I’m so excited to bring you one of the very few repeat guests I’ve had on the show today, Laura Mayer. Laura was on the podcast about 2 years ago in Episode 78 when she talked about her courageous decision to closer her traditional business without any idea of what she was going to do next, and has spent the past several years leveraging her network and key relationships to explode her brand as a true expert in her space, develop a wildly successful growth marketing and connection business and is now the author of a brand new book Win Win: How to Create Mutually Beneficial Relationships that Grow Your Business.
Laura Meyer is growth marketing consultant and powerhouse connector – as a serial entrepreneur who has scaled multiple six- and seven figure online and offline companies over the last twenty years, Laura knows first-hand the power of relationships and their importance to business growth. Several years ago after making the hard decision to close her traditional business, without having any idea what she was going to do next. Because of that network and the relationships she had built, she was able to re-emerge as an expert of experts, a strategic marketing consultant and fractional chief marketing officer to some of the country’s top influencers. In addition, she co-founded the Advance Women’s Expert Network with Kelly Roach, helping hundreds of women all over the world develop powerful expert brands through community, connection and co-collaboration with others who share in their same values and spirit.
[2:56] – Laura made the decision to walk away from an incredibly successful photography business and franchise to start over.
[4:59] – After a while in this business, Laura’s intuition was that this wasn’t right for her anymore.
[7:30] – Sometimes we feel like we have to be cheesy and spammy, but to grow and scale a business, it isn’t necessary.
[8:43] – One of the hardest decisions to make is to stick it out or walk away.
[10:31] – Ask yourself what a 5-year or 10-year version of you would think about these decisions.
[12:24] – Genuine relationships are now what makes the difference, when in previous years, it was very much a click-and-go process.
[14:18] – For a lot of people, we think we can develop a relationship to have an immediate return.
[16:04] – In a lot of ways, we are experiencing a credibility crisis.
[17:16] – Benevolence is when you want what is best for the person in front of you whether it benefits you or not and it is the unsung hero of credibility.
[20:01] – People can tell when you are just searching for them to benefit you.
[22:19] – It is definitely a long game, but it is true that real relationships work.
[24:16] – What are some of the mistakes Laura sees with relationship building?
[26:10] – Having a small audience is not necessarily a bad thing.
[28:24] – Everyone wants to be partnering with the bigger person but being someone’s biggest and loudest fan benefits everyone.
[32:19] – Everyone is unique. No one has the same voice and story as you.
DM me on Instagram @elysearcher
Welcome to She Sells Radio I am so excited to bring you one of the very few repeat guests I’ve
had on the show today Laura Meyer and Laura’s episode came out on the podcast actually about
two years ago which is crazy episode 78 it was one of our most popular conversations so I know you’re
going to be so excited if you heard her then you’re going to be so excited to hear what’s new what’s been happening in her world and if she’s new to you you’re also gonna just adore this woman
but she came on about two years ago and talked about her really courageous decision to close
down her traditional business without any idea of what she was going to do next and this is after years and years and years of scaling multi six and seven figure companies and since then I know she’s
spent the past several years really leveraging her network key relationships to explode her brand as
a true expert of experts she’s developed a wildly successful growth marketing and connection business and she is now also the author of a brand new book called win-win how to create
mutually beneficial relationships that grow your business so Laura I know today we’re going to get to dive into so much of what the book is about but also I’m guessing a lot of it may have been
inspired by your journey since you’ve been on the show a couple years ago so I can’t wait to find
out more so so glad to have you here today thank you so much for having me what a wonderful intro
I’m thrilled to share the progress of my journey with your audience today and um and dig a little
bit more into the book so I really appreciate it oh my gosh yeah well I’m just excited to kind of
find out what’s been happening for you over the past few years so again if someone is listening and they want context go back and listen to episode 78 and you can hear all about this really
outrageous decision that Laura made to walk away from everything that was known and start fresh
which for many people is so terrifying to think about yet also something they probably secretly
deep down would love to do and so depending on the circumstances so maybe you can take us
back to just a little bit of context if somebody didn’t catch you on that episode or if they’re not familiar with your journey like take us back to what was going on when you made that decision
to walk away and then what’s been happening for you over the past several years that led to the
inspiration to create this book yes oh my gosh so thank you for asking and queuing that up so well so I’ve been an entrepreneur for 20 years and about five years ago so 15 years then I made
a big decision to walk away from an industry that I knew really well that I was well known in that
I was a speaker and a teacher I was on stages at conferences and that was the photo industry
and for the first 10 years of my career I was a wedding photographer and was photographing
weddings between New York and DC in the Hamptons and celebrities and then I opened up a children’s
portrait studio which then I opened up another which then I franchised and grew that to about
12 locations and about five years ago a bunch of different things were going on the first is that
my kids were four and five at the time and I was really feeling this intuitive pull to be home more
and I think a lot of people have experienced that a lot of people experience that being in corporate but traditional business is very demanding as well being in different locations we had
a 75 employees across the whole brand there was always something on fire somewhere and franchising
is a challenging Dynamic to be in in franchise relationships with franchisees as the franchisor
especially at that stage of growth because you don’t have the infrastructure to really sustain
profitable growth so you’re bootstrapping and then the other aspect was that technology had very much
disrupted our industry sales was challenging at the franchise locations they weren’t up and
running as quickly as our company on locations we were trying to unpack that discrepancy
and eventually I just got to a point where I’m like this is not my mountain to climb like I just knew it and I knew it for about a year I stopped selling franchises
um and I and I really didn’t want to face it I had liquidated my retirement savings I had
put everything that you know I had put my salary on pause like I didn’t want to believe it I just
want to pour more money into it to try to figure out if I could fix it and ultimately I just came to the decision that for whatever reason this was not my door to walk through anymore even though at
first I I very much thought it was uh and and felt very affirmed and so um I I you know the
triage of an emergency like that when you’re in it you’re an adrenaline you know I found my employees
jobs I closed down my Studios I you know made sure that customers were well taken care of I released
my franchises into license agreements but the aftermath is is such a disruption to your identity
and uh you know for the last five years I don’t regret that decision once and I think people who
are listening who might be going through something similar may feel like if I made a decision like
that would I regret it I think a lot of people I worried would I regret this would I would regret walking away from something that I worked so hard to build that was at multi seven figures
when I walked away from it and what I what I wished that I had just tried harder and longer
because you hear that a lot of entrepreneurs you know you just need to go at it long enough to get a result from it but in this situation there was enough to for me to just know it wasn’t my journey
anymore and I walked and I never regretted it so from there started a Consulting career
um it was going to be the pit stop between where I was where I was going next and end up being the Final Destination today I’m a consultant to some of the biggest influencer brands in
the country and fastest growing nonprofits I started getting to non-profit work this year and now I also have a Consulting certification program in Mastermind for Consultants I’m also
the co-founder of a membership with Kelly roach that you were a guest speaker in so lots of good things going on so that takes me to today oh my gosh and I know you know today a lot of the focus
is going to be on the topic of your book and how to create these business relationships because
I think it’s I love your approach to growing and scaling business I think it’s so powerful I think
it’s something that so many of the members of our community crave where it’s like it doesn’t have to be sometimes we feel like we have to be spammy or cheesy or inauthentic and you’re the complete
opposite which I love so we’re we’re gonna spend a lot of time on that today before we get into that though I just wanna I just want to speak to kind of how you made the decision because I
think that’s so important too to just to note that like just because something on paper looks good
we especially as women it’s like we have this intuition that tells us when it’s time and that
can be the hardest voice to listen to as well as that voice saying this just isn’t in alignment
anymore even if it once was and I know there’s a lot of women listening who maybe built something
that they thought was going to be their thing for life and then it’s like suddenly they’re
kind of coming to grips with the fact that for whatever reason it’s not I just want to know like what words of wisdom would you give to a woman who’s in that circumstance before we move
on to talking about you know the the topic of the rest of the interview I think the decisions try harder or longer or to walk away is one of the toughest decisions we make as women whether it’s a
relationship a marriage a um a friendship whether it is a business relationship it’s so challenging
and my advice to somebody who is trying to decide that is what would the five years from now version
of you tell yourself like what would what would that future self say to you today because what
happens is we make a lot of decisions based on what we understand to be true about our past
but what happens is we make a decision from that place we end up in the same patterns
and so really deciding who is the future Laura right who is the future at least like what is
what is the at least 10 years from now look like what does she sound like what does she say how does she lead what is she what is her story what is the story that you want to tell about your life
and from there I think we can make really good decisions and my decision to close that business
was very much based on it was not a story I wanted to stay in you know it was not a
story that I wanted to continue to live in which was a story of putting out fires and Contin you
know having to get into contentious situations with franchisees which is not it’s it’s the way
franchising works it’s not it wasn’t specific to my situation and the more I kind of learned about it it’s like yes the 10 years for me from now Laura May exit with a big exit and I might have
a big trust fund for my children but would I be happy with how I got there I probably wouldn’t be
yeah and so that’s a big piece of it that’s such a powerful I think when you use that that kind
of lens what would that five tenure version of me what would she do and what’s important to her we get so much instant Clarity yes we need to do next in the situation so thank you for
that because I know sometimes when you’re in the middle of it it’s hard to see it it’s so hard spending time developing a relationship with your future self I think is
one of the best things we can do I love that well let’s so let’s segue from that into this topic
of building relationships so I from everything I know and obviously you can you can share more of the story here but from everything I know so much of what you’ve been able to build up until this
day is really it’s been about Network it’s been about relationships it’s been about creating these
win-wins so how did that factor in to kind of your your next phase in the next chapter of your
journey and then let’s talk about what inspired you to write the book over the years people would
say to me I can’t believe when I would tell them what I went through he would say like I can’t
believe that was four years ago I can’t believe that was three years ago I also had a third child
um two years ago so people like how did you do that like how did you grow this bit this
large-scale business you have today and I had to think about it I was like I actually don’t know so
I spent some time unpacking it and that’s what I ended up putting in this book win-win and it came from a couple observations in the online space so in the online space I found that a lot of people
really just want to click a button and make the business grow there was probably a time in which
we could kind of do that with Facebook ads but I also think that ship has sale and it’s coming back
to genuine authentic relationships connections um meaningful uh relationships and back before
there was social media and I was in in business for 20 years that was survival like relationship marketing was how I got to my first multi-7 figures in business we didn’t run Facebook ads
and I realized how few online coaches Consultants people in our space really they just didn’t know
how to do it they thought that relationship marketing was like sending out you know spamming
messages to 100 people to see how many came back where they thought that relationship marketing was JVS and Affiliates which is a is a piece of it but it’s actually a small piece of it it’s really not
the majority of where your effort would go if you were starting out in relationship marketing you’re
just not there yet where you would get into those types of collaborations so I think for many people
they just don’t know how to go about it in the right way with the right people so instead they
end up going about it the wrong way and getting discouraged or shying away from it all together
and when I started my Consulting business I texted a group of CEOs that I was friendly with and I
just said hey you know I want to let you know that I’m no longer going to be running my company I know we’ve talked about this and I’ll be shutting things down and I just want to thank you so much
for everything you’ve done to inspire me and Mentor me and be a leader and an example and one
by one after the pleasantries were exchanged and they were like oh my gosh I’m so sorry they texted
me separately and they were like so I really love what you did with your marketing like do you think you could come to headquarters and run a workshop for my team do you think that you could provide
some creative direction for social media like I’m kind of been hating it lately do you think
and little by little they started hiring me and I think that for a lot of people they develop
relationships with the intention of it being an immediate return and that’s not how relationships
work when you develop relationships the right way they come through for you when you need it the
most and you expect it the least and it comes from credibility like the reason why those ladies hired
me wasn’t because they were handing out charity right I mean they were CEOs of big companies like
Painting with a Twist and Massage Heights and lash Lounge but it wasn’t it wasn’t because they felt bad and wanted to give me money it’s because I had developed credibility with them up into that point
and credibility is the first step in relationship building that I think a lot of people miss speak a little bit more to that because I I think that’s one piece that sometimes can feel a little
bit vague and nebulous um whether it’s someone is hesitant to position themselves an expert
like what what is credibility and how do we build that in our relationships yeah I think a lot of people want to build it immediately in a one-to-many dynamic right and there’s again
there’s ways to do that we can have case studies I think testimonials to a certain degree at this point are somewhat commoditized I’m a big believer in case studies for that reason and so just well
actually no I’m sorry let’s come back to the case studies yeah so keep keep going yeah yeah I think I think everybody kind of has the same testimonial on their website with the history you
know sometimes it’s the same people and you’re like oh wow that person hires a lot of coaches
right and uh and you’re like wait a second I just saw that person on somebody else’s website with
the same testimonial that’s interesting and um and so and I think buyers are becoming much more
discriminating in terms of who they’re buying from in that trust and that credibility and to
a certain degree we’re in a credibility crisis so Harvard Business Review reports that 80 percent of
buyers consider trust a deciding factor in doing business together but only 34 of consumers trust
the brands they’re buying from Wow and so there’s a really big uh gap between who we trust and
there’s a trust crisis I mean just look at what’s happening with Twitter right now right and so I
think for many people many consumers many buyers many many students potential um uh potential
customers want to feel that sense of trust and credibility with the people they’re buying from
and credibility is a combination of trust and it’s a combination of uh of knowing what it you know
communicating results from the people that you have served But ultimately ultimately create uh
credibility comes from something very unexpected and it is a interesting word that has been studied
extensively when it comes to credibility and trust and it’s called benevolence and benevolence is
wanting the best for the person in front of you irregardless of whether or not it benefits you
and benevolence is actually the unsung hero in credibility
because people can feel it like our our brains are wired to sniff out whether or not somebody is just
trying to get one over on us and I think for a long time in the particularly in the coaching space people wanted to believe so badly that they would be one of the big success stories
that they would buy into whatever was being sold even if benevolence was not being demonstrated
I think now people really want to believe that you care and want the best outcome
for them irregardless of whether or not they buy from you irregardless of whether or not it ever
benefits you and I think a lot of people in our industry have they struggle with it they they want
they want the immediate sale or they’ll sell to somebody even if it’s not a perfect fit which is
more in your area of expertise than mine but that uh benevolent shows up in the marketing as well
ah how does that how does that show up like what are some examples where it would actually
demonstrate we could know this is a core value of this person yes so right here in this exchange
you and I have a lovely relationship we did a podcast exchange years ago really clicked
connected I was just sitting here thinking like energetically we really flow nicely together and I came back to you I went on the people who I had done some podcast exchanges with
to see if there’s anybody on the list that would be a good fit for the book marketing plan and I reached out to you and you said yes which was wonderful because I know that’s a big deal to let
somebody on your podcast twice then I immediately said to you you know what why don’t I have you in my program I don’t want this to be a one-way interaction and you were so surprised like oh
wow that’s that’s a really nice offer and I said yeah absolutely and I wanted to make sure that the
people in my program were exposed to your work we got great feedback and if I was sitting here just
selling right this was like kind of a pitch Fest in a sales Fest I could put it into I could dress
it up any anyway I I could think of I could be very uh sophisticated about how I would hide that
but everybody would feel it and Know It ultimately everyone who’s listening here it’s it’s about
what’s happening on the inside for us and people can feel it they can sense it when you just want
to figure out whether or not this is something that’s going to benefit you in the short term or not and if it’s not you’re out and I’ve been part of podcast exchanges like that and you have
too and my biggest goal in this in this interview and I’m sure for your solo episodes as well or any
other interviews that you do is value it’s can I benefit you can I help you can I shortcut your
learning curve can I make it faster easier for you to get a result from entrepreneurship and you will remember that and down the road if my programs are offers for a fit you’ll you’ll the
right time will appear and I think that trusting and that benevolence and if it never happens
that’s fantastic I really just want the best for everyone who’s listening and when we can approach
it from that intention what happens is you learn to trust it and that Goodwill multiplies in the
marketplace people hear your name and they’re like oh my gosh yeah she’s great you’re regardless of
whether or not they’d be a fit for a Consulting training program and your reputation builds your relationship builds and that’s when your marketing creates more of a movement and really
moves people into action inspires them and does what marketing is supposed to do instead of turns
it into this direct response sales opportunity that most people don’t want to be part of
yeah for sure so that’s I think one of the really powerful themes that I’m pulling out
even from the start of our conversation where you talked about make that decision with your five or ten yourself in mind is the The Long View and I I love that so much because to your
point was there a time when people could come in and make a crap ton of money off of Internet
ads and making it like there was there was a Heyday for that I missed that Heyday I wasn’t I did too gosh that must have been fun but like anything that doesn’t have the Long View in mind
it’s temporary yeah and so I think these principles which is someone is listening and even as you’re speaking and talking about this concept of benevolence like it resonates
with the highest level of my soul and I think for anyone who’s listening it will as well because it’s true because it always works even if it is more of the long game but that’s the game that
we’re hopefully here all to play as well so I think that’s so powerful and it aligns so much
with what we teach about selling principles as well in the community so I want to speak a little
bit to some of the mistakes that you see people making with relationship building especially
in the the digital age I think you’ve spoken to some of it already with kind of the instant pot methodology let me just you know click a button and get this cash outcome that I’m looking for
and it doesn’t really work but what are some other mistakes that we make when it comes to building relationships with people we really want to build relationships with yeah I love you asking that
um I don’t think any of your listeners would do this but I would say it’s probably not posting a Lambo on Facebook and um you know putting some hot guy on the roof of it and hoping that it
would get you sales so it’s probably not not the right way to get that post Laura I don’t know take it down now take it down now it’s not going to be there if you look for it later
I always like to joke that for us women it’s probably more like an SUV with like a guy you
know in a in a grilling apron right like dinner’s handled tonight honey right best words ever
right so um I hear what it is I’ll buy it I think I think we’ll make a mistake of first of all they
try to do it behind closed doors so they get into a lot of one-on-one coffee chats and they
get into friendly Chit Chat without really being strategic with their time of how they’re going
about relationship building and that ends up being more of a Time suck than anything and
very discouraging so if we just think about the practical application of relationship marketing
of collaborations and also the mistake they make is they often think the person in front of them is the person they’re selling to and that may or may not be true but from a probability and
number standpoint it’s typically not the person in front of you it’s the person in front of you’s
audience so when we get into these one-on-one Chit Chats and I’ve seen this happen a lot even in our
communities where they get to know each other a little bit better and it’s a friendly conversation and then nothing really comes out of it at the end that ends up being not a great use of time
some people try to play the numbers with it or they’re getting like a hundred coffee chats a year and a handful of them end up being clients but it’s really not sustainable and it can end up
feeling really yucky if you’re on the receiving end of somebody who’s being kind of aggressive and you thought it was just a friendly chit chat so instead of getting in these closed
doors conversations which I can understand if you’re introverted at all if you’re new to relationship marketing if you don’t trust your voice yet it’s a lot easier to get on a
zoom that’s not being recorded than one that is like this one but as quickly as you can instead
of getting in one-on-one chats connect with people like I think you and I connected over social media and then we went into a podcast exchange have first of all something to offer
have something to offer in the exchange and don’t worry if your audience is Tiny or your podcast is
new I’ve never had anybody ask me how many weekly downloads my podcast gets in a podcast exchange
except for one guy once off of Clubhouse and he was kind of a sleazy guy so I was like that’s fine
we’re just not going to do an exchange I thought you were interesting but I I really don’t anymore I’ve had one of those it’s always the one who you don’t actually want to have on your show who
asks that so yeah right and there’s something beautiful and Powerful about small audiences that is hard to scale as you grow so don’t worry about small numbers small audiences I know this
is something you teach as well and if you don’t like podcasting or it’s too overwhelming to get one up and running just go live on LinkedIn once a week if you don’t like yourself on video have
a Blog where you post your content and email it out to an email list every week something that you
can offer in exchange with someone else so you can get in front of their audience and they can get in front of yours because from a number standpoint it’s unlikely that the person you’re speaking
directly to is the right fit for your program but it is likely that somebody in your collaborators
audience could be a good fit for your program and vice versa and that’s the power of collaboration
it just increases your visibility so quickly you know if you think about maybe an hour a
week of getting into podcast exchanges that’s 52 visibility opportunities a year times let’s
just say somebody has four or five hundred audience members not huge right think about
how many people would have their eyeballs on your offer versus just getting into friendly Chit Chats
that nobody sees I love that I love that because there’s kind of this balance and this I think this
this is wisdom right is there’s benevolence in the exchange right so you’re always looking for
the best thing for the person and you’re still not here to waste time like you’re not here
to waste anybody’s time which I love so there’s there’s some strategy from it with that benevolent
energy and that’s oh that’s Kelly that’s amazing yeah so I want to ask one more question and then
we’ll we’ll have you talk a little bit more about the book and where people can can get it because it’s got some amazing downloads that come with it and some great resources as well
so I’d love to kind of finish with if you’re looking to build a relationship with someone
who seems Out Of Reach for whatever reason Their audience is bigger I so appreciate everything you said like don’t worry about the audience numbers let’s let’s say there’s someone that’s like a
dream podcast list or a dream collaboration list and they feel Out Of Reach I heard you
say focus on the value right what value can you bring is there anything else that we should be thinking about when it comes to building these relationships with that type of person okay I’m
so glad you asked this and I give some examples in my book because this is a popular question of course everybody wants to be partnering with the bigger influencer the bigger person in in
the dynamic and that can happen I mean most of your best collaborators are going to be your
peers people that you can match with but if you’re really looking to try to match or try to create
value for somebody who’s a few steps ahead of you which nobody’s better than anyone else right but
if I called up Oprah asking for a podcast exchange she’d probably say you know call me in a few years
so there’s there’s always that you know audience size match that’s appropriate in any exchange
um one of the things you can do is just be their biggest fan be their loudest biggest fan and I’ll
tell you that this is rare and you probably get them in your inbox and I do too and when somebody
reaches out to you and they just say like I don’t want anything from you I just want to let you know like I appreciate you I loved your content that was a great podcast episode this was my takeaway
when you hear from those people most people will listen passively or the they’re the haters right
they’re the boers right and that’s unfortunately when you’re a person of influence that’s what
you you get to navigate but when somebody is just saying I love what you’re doing thank you so much
and you hear from them regularly that stands out that stands out another idea is to be in
their program and be their best student and again that stands out and I don’t know about you I put
my best students on my podcast and you’ll find that people will will really appreciate that and
they won’t really require it to be reciprocal as much the other thing you can do is you could create a blog post that talks about how much you love their program and how much you love their
content and search optimize it you’ll probably get their attention pretty quick so there’s a lot of really great things that you can do to get the attention of somebody who’s a few steps ahead of
you in a respectful way that could open up doors to reciprocity wow brilliant brilliant brilliant
or please tell everyone where can they go to connect with you to order the book I mean this is
just in this short amount of time I’m getting so many ideas for things that I want to do in my own
network and career so thank you for this this is pure gold and I know like I want to learn more I know everyone listening does too so tell us where we can go to get the book and learn more yeah
absolutely so you can go to createyourwinwin.com so that’s create your winwin.com where you can
download some free resources and also click on the link to order the book on Amazon inside of the
book you’ll see all sorts of ideas and tangible advice on how to implement a lot of what we talked about today amazing amazing one final question and then we’ll we’ll wrap The Core theme that I
aim to impart on all of our listeners is to really develop that trust in yourself which for many of
us it it’s a journey it happens over time it’s not an overnight thing but as I think about your
journey and what you share today there’s so much of that demonstrated so if you’re going to give a woman one final piece of advice on how do you really come to trust yourself what would you say
I would say that this is going to be specific to relationship marketing
there’s lots of different ways that I think you can trust yourself but for many people who are
getting started in relationship marketing there’s a lot of who am I to who am I to talk about this
topic there’s so many other people that are good at this topic who am I to share my experience I
don’t even have that much experience to share and what I want to share with anybody who feels that
way and that’s why they’re having Chit Chats behind closed doors and that’s why they’re not
creating collaborations and exchanges that could be really beneficial to both parties is nobody
is going to say it like you say it nobody has the story you have nobody’s going to have your
tone of voice nobody has the exact values you have and when it comes to this type of marketing which
is why I think it’s the best type of marketing for the work that we do people are going to be
very attracted to your perspective your unique point of view and that’s what is going to grow
your business not that you know your ideal client is not looking across everybody on Instagram with
the same captions that you have what they’re going to do is hear your voice at that time
and they may have an affinity to you based on something that you said whether it’s something that you went through in your life or business or that they just like tennis and I happen to be
a tennis player it could be anything but that is the way in which you’re going to make a connection
and getting started doing that and not worrying about what everybody else is saying and doing is
what is going to accelerate the growth of your business amazing amazing thank you so much Laura
this is so fun I’m just I’m so excited for you bringing your wisdom to all of us through this
book and it’s such a beautiful way that people can engage with you and really Elevate their relationships which again the long game is always what wins so thank you for this so
important message and timely message that you’re bringing into the world with your book thank you
so much for having me I always love being with you and I really appreciate the opportunity to be here oh absolutely absolutely well we will link we’ll link all the resources in the show
notes we’ll link the book in the show notes as well so again to you my listener go connect with Laura get her book these are principles that will help take you to your next level of success for
sure so dive in deep thank you as always for being a list listener of She Sells Radio if
you want to dive into more resources to help you elevate your sales your income and your life you
can head on over to elisearcher.com I will see you on our next episode of She Sells Radio. Bye for now.