Elyse’s guest on She Sells Radio this week is Ticia Dempsey. Tricia transformed her own career from a 7th-grade schoolteacher to an 8-figure CEO. She’s the founder and CEO of Thrive-Her and is on a mission to help female entrepreneurs create purpose-fueled businesses and lives they love. Today, she’s sharing with us her journey to success, how she overcame challenges and fears, and how she trusted her instincts the whole way.
Believe it or not, Tricia’s sales journey started as a school teacher before she transitioned into sales–which wasn’t as easy as you may think. At the time, sales companies were hesitant to even hire a woman out of fear of “keeping the peace” when a man and woman traveled together. Regardless, she landed a job and it took off from there. When she had a child, she realized that the hours she was working didn’t feel good to her. When that happened, because of her work ethic and her sales skills, she was invited to start a company with her former boss.
But even then, the stresses that she felt weren’t in line with where she wanted to be. So, she made the move to start her own business and play by her own rules. To do that, she really needed to trust herself and know she had her own back. For Tricia, as corny as it sounds, finding someone who “did it” and studying how they “did it” gave her the resource to visualize herself “doing it.” A pitfall to avoid is the opposite mentality–thinking I will never be able to “do it.” The truth is, find your own version of what they’re doing and grab onto that! Be authentic to yourself and live in it.
Tricia’s original mindset was “this has to work. If it doesn’t, what are we going to do?” And that was incredibly stressful. It also acted as a distraction from the health problems her family was experiencing. When she shifted her mindset to a “creating” one, things shifted again–this time for the positive. When she was able to create relationships and build advocacy in her network, success and revenue came easily.
Part of building her business was sharing brand equity. When Tricia served on a board for Women in Technology, she attached her brand to that–thus elevating both. This gave her an additional point of reputation that she could leverage to meet people. Also, she made it a point to build authentic relationships through establishing a community. Her mindset is that of understanding what’s in it for them. Why should they care?
Tricia’s big tip to maximizing the growth of your business is rooted in one on one conversations: CEO to CEO. It’s a simple strategy, but emailing or reaching out to individuals can be as effective or more effective than mass marketing. It’s authentic. Start with a place like LinkedIn to build the start of a conversation and adjust your messaging based on the individual. Talk to people–find out what they need–help them.
The difference from 0 sales revenue to 6 figures was reaching out to people Tricia already had relationships with from former positions. Again, super simple, but as effective as can be. From 7 to 7 figures, her strategy was based on expansion with the same strategy. She found herself in seats on boards and made connections organically. Find some way to make a deposit in their bank account first. 7 to 8 was based on teaching people the simplicity of what she has done to scale to that size.
Tune in to hear Tricia’s final top-tip for women in sales looking to scale the way she has!
Elyse’s guest on She Sells Radio this week is Tricia Dempsey. Tricia transformed her own career from a 7th-grade schoolteacher to an 8-figure CEO. She’s the founder and CEO of Thrive-Her and is on a mission to help female entrepreneurs create purpose-fueled businesses and lives they love. Today, she’s sharing with us her journey to success, how she overcame challenges and fears, and how she trusted her instincts the whole way.
Welcome to she sells radio. I am so excited to introduce you to my guest today. This is probably one of my favorite interviews that I’ve ever done, and I have absolutely fallen in love with the woman who I’m bringing to you today. So I’m super excited to introduce you to her before I do. I want to invite you to something really special that I’m doing, and I’m, again, I’m just super excited today about a lot, but I’m really excited about this. I’m hosting a live masterclass coming up at the beginning of February called your first six figures. And this masterclass is for the woman who is ready to break through six figures in 2021. So whether you’ve been kind of close to crossing the line and you haven’t quite been there yet, or maybe you’re just starting out, but you’re like, I’m going for the gold this year and I’m going to hit six figures.
I’m going to be teaching you everything that I know about how to do it, but how to do it in a way without burnout, without overwhelm, how to do it in a way where when you’re selling and acquiring new clients, it’s actually leveraging how you are naturally wired as a woman so that you can grow your business and make more money and serve people and become the best and greatest version of yourself in a way that’s sustainable and fun and enjoyable. So you want to get registered for that. You can go to Ilise, archer.com/six figures to find out more, grab your seat. And I hope I will see you there. So let’s talk about today’s interview. So, like I said, this interview, this episode became one of my favorite that I’ve done. So far on the podcast and my guest today, part of why she’s so cool is that she was in sales before, and this makes her sound older than she is.
It’s not, it’s not that, but she was in sales before. It was like super, super common for women to be in sales. And so if you’re in sales, especially corporate sales, you know, there are still challenges you butt up against with probably sexism and, you know, things that don’t, that aren’t quite as easy for you perhaps as some of your male counterparts. But my guests today, Tricia Dempsey had it had it harder way harder than a lot of us who maybe started off in sales a little bit later. And she, she talks about her experience selling and how she was successful selling in a super male dominated industry by doing things her way. And I love her story. She then went on to create and build an eight figure business while battling cancer while raising her young daughter. And she tells us how she did it.
Her story is so inspiring. And I’m just, like I said, I’m so impressed with her. So let me tell you, I’m going to share with you some, from her official bio, and then we’ll get into the episode today. Tricia Dempsey is the founder and CEO of thrive her and is on a mission to help female entrepreneurs create purpose, fueled business and lives. They love Trisha has transformed her own career from a seventh grade school teacher to an eight figure CEO before starting thrive. Her Tricia started scaled and sold her it staffing firm, which was recognized for being the number two fastest growing staffing firm in the nation and a three-time Inc 5,000 company during her 20 year career, Trisha has coached over 5,000 women, helping them take their career or business to the next level while redefining success on their own terms. And that is what we are all about here at she sells it is you becoming successful, hitting your money targets, building your business, growing your sales in a way that is on your terms, that feels right to you.
So that’s part of why I love Trisha so much is she did it in the way that we are super passionate about here. So I can’t wait for you to get to know Trisha and learn from her. I know you’re going to really, really enjoy this episode and want to connect with her on social. So do that. And then remember too, if you want to get registered for our upcoming masterclass, go to Ilise archer.com/six figures, and that’s all spelled out. So it’s the letter six, six figures.com at least archer.com/ six-figures get signed up for our masterclass and get ready to enjoy an incredible conversation with my guest, Tricia, Tricia, welcome to she sells radio. I mean, like I was telling you in the pre-chat, you know, one of the things that is most exciting to me about this conversation with you is with a lot of my guests, it’s, it’s easy to pick a singular lane because they’ve done kind of one thing and focus on that their whole lives.
And so it’s like, it’s an easy path with you. You have such a diversity of not only business background, but just challenges you’ve overcome in your life and how you’ve risen above those. And I personally feel like I’ve already learned so much from you just getting to know you before this interview and reading about you and you’ve accomplished so many incredible things that I have a hunch we’re going to need to do this in two or three parts because you have such a wealth of knowledge to share, but that’s a long way to say I’m so excited. You’re here. I’m so grateful just to have the opportunity to learn from you and to share your wisdom with my audience as well. So welcome. Yeah. Thank you for having me. I’m excited. Let’s do it. Let’s do it. All right. So one of the things that I think would be helpful just for some context, if a listener has not come across your work or thrive her yet, or what you’re doing Phyllis, I’d love to hear more of your backstory.
And if you can take us as far back as make sense for you, but some of your backstory, what got you to where you are specifics in terms of your sales journey as well. And and then we’ll take it from there. Yeah. So I w I’ll, I’ll go all the way back to, you know, graduating from college. I was a seventh grade school teacher in Gwinnett County, and I did that for about five years, married a tech guy and really loved technology. And so I decided I was going to make this venture in the summertime between when I finished school. And when I went back with my contract in August to put myself on the job market and I was specifically looking for a job.
So my dad had been in sales for, I don’t know, 30 years. And here’s what he told me. He’s going to, he’s going to be clarified when he reads
And he listens to this.
He said, listen, at my company, Trish, we would hire you as a sales person that he hired my brother. So he’s in, this is a big fortune 500 company. So, but aren’t in our company. We don’t really like to hire female salespeople. Well, why dad? Because we don’t want men traveling with women. Now, this was back in the late nineties. Is that crazy? This is back in the late nineties. So we, don’t not like men traveling with women and we feel like it just keeps the peace at home when we just have an all male Salesforce. Can you believe that? Wow. And then, and then when I stepped into sales, I thought I’m either going to have to get on a plane, which I did not want to do all day long or I’m going to be in, you know, sitting behind a desk doing multi-level marketing kind of sales, but I ended up landing a job in technical recruiting back in the late nineties.
That was so hot. Literally, if you could, you know, they said, if you could fog a mirror, they would hire you in sales to do that. And I really pitched myself into a sales role in this way. I’ve always been a winner. I can give you my whole track record of being a winner. And I do two things. Well, I, I actually will meet and exceed every expectation you have, and I’m a great teammate. And if you want that kind of sales person on your team, let’s do it. And I did that. I did that actively for a whole summer, and I had three offers at the end of the summer and took a job into technical recruiting. One of the best decisions ever, you know, love loved it early on. And what I found was it was such a transferable skill from, from teaching.
I mean, I was influencing people to do things a certain way. I was managing, you know, this classroom environment and I transitioned to managing clients and what their expectations were. And it was a fairly easy, I also worked for a guy who was a IBM sales exec for like, I don’t know, 30 years. So I learned some really good core skills in sales. And and then I had a baby and you know this cause you’re in the middle of having a, you know, you’re in the middle of this life right now. I had a baby and I was getting to the office at seven. O’clock coming home at 7:00 PM. And I thought I can’t do this anymore. So I went in and resigned one day and decided at 20, I was 29 years old. I think at that time I was going to start my first company because I was going to have my own, I was going to have my own schedule and my own freedom. And I wanted to be a mom and I wanted to be a full-time worker too.
I actually want to pause you there if I can, because I think that’s, so how, how long did it take you to come to that? Like you struck me as someone who kind of like makes a decision, goes, it took you months,
But I, you know, I was home with her for three months and then I went back to work for three months and I was like, and then I would be in tears every night because she was going to bed at seven 30. You can relate to this. Right. She was going to bed at seven 30. I was getting home at seven and I was like, this is not the life that I’m going to have. This is just not the life. And so I went in and resigned and my, my, my boss who had sold his company said, Hey, listen, I’ll give you money. Let’s go start a company together. Because I had made him a ton of money as a salesperson. I was going to be able to do that. And I did that for about two and a half years. And then I was making all the money.
I think we did $3 million the year that I resigned. And I did like 2.7 of it. And this wasn’t post nine 11. It was a very challenging time. You probably were in sales at that time too. It was so challenging to be in sales. And and I can’t, and I, and in the midst of that, I got diagnosed with breast cancer. My daughter was, you know, at that time two and a half years old, and I came home one day and just said to my husband, I don’t think I can stay with these guys any longer. Like I’m stressed about that. And I’m stressed about, you know, trying to get the business up and running. And I, and I went in the next day and resigned and started my own company.
So I want to, I want to pause and ask, because in those moments you’ve had these two, well many, but from what your story here, these two real salient moments where it sounds like you said, I know I have to do something differently. What I’m hearing you say, I want you to tell me if this is right, is you didn’t necessarily have much of a plan yet from there, you just knew you had to do something different and you took the leap of faith. Right?
I tell people all the time, I would not recommend doing it the way that I did it. It just, just the way it ended up unfolding, but I’m pretty decisive. So I am a very high decision-making. And once I’ve decided that I’m going to be successful, or I’m going to make a move, I know I’m going to be able to do both. And I have my own back. I’ve seen myself be successful. I see myself as a winner. I see myself as somebody who will always be successful. And so I’ve had my own back belief wise for a very long time. And it was just, I knew I was going to make the move because, you know, I, I mean, I am very long suffering with people in terms of loving them and caring about them, but almost to a fault. That was an early thing that I did as a business owner is, you know, I love my business partners.
I didn’t want to leave them. I knew they’d be very hurt when I decided to do it. I had warned them multiple times and said, Hey, something’s got to change. But once I, once I made the decision and Jeff knows this too, my husband knows this too. Once I made the decision, I was gone. I mean, I went in and resigned that day. And my business partner said, I see no reason for you to stay and do anything. We don’t want you here. If you’re going to go and compete against us. And I said, okay. And we didn’t have non-competes at that time. So I could, I could literally go the next day and set up my own company and do my own thing. And that’s exactly what I did.
Yeah, you did. How did you, so I want to hear more of the story, but I also want to ask, how did you learn to have your own back belief wise? Because I think for many of us, so the problem that comes up, especially when we want to do something bigger, make a big move is we can fall into self doubt and we can fall into, we can almost become the one who’s convincing ourselves and arguing for our limitations. Has that been something that’s always been natural for you? Was it a learned
Skill? How did you do it? It’s going to sound so corny when I say it. And it really was the simple for me, but I mean, it’s been like this since I’ve been like in the seventh grade and just first decided that I was going to be competitive and, and do sports is I found somebody who did it, that I could see evidence that it could be done. Well, I studied them and everything about how they went about doing it. And then I literally visualize myself doing it every single day. And that is how it’s going to sound overly simplified to your audience. But it really was like, Oh, it’s possible. I know I can see myself doing it. And then I just get up and become that person every day. It is really a Beav. And then, you know, then do then see that kind of process for me, for sure.
Well, I, I, I don’t think it’s overly simplified at all. And I love that because I think how many of us are doing that. You know, when we, it would, if, if, if someone is thinking that’s too simple, I would challenge them with, are you doing
Well? And here’s what, here’s what happens with a lot of women that I coach is that they find somebody doing it. And then they say, Oh, no, I don’t have that, that Tricia has, is I don’t, I don’t have that, that Elise has, I’ll never be able to do that. And you’ve got to find your own version of that. The important thing for you to do is be inspired that it’s actually possible. And then I think the only way to journey to it is to be your most authentic self, like be really who you are and all your quirkiness and show up every day being who you are. And so that’s been my secret for, I dunno, for every transition and every journey possible, and it’s not always been, you know, without its own share of bumps, but that’s been how I roll for sure.
Yeah. I love that. I love that. So take us to, okay. So you’ve just made this decision to split with your business partners. You’ve got cancer. Husband is probably like what in the world
I was, I was bottled as a Q-tip the day I told him I’m going to leave tomorrow. And I was six months into chemo. I had eight surgeries ahead of me. And and so then you get in the mindset, which I, this has been the least effective that I am is when I’m in a mindset of this has to work I’m. So I’m so desperate for it to work. It has to work. And when I find that I’m in that mindset, then I overwork versus grading results with the thoughts that I have, I I’m in, I’m in heavy action. And that’s just my natural propensity, but when I’m in like this hast to work energy it’s a very stressful energy for me, but, but that’s where I was. So at the end of the year, we hit seven figures in the first year, which was crazy
It with eight surgeries with all of that. No doubt. Yeah. I mean, I would imagine you could only work a couple hours a day or you just pushed yourself.
I pushed myself really hard. And to me, I say a lot of times that kind of saved my life because it really, it really got me away from thinking about cancer every day and with the mindset of I’m creating. So when I’m in creating something mindset, that is just such good energy to be in. And you know, a year, a year later, we were at a million dollars, you know, two years later we were at $3 million and it goes up and up from there. So yeah, it was a crazy time and I simply did my sales strategy. Cause I know this is a sales, you know, podcasts. My sales strategy has always been this and it’s going to sound overly simplified again. You know, it is meet more people, make friends, find out what they need, make an offer to help them.
And, and I call it advocate building. So I was one of my core values that agile was creating advocates. And, and we define these as partnerships between people that were passionate about one another success. So like Elise, you know, like the little bit that we know each other, I feel like you and I will be advocates for each other, which means if I, if I really love what you do, then I want to see you be successful, whether I ever benefit from it ever. So I’ll tell people about your podcasts. I’ll tell them to follow it. I’ll, I’ll encourage people to get involved with your programs and it won’t benefit me at all. And I’ve just always been like that. And so in turn, when I ask a favor, if I called you one day and said, Elise, I have a favor. I noticed that you’re connected to so-and-so.
Would you mind making? Of course I will trash. And so I built that business one advocate relationship at a time, and we valued advocacy so much that we actually had an event called the advocate of the year. And we would give awards out to people who had made a difference in our business and we’d quantify the difference that they’d make in our business financially, or relationship wise or whatever. And we’d give them awards and that’s how we, and then that became something we became known for. So people were like, Hey, are you, you know, an ad? We call them agile advocates. So, you know, people would say like, Hey, are you an agile advocate? I mean, it was, it became an identity for people who ended up helping us grow our business. Cause we, we recognized it that way. Wow.
Wow. You know, I, I wanna, I love the simplicity of that. I think the beautiful thing about all of this as we can way over complicated and to see a woman who’s scaled, not six, not seven but eight figures, which we’ll talk about in a, in a moment. And to hear that it’s so simple principles I think is just so grounding. It’s so grounding. It’s like we don’t have to reinvent the wheel. We just have to literally go, like you said, make friends find out what they need. See if you can help become an advocate. You know, I want to hone in because I think you also have had a level of intentionality with how you sell and what you do. And you’ve shared this with me in a previous conversation, just about your planning process and like the little things and the details. Could you share with us maybe one or two of just the little things that helped you Excel in your sales roles, whether when working for corporation or running your own business,
You know, so, so I, one of the major things, and I would con I would attribute this to most of my success in the staffing world, which is I ended up serving on the board of women in technology. I served in like a little in a, in a small, small minute way. Like I was on a committee one year, that was my first sales opportunity. And I had to go get women to get nominated for a woman of the year in technology award. And I served on that committee and just did it with excellence. And so I used it in my mind. I was saying, Oh my gosh, how can I use this as an opportunity to then borrow the brand equity of an organization that already has great brand equity and associate my brand with it and elevate both of our brands. So I was on that committee.
This was kind of brilliant. Now that I think back I was on this committee, I was on this committee. I had to go. So I called, like, for example, the CEO of McKesson, K in Atlanta, Pam, Pam B, or she was fantastic. They McKesson didn’t want to nominate her cause they award it in some big enough for Pam and I. So Pam and my daughter, Pam’s son and my daughter went to Montessori school together. I found this out and I would like, hang until Pam would pick her daughter is our son up. And then I found her one day and I was like, listen, you have to get nominated for this. Your people are not letting it go through. And I’m telling you, it’s a big deal. This is going to be a thousand people at the Fox. You’re going to want to win this award.
I think you can, we need to get you nominated. She was like, of course let’s get me nominated. We became friends. And then we did business with McKesson, but I took all of the women that I got nominated. I think there was maybe 14 or 15, like C level CEOs in Atlanta. And then you don’t, you might remember this, the bell South classic was in Atlanta. So I found another event that was very well very well thought of in Atlanta. And then I put together a breakfast for all my nominees, for the bell, South classic, invited them to breakfast. And then we all walk the course together. You know, like to me, I feel like I feel like women really, especially when I sell to women, primarily women really like the connection of community. And they’re willing to do things that are a little bit different than, you know, they don’t necessarily want to go golf for 18 holes every every week, but they will go do something like that, where they’re getting a chance to meet other women.
And I positioned it as like, meet your peers and get to know people. And you know, so there was, I was always in the mindset of what’s in it for them. Yeah. So, so serving on that serving on the board was a huge thing. And then, and then finding opportunities. Another one was because I was a breast cancer survivor. We got really involved with Susan G and I do it. It did an annual event called agile on the green. Now this became something our company was just widely known for in Atlanta, but I would invite all the CEOs to play as VIP guests. So again, like tapping into like, Hey, you know, Mr. CIO of at and T or whatever, come play in this golf tournament. I need to raise a lot of money for breast cancer. All you got to do is shut and play golf. I would get to know those people personally we’d have a VIP event. They would get to interact with my people for the day. And then we did business with them. And between those two things, those were the two things that did everything for our company in terms of opening doors and opportunities.
Wow. I mean, it’s, as I think about what you did and what you’re sharing there, it seems like a lot of it boils down to visibility. So thinking about who I love, how you talked about borrowing brand equity, so who do I need to be visible in front of? How can I do it in a different way than just picking up the phone and calling them, asking them to buy my stuff
Right. And here’s, here’s one more. That is really, I mean, this is, this is I’m struggling in the online world because it’s done so differently right now I’m in the online space. But I had, I had one opportunity very first year at agile, there was a magazine in Atlanta called tech links. They were very well-known again, the guy came to me and said, do you want to put a full page ad? I think we can really launch your business from tech links. And I was happy to do a full page ad, but you had to do it with consistency. So I had to buy it for the entire year and nobody would know who I was, but the thing I negotiated with that is access into a VIP reception with all CIO’s every single month. So I told them I would buy it, listen, I wrote a check for like five or $7,000. I forget what the number was, but it was significant first year business money wrote that check, did it in TekLinks and then came to that thing day. And they would be like, how big are you? Your company seems really big. Is your company big? And I was like, there’s like two of us, you know, this kind of thing. So real visibility, but with things that were really highly respected by people who I was selling to, for sure. Yeah.
I love that. And that’s part of why I’m so passionate about just this different approach to, to, to sales. And I think back to when I first got into the sales coaching space, about five years ago, I had one client who had paid me $300. I was kind of like you, I was like, I’m just, I’m out of what I’m doing right now. I got to make the leap. I had one client who could be $300. I was like, that’s proof of concept. I’m gonna leave my six-figure corporate job and go to this. And it was kind of that same energy of, I have to make this work. So all I knew how to do was market myself. Cause I was, I had a marketing background. So I went about like, just positioning myself in marketing myself, online through videos as being a sales coach and sales mentor.
And very quickly I started getting a lot of people reaching out saying, Hey, like I can see you have a ton of experience. I can see, you know what you’re doing. I’d love to hire you as my coach. And it’s like, I actually don’t. I have one client, I broke it. I made a presentation, but I’m glad think I know what I’m doing and sure I can help you with, and of course much like you, right? Like you kind of, you build it as you go. And and everyone ended up being a happy client, but yeah, it’s like that positioning as the positioning and the borrowed brand equity, I think is so important from what you just said. And I think that’s something a lot of us aren’t thinking about.
Well, yeah, because, you know, I think that what I’ve learned meaning in the online space is everybody focuses on the marketing. So the Facebook ads and the live streams and the blah, blah, blah, everybody focuses on the marketing and what I found. And I think you and I were talking about this, you know, in the last two weeks, I’ve changed my approach to getting back to just one-on-one outreach. Every Sunday, I’m sending 15 emails to CEOs every Sunday and it will be the best. I mean, I’ve generated more revenue in the last two and a half weeks than I had all during COVID and just doing this simple, simple strategy. And I think I’ll double my business in the, in the last 45 days of the year with this simple, simple strategy. So even though everybody wants to market and spend money on Facebook ads and I’ve spent all that, you have to be really, you know, you have to know your stuff and be very crisp about your message, but I’m getting back to like, Hey, would you like to get on the phone? And let me talk to you about what your goals are right now. And CEO to CEO people are really responding to that message. And then when I get them on the phone, everybody’s saying yes, with, with very few exceptions and people are making, you know, making it work in their budget and writing me checks before the end of the year, it’s been mind blowing.
Okay. So we get a w we, we can’t just say that and skim over it. We have to go. You’ve just said so many things that I like more revenue, less worry by days of the year, then all during COVID and your simple email approach. So I want to hear more about this. So it’s 15 emails every Sunday to CEOs. What are you tell us what you’re saying in those, as you said, like, do you want to talk about
I’m going into LinkedIn? I’m already connected to a lot of these people because they’ve been people that I’ve known for years, you know? So I think maybe we’ve got, maybe got to give you some context, so maybe you’ve got 6,500 or so contacts on LinkedIn, maybe about 200 of them are CEOs. So I’m going into the CEOs and I’m saying, Hey, it’s been a long time since we connected. I would love to learn more about what you’re doing in your business, going into 2021. If you’re open to having a conversation, I would offer a one hour free consultation, powerful coaching consultation or whatever, I’m calling it and trying different messages. Right. So, and and if you’d like to talk about your business goals, I’d be open to that. And then I’d love to explore where we can take it from there. That little message has gotten a lot of response.
And then here’s another one I posted the other day and said, Hey my women are struggling with confidence. I’m sure your women feel the same way, right? We all struggle with this. And I’d love to do some interviews with extremely confident business owners. If you have one that you really admire tag them, and then I’ve reached out to those women and said, Hey, you were tagged as a person. That’s extremely it. I would love to set up a 30 minute interview. I’m putting together a masterclass on confidence. Can I borrow some time with you? Wow. Like those two things, that’s as simple as it’s been. It’s like a paragraph. But people have really responded to that. And and then are very flattered by being tagged by, you know, their teammates or another vendor or whatever. And so so I’ve gotten, you know, I’m probably doing somewhere around three to five of those council calls every week. And two and a half, I was two and a half weeks in, at the end of last week inside the a hundred K in those days.
And one of the, and one of those cases and both of the two of those cases was just increasing the retainer I already had with existing clients, because people are like, can you help me with this too? And I’m like, Hey, this is a, this seems to be an issue. We’re not moving the needle. How would you like some more help with that? They’re like, yes, I’m so amazing not to blow what not to. I think there’s people who are really, really good at Facebook ad marketing and all of the things that you can do with, with reaching audiences and stuff. But at the end of the day, and I heard grant Cardone say this recently in a podcast, I was listening to like sales is a contact sport. It’s a no meaningful check has ever really been written without there being a meaningful conversation with somebody. And so I think just, just talking to people, finding out what they need, making an offer to help them has been the right strategy for me in these COVID days. For sure. Well, and I’m,
I guess, to, to hear from nutrition, because again, you’ve got that unique perspective of scaling all the way to eight figures side question. So it was your, your business that you created on your own was that the business that you scaled and then eventually exited. Right. and you mentioned in the pre-chat, I, I wanted to find out for you the difference between scaling to six, then seven to eight figures and kind of what each of those thresholds was like. Cause I’m sure there are differences, but you also said something that kind of piqued my interest and I’m going to let you talk more about, about that. What have you seen the difference
Sharing with you? I don’t think the strategy has been much different from six to seven to eight, the biggest difference. So zero to six was primarily reaching back out to clients. I had done business with before over the last 10 years in staffing and just saying, Hey, I now have my own new company. Would you be open to doing business with me? Like that is as simple as it took to get to six figures from six to seven figures, it was expansion of my client base with that same exact strategy. So it was getting to know more people showing up and serving on these boards. You know, most of the people that were on the boards with me and ended up becoming customers. So, you know, they would work with me on committees or boards and then they would say like, I would say like, Hey, we never talk about what we do for a living.
Like, do you need any help with these things? And they’re like, yes, of course, okay, there’s a vendor list, but wink, wink, I’m going to get you on the vendor list. Don’t worry about it. Let me get you a fast track through that. So six to seven was just building more relationships with people and then serving first asking second, you know, like that’s been my mantra from the beginning. So serving on a committee with them, you know, helping them make an introduction that’s meaningful for them, nominating them for an award. Like whatever the thing was, like finding some way to make a deposit in their bank account first, before I then would say like, and I would do it really nonchalant, like, Hey, we never talk about what we do for a living. Why don’t we have like a business call one day, maybe we just go to lunch and talk a little business. And they’re like, of course, but this is after, you know, we’ve did a, I mean, we could have done like a homeless shelter event or a food pantry event at Christmas time, or, you know, served on a committee and put together an a, you know, an award show or whatever. We had done something where they saw my character. Hmm. And it was time to be able to make the request. And then seven to eight was teaching other people that simplicity of that process.
So yeah, go ahead.
So that it was, it was really like, how do you make advocates once you get site? And then how do you get those advocates to help you open this door and then that door, and then this door and then that door and, and how do you do it really intentionally where you’re constantly giving them the opportunity to tell you back what difference you’ve made in their lives. And then you’re like, Hey, I’d love to make this kind of difference in multiple people’s lives. You know, could I get an introduction to this department? And but it always was the simplicity of that. We did not have staffing, doesn’t have a sophisticated marketing mindset. In general, it’s pretty much like cold calling. It’s very, it’s very Wolf of wall street, kind of, kind of feeling about sales. And people love to come work for us because we didn’t have that philosophy. We didn’t say, get on the phone and do 50 cold calls a day. We said, get out in the community, serve, be a part of something. Not just once, one time during the year, every single month, you show up every single month. If we know where our buyers are, then you just need to show up and serve every single month. And that’s how we did it.
Wow. That’s so powerful. That’s so powerful. Tell us, and yeah, I’m going to have to have you back because there’s a million more things I want to ask about. So, so thank you so much for the wealth of wisdom you’ve shared. I am, I’m curious, your kind of piece of advice. If you had one opportunity to share with a woman who’s maybe a little earlier in her sales career and journey, maybe she’s an entrepreneur, maybe she’s working for a corporation, but she, she has the vision of, you know, really empowering herself financially and working her way to her first six figures and breaking beyond what would be your number one piece of advice for her? Yeah.
I, I have so many things, but I’ll start with, you got to believe in yourself first. Like you just gotta believe in, you’ve got to look back at your track record. You’ve got to make a list of your successes. You’ve got to look at the proof of the value you’ve already created, and you’ve got to be able to feel confident and have, bring that energy to the conversation you have with people. And then I think the second thing is, you know, like we are just relationship builders by nature. It is what we’re geared to do. And, and we ended up being nurturers of those relationships by nature, just like show up and do that in a business setting. It’s, it’s not much different than showing up and doing that with your girlfriends. So I would say just belief in yourself and then, and then show up and build relationships and, and, and, and do not hide behind a social media post, a live stream, a, a email sequence, a fancy sales page. All of the things like if you, in that zero to, in that zero to six figures, it’s really important, you know, it’s about you and your energy showing up for sure.
Oh my gosh. Wow. Thank you so much. Tricia. Tell us, I mean, currently this is why women hire you to coach them. So tell us about your coaching program passport. I know you’ve got something coming up as well. So I want to know where women can connect with you and then also how they can get involved working with you if they want to.
Sometime in Q1, probably in February timeframe, we will open up our enrollment for our passport coaching membership, which is a group coaching mastermind, where we get together every single week. I teach a topic at the beginning every month and we do real coaching on real topics and move women really forward in their business every single week. And that program is going to open up sometime in February of 2021. So be on the lookout for that. And I’ve got this link for, I’ve heard slash passports dash waitlist. I know you’ll put this in the show notes too, but but if you will just go out there and sign up for our wait list, you’ll start to get information about it. That that’ll give you a lot of information and some freebies that you can download and get access to now so that you can get involved when we open it up for enrollment.
Wow. Thank you so much. I mean, I highly encourage everyone. Go check out the program, get deeper involved with Trisha. What she’s doing, you are you’re a role model. You’re a mentor. You, someone who has paved the path and trusted your gut and done the scary things that show others what’s possible. And so if you’re someone who’s listening and want to make a big leap and you, you say, I need to see someone, I need to look at someone who’s done what I want to do. Look at Tricia, follow her, connect with her, let her be your belief system for you, and just start to step into that unbelief for yourself and see what’s possible. So thank you so much for who you are for what you’ve done and for taking the time to share it with us this morning, it’s been,
And this amazing platform that you’ve created for women who we all feel unsure about selling. And I know this is going to help thousands, millions of women. So thank you for creating the club.
Absolutely, absolutely. It’s my honor. All Trisha, I’ll talk to you soon. Thank you.