also want him to


have an appreciation for what he has so sometimes in my mind I’m like gosh like if he just had one toy not that I do


like if you just had one I feel like he would value it so much more right um so anyway I say all of that because I’m


really curious to hear from you and your perspective on why this matters um you


know what value Creation With Kids looks like and why it’s so critical for them to understand


it okay and and there’s a correlation with organizations as well as the family


and and the short version of it is when you operationalize sort of the Rules of Engagement that that employees or are


are working within and this is um the system from which they create value they


don’t instantly become perfect value creators they discover over time how to


create more and more and more value but we create that it’s operationalize our approach to meetings strategy how we


think about the business how we create value same thing in the family I think the biggest Miss is that a lot of folks


believe a motivational nudge will fix the world like oh if every kid just read my book everything would be solved no it


really won’t um I think our job you know as as parents um should be to create an


environment where kids can discover their value creation superpower going forward so so now we’re we’re kind of


operationalizing and I find that most parents are doing pieces of this but what we talk about in the book U my


co-author Scott donnal and I is something called the gravy stack method what’s a really simple way that families


can do this because I’m I’m real interested in low-income and middle-income families that’s the largest percentage of the population if


it won’t work there then we missed so there’s four pieces to it first is value creation second is house rules third is


financial competency and fourth is healthy struggle so how do you talk about value Creation in the houseold


what does that really mean well we’ve got again material emotional spiritual the house rules um we we break it down


to three e in there first is expectations what’s your job for the family and that you don’t get paid extra


for this this is your job and as you get older you pick up more responsibilities um third would be


expenses um it’s some point you start picking up some of your own expenses and as you get older all the way to being


launched into adulthood you pick up more and more and more of those and then the the third piece of it would be um extra


money how do they earn extra money in a way that um you know sort of matches


supply and demand and all I mean don’t pay him $100 to wash the car if you get a pit you done for $10 down the Street


they get 10 bucks at most and so you you have all that in the house rules and


then third Financial competency literacy is great but show me how you’re actually applying it and then fourth healthy


struggle we need to struggle just like again as I said earlier going to the gym if we want to get stronger um design


intentionally these healthy struggles so they can learn to trust the struggle and value it and and they’ll they’ll again


never get off that track so he here’s this four simple part gravy stack method


and I’ll share one one quick um very short two-part story so a a parent in


and I’m following a number of families a parent in Boston the father texts me and


says here’s what my daughter um Mia told me she’s nine and she has a sister Lane


who’s six um Mia said Daddy thank you for saving the dirty dishes for me to


help me with my value creation work and I thought okay that’s fantastic so the books I think we we published it um back


in April of this year so it hasn’t been out that long so he calls me two weeks ago and he says let me tell you how


value creation summer is going in his very thick Boston accent he said both of my daughters used to argue over who had


to do the work now they’re arguing over who gets to do the work in Lane the six-year-old is getting up earlier than


the 9-year-old to walk the dog to get her value creation points and stuff before and it’s it’s amazing and I asked


him well how’s how’s Melissa liking this his wife and and he said man she just loves it it’s just so incredible it’s in


within two months completely change their world in in how the you know the


the kids think about creating value and contribute to um the value that the overall Family actually creates wow wow


what is what’s your goal with this ultimately um I know you said that one of your it sounds like your heart and


your passion is really lower and middle inome um families and I believe I saw somewhere about is it 15 or 50 million


kids impacted what’s what’s the long tale of this that you’re hoping to create with teaching kids value creation


principles I I believe fully the reason that I’m here is to promote this whole concept of value Creations I’m just


doing it in everything that I do and I look at a lot of the problems in the world right now and I look at you know


so what’s really happening here we’re launching kids out of high school into what’s supposed to be adulthood that


can’t think critically they’re not financially competent or literate they’re not being taught life skills


they’re they seem to be being prepared for this sort of chrony capitalistic machine of let’s get them to go through


college and spend all this money and come out the other side and as a result they’re not ready for adulthood even


when they come out of college a lot of them and and so I’m working backwards from what would a healthy value creating


you know adult look like being launched out of out of high school well they can think critically they’re financially


competent they value Community they value family and they won’t fall for all


the craziness that’s going on in the world right now so for me this is a bit of a long game um but I’m I’m looking at


these kids launching out of high school and I really believe they’re they’re now into most of them the emerging adult


phase that might go from 18 to 34 and then they start to actually become


self-reliant and and responsible and so I just think it’d be a much better world and the kids today


are going to be running the world that I age out in and I want to be amazing and I I jokingly say I I love science


fiction dystopian future movies and all that I just don’t really want to live in one I don’t think it’d be as watching


it that that’s my whole reason for doing this and selfishly I want an amazing


world for my friends and family to interact in wow well thank you for thank


you for that I I do want to ask one other question tied to healthy struggle and then I want to share where people can get connected with you and your work


because I know there’s a lot of different um initiatives that you’re leading right now you mentioned you


mentioned designing healthy struggles at home so I’m just curious and I’m I’m gonna just selfishly receive some


personal coaching right now but I think and I trust it will benefit our listeners as well um for someone with


kids my age obviously we’re not going to do much for the six-month-old right now but a three-year-old can you give an


example of Designing a healthy struggle that would be age appropriate uh for my toddler yeah in in the book uh value


creation kid we have a whole bunch of things that you can do even even boot camps that you know could be a mommy


boot camp a daddy boot camp where these are skills you’re going to need so um


every family’s different every kid’s different there’s a lot of nuances there but even a boot camp on how to make the


bed how to properly brush and floss um you your teeth um how to greet people


how how to um how to act out in public if you’re walking around in a shopping


mall or or at a restaurant and so these are healthy struggles um at age


appropriate very young right and then they just keep keep growing o over time


and so you know you think about your children and and and I I really encourage every parent to look at when I


launch my child um into adulthood out of high school what characteristics do I do I


want them to have what character do I want want them to have and your working backwards from there and by the way you


can start this at any age because in all of my businesses and I and collectively I’ve had you know thousands of employees


that that um that I’ve employed I I start with them as soon as they come in and within six months they’re on the


train or I give them a list of my competitors to go work for got it amazing is that help it’s


very helpful it’s very helpful thank you and so you know someone can go and they can get both of your books your most


important number and value creation kid on Amazon too but I also know you’ve got


um on your website where people can go and connect further and learn more about your books if you want to just take a


moment and share promote however you want to share and promote your work I


know you’ve got a mastermind I believe a couple of masterminds as well so if someone is listening and they are


resonating which I know I am with um both the business scaling philosophies


as well as how do we take this from the business world to really empower our kids and support our kids what are the best ways for them to get connected with


you Lee and what are some ways they can move forward um in learning more about what you do yeah to to understand um


what I’m doing here around value creation on the business side um organization really because nonprofit I


think is a big part of it um and and the family side you can find your most important number and value creation kit


in 40,000 channels anywhere you can you can get the book um we we even do um


interviews after each chapter in value creation kid joint interviews I do interviews after each chapter in your


most important number for even more insights and and background and and I encourage you to go


to my website which is and we we do a few things um one is we


help organizations implement the Mind methodology all the stuff that I talk about in your most important number um


and also I work with CEOs in a number of different um CEO Mastermind groups that we call execute we limit it to eight um


it’s completely different than the more popular ones that have tens of thousand members globally and that we can see so


deeply into each other’s business we know exactly the rate at which each CEO


is creating value and how they’ve develop this value creation culture that they get 80 plus percent of everybody’s


brain power in the room to help them go faster and the stories are incredible within 18 months from billing a million


dollars a year to running at a 25 26 million million doll a year rate


companies range from just under a million dollars and some of these groups when they start to $200 million but all


of them in high growth um mode and and anyway so it’s such it’s such a great


experience over there so I have my own groups and a number of of folks that I’ve certified to be able to do this as


well so on the website you can learn about these these um services that we


provide and for me it’s all about value creation and taking this to the world in in organizations and in families thank


you so much this is um it’s made me think a lot differently and bigger which I always appreciate I I love connecting


with people who help me think way bigger about life Impact Family raising great


humans as well so Lee thank you so much we’ll link your website and the books in our show notes as well and I just so


appreciate you coming on and adding a ton of value on our show today so thank you again thank you Elyse I really enjoy


the conversation absolutely to you my listener go connect with Lee read his books check out his work um this is


really really important because I know each and every one of you are out there wanting to go out and not only make


income but make a big impact so it’s important that you’re able to grow and scale that to serve as many people as


you can and that you take these principles back home to your kids to help them become successful happy 


contributing individuals as well so as always thank you so much for being a listener of She Sales Radio. I’ll see you on


our next episode. Bye for now.