Today’s guest is a seasoned revenue leader in the SaaS sales space with over 16 years overall experience and 10 years of executive leadership. She has a unique background as a musician and artist that I’m excited to dive into and see how that has impacted her approach to sales. Christina Brady is my guest, in addition to being a seasoned revenue leader she’s the host of the Taking the Lead Podcast and the Head of Development for Women in Sales.
As a former artist, musician, and improv performer, she has a genuine passion for building culture, coaching & developing leaders, and producing top-performing Sales and CS teams across small to enterprise organizations. Christina uses her experience, data driven approach, and people first mentality to impact and support SaaS organizations across the US. On a daily basis, she is energized by the opportunity to help companies of all sizes grow and make a worldly impact.
[2:49] – Christina’s unique background has helped her in unexpected ways in B2B sales. She shares her arts background and the similarities between art and sales.
[5:57] – Even though she went through unsuccessful sales while working in insurance, Christina learned that she loved sales.
[7:56] – She learned that you can have the intent on helping somebody and your intent is pure, sales will be successful.
[10:19] – Infuse your intention into every part of your sales process.
[11:48] – Your intent will be very clear to prospects.
[15:06] – It’s not the pressure to perform that is the problem. It’s the pressure of what will happen if you don’t. Fear shuts the brain down.
[17:34] – If you are in a high pressure situation, Christina gives the suggestion to bring it to the attention of leadership.
[19:50] – The most critical thing you can do to build a relationship is to listen and understand.
[21:28] – Show the physical cues that you are listening.
[23:27] – Christina gives examples of ways to prove that you were really listening.
[26:22] – Decisions are made in one of four ways.
[27:50] – Kinder prospects are actually harder to sell to. You can give people the opportunity to say no and that it is okay to do so.
[31:19] – That landscape is evolving. Christina says to seek balance.
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Welcome to She Sells Radio I am personally very excited for today’s
conversation because if you have followed me for any amount of time you know I love talking about Quantum leaps
and any time in my sales in my life in my business when I have Quantum leaped
and there have been many times when I’ve been stuck too so that’s definitely part of the story but anytime I’ve Quantum
leaped it has not been from working harder it has not been from just out
hustling in fact those were the activities and the ways of being where I stayed stuck um when I have truly
Quantum leave it has been from going inside and learning how to rewire and
shift the subconscious programming that was keeping me stuck at a certain level
to start actually seeing and believing that what I wanted was possible and so
what I really now teach and believe is that your results will never supersede your identity and so today we get to go
in depth with an expert in reprogramming the subconscious mind and how you remove
limiting beliefs that could have persisted for most of your life so my guest today is Joel Bine he’s the
founder of human Liberation and he shares a revolutionary approach to removing negative beliefs from the
subconscious mind which I’m very excited to hear about freeing people from their unwanted thoughts and emotions so Joel
welcome so much to the podcast I am very excited to dive in with you today and I’m ready to take notes because I know
that I’m going to learn so much too so thank you for being here my pleasure I’m excited to be here amazing so you know
we get we get a lot of uh reach outs for the show and when I and and most of them
I’m like nah you know it’s just it’s not a fit or we don’t have bandwidth when I saw what you were doing and more about
your work I was like yes we need to have you on because this is the one thing that if people can learn how to do it
will will transform not just their results but their I I want to hear your
thoughts on this too but their peace and their happiness and their enjoyment of the process so um so I’m so excited to
to hear more from you and I know that anyone who has something that they teach and their passionate about they usually
have some sort of a backstory where they had to learn it for themselves or they had to overcome challenges in order to
um in order to create this methodology so would you share just a little bit more about your personal growth story
and what even LED you down this path of wanting to learn how to overcome limiting beliefs and then teaching so
many other people how to do so yeah absolutely I mean it’s funny my
personal development story started early I think age 1819 I just found myself
starting to gravitate towards podcasts about parenting philosophy and
psychology and thinking about how it is how is it that children are raised in
this culture right and thinking about how how can we create a healthy world
for adults by focusing on the fundamentals the fundamentals are how children are raised
right we we build these habits that that start in childhood I’ve always been interested in fundamentals I’m a I’m a
classically trained musician very passionate about that as well and so you need to know your your scales you need
to know your fundamentals you need to know the basics so I’m I’ve always been interested in in the fundamentals and
getting to the root of things to actually solve the problem and actually build healthy habits and healthy ways of
being so that’s one place that really started for me you know coming and coming out of a you know less than ideal
childhood for sure and having you know some chaos and dysfunction and just not
really being my authentic self not really being nurtured you know of course because of my parents own limitations
and their own beliefs and their own unprocessed childhoods and so I started gravitating getting towards that that
deep stuff from a young age and then doing a lot of different personal development throughout my 20s and and
getting to know who I actually am and then in my 30s really beginning to apply
that knowledge and and and sharing that authentic self with the world and that’s really when I came across in my early
30s the this method that I’m now sharing with the world which has been the most powerful tool I’ve come across to
actually to actually let go at the root of these these conditioned beliefs that
we’re you know as kids were trying to navigate our environments we’re trying to get connection and love and safety
and so forth and so we create stories to to make sense of things and and get those needs met but then they become
baggage um they become they get in the way they become clutter as we as we move
into adulthood so it’s it’s actually getting to that route and and and then
you can free yourself fully so that’s that’s kind of the high level uh backstory wow yeah well there’s there’s
a lot of places we could go with that and um something that we’ll talk today a fair amount about money uh if you’re
game for it our listeners are here and they’re you know they’re either in sales or they’re entrepreneurs so they they
want to learn how to grow their money and um well you know we’ll talk money blocks too but one of the things that
really transformed my life was when I I understood that the reason why I was
wanting more money wasn’t so much to have this like stack of paper sitting
there because money on its own without any sort of emotional impact doesn’t really do anything for us it was it was
the freedom that I thought it would create and it and to me surface level it’s like well yes it creates time and
money freedom and that’s powerful but at a deeper level what I’ve really come to understand and I’d love to hear your
your perspective on this we’ll go more into your story and your methodology too but the deepest Freedom that I I
personally feel like we’re seeking is is the freedom to be fully ourselves like when we’re there when we feel that that
to me is when everything unlocks so you spoke about being your authentic self
and I think that that phrase I know for many years I would hear it thr I was like you know it’s it’s sounded like a
t-shirt something nice to say but I didn’t really think it had a lot of value I was like how’s that going to make me help more help me make more
money I don’t really see a lot of value in it and being someone who’s who’s been
on this path and continues to be on this path there’s amazing things that unlock when
we actually tap back into like who were we in childhood and and um who is our
authentic self versus the the false self right and and start to close that Gap so
um share a little bit more about this concept of the authentic self and if someone’s listening how do they know if
they are showing up as their authentic self or if they’re not and and what why
do we want to why do we care right for someone who’s listening they’re like I care about the bottom line they’re at least 5 10 years ago how do they why do
why do they care to start really showing up as their authentic self and what would change or transform in their
business and their sales I hope that question makes sense it’s a lot of questions yeah well I like that you said
what’s the purpose of money basically it’s the endgame I mean it’s not money for money’s sake it’s to create a
flourishing life it’s to create freedom is to have certain needs met so that you can be happy like what’s life for it’s
to be happy right and I see happiness as how many of our needs can we get met at the highest level right so we have a
need for security and freedom and we also have needs for for connection and
we have a need to be seen right so it’s funny I I was listening to this podcast
and there’s this this guy who works with he’s worked with billionaires throughout
his career and he was giving this he was relaying the fact that there are many
many billionaires people who have1 billion dollar who wish they had two billion do and the reason that that is
is because they have inner inner things that they haven’t solved right it’s the
inner game and at the end of the day you could have all the money in the world but what’s what’s the point of
life right so if you’re if you’re lonely if you’re not being seen for who you are if you’re not expressing who you are
then you’re not going to be flourishing right so if you zoom out and say how do I create a true you know Michael
ellsburg and Brian Franklin their book The Last safe investment they talk about true wealth true wealth it’s not just
Financial wealth it’s all the wealth it’s social wealth it’s it’s feeling like you can express yourself it’s
having experiences that are meaningful all these things that that create a flourishing Abundant Life so yeah I mean
authentic self I think if you tune in in terms of how to know if you’re being your
false self or a true self one thing that comes to mind is just when you’re in
you’re having you know conversations with a a close friend or a romantic
partner like do you notice anything in your body that’s feeling guarded right you want to
maybe this part you want to express yourself you want to say what you actually think but then
you back yeah right because there could be some you sit on your needs you sit on
your needs for self-expression and self assertiveness right and you you hide and
this is I I know this very well because much of my life I’ve done this but uh
you hide that actual self- assertiveness so that you can at least
ostensibly create that illusion of I’m going to I’m going to stay safe and connected if I don’t actually disagree
here or I don’t actually show up as my full self right so that’s kind of the
one way to think about it so you said you sit on your needs right did I hear that correctly yeah that speak more I
think this is so powerful and so important there’s there’s some follow-up questions I want to ask but I know I’ve
had that experience many times and like I like I’ve I’ve made a I’ve grown a lot in this area and I’m still like every
day I’m noticing ways in which I’m like oh I held back there and I wanted to say something or so I I don’t know that this
work ever ends um but that sitting on your needs really spoke to me the way
that you put it because that feels very clear so what does someone if they notice they’re doing
this what do we start to do I know you’ve got a methodology and so I don’t like obviously people would want to hire
you to go deeper in this if they want to have the full experience but can you speak a little bit to how do we start to
unravel that way of being and and what is the the way that you approach this with clients when when they’ve maybe had
this pattern for most of their life how do we start to feel safe to actually show up and be visible and be seen as
our most authentic selves yeah the the discovery process of
figuring out what beliefs the subconscious mind has is the most
important part because I can connect with someone and we can clear any belief
for them very rapidly the question is what’s the belief that’s causing you the
most issues in your life in your patterns so if that’s a fear of let’s just take that same example of of
self-expression fear fear of self assertiveness again I start with the body like okay we we have this pattern
when you’re talk let’s just say you’re talking to your husband and you notice that you feel guarded in that moment
okay let’s start with that now let’s connect to the body the body is feeling this guardedness
this fear okay often I’ll ask clients if that fear or guardedness could speak
what would it say and that gives us the chance to see this fear this feeling as a separate
part of you so understanding that the the psyche
is sort of a family of parts of ourselves part of me thinks this part of me feels
this and seeing okay it’s not that I’m fearful it’s there’s this part of me
that’s fearful and so then we can kind of have that
perspective oh this is this part oh and that part is coming from my past
experience right so then we begin to dialogue with the part to to understand
what the actual beliefs are the actual root Concepts that are filtering reality so
there could be a belief that I’m not assertive or it’s not safe
to express myself or I’m not good enough I’m not good enough in my experience
working with with dozens and dozens of people is the most common belief I think
people have in the in the world so if we can actually identify the
conceptual you know the the language that that spotlights the actual Concepts the part of you is believing then we can
then we can work this process and and clear the belief out um but it’s it’s really starting with the body often
times and starting what is the pattern I have now connect to that part of you and figure out what that part of you is
believing that makes a ton of sense once you so once we connect to that part of
us and we’re like okay I’ve got some clarity on what that part of me is believing how do we start to shift it
because I think you speak to and I know a lot of people will teach affirmations
visualization and um and I have a an approach that I use in my own life but I’m curious to hear from you like is
that is that how you shift it with your clients or have you found something that’s a more powerful approach because
there’s a lot of people listening who probably say oh I tried affirmations and it didn’t work for me I tried a vision
board I tried manifesting and it didn’t work so what’s the what’s the Gap and is there a different or better way to clear
those beliefs and then create because we’ve got to replace it with a different belief right so what does that look like for you when you’re working with
clients yeah I love I love this topic uh affirmations I believe are very valuable
but it is the case that many people struggle to gain value from them and it’s because the subconscious part is
believing the opposite perhaps so I mean I did affirmations for years like I’m
enough I’m enough I’m enough and I I remember doing that and it would give me this shortterm value but then I also
remember thinking deep down that it was it was nonsense it was BS what I was
saying because deep down I believed I’m not enough so it’s like trying to spray the
dog dooo on the carpet with air freshener it’s like we need to actually clear out the problem and then if you
want to add air freshener to enhance things if you want to add the affirmation to enhance things
I think that’s great but but what I do is is is really just about the
unlearning process it’s deprogramming it’s not focused at all on
learning new things on New on new affirmations on reprogramming on shifting this and changing and adding
it’s subtracting it’s unlearning it’s pulling out the weeds it’s pulling out the weeds of the
mental Garden you pull out the weeds and then if you want to plant some new seeds that are wonderful affirmations for man
man estation all the good things like well now we’ve cleared all this stuff that’s getting in the way so this is why
people have the uh you know there’s like this caricature of affirmations and like
people are turned off sometimes by affirmations and visualization because it doesn’t work
for a lot of people because we have all these beliefs from parts of us that that are holding on and until we actually
dialogue with the part of us that believes I’m not good enough or I’m not enough or money is evil whatever it is
then we’re just going to keep having this oppositional energy to the
affirmation that’s something I’ve been really thinking about in my own life lately too and and for my clients too
it’s just this experience of like split energy which I think so many people listening if if you’re conscious and if
you’re paying attention you may notice in your life where it’s like I want this thing and I feel this pulled towards
this thing and I feel bad for wanting it I tell I make myself wrong I feel like I
always have to work so hard to get there um you know I beat myself up Etc so I I
this is not an at leas original I don’t know who said this originally but I think this is where people get it messed
up with Law of Attraction manifestation is they think well you just sit there and you look at the vision board all day
or you affirm all day and and it happens and and no because in life we don’t get what we want we get what we are right so
to your point of you got to clear out the weeds first before you can plant the
new seeds if there’s a if there’s a weed in there like you’re going to attract based on that belief based on that
negative belief even if it’s not what you want so I I think it’s a I love the
approach let’s talk specifically to money and money blocks um so I don’t
know if you see this with your clients a lot of the work I do with mine and what we see with a lot of the members of the
community is around worthiness so you know we’ve got we got all genders in the community
obviously more women the men here but um but what’s you
know I see this so commonly with the women who come into our group programs where they they want another level of
success they want another level of abundance and yet they either they don’t
feel worthy of it they feel bad for wanting it there can be old religious wounding about you’re going to be
punished if you go for what you H or you should feel shameful for more how do we can you speak to those a little bit like
how do you approach those with clients how do we start to break those I know it’s probably the same process but let’s let’s make it specific to money right
now because I know this is a hot button for the community absolutely I mean money I love
talking about this partially because it’s the most taboo Topic in the culture
I think yeah and so getting curious about that taboo to start with can be an
entry point into our money beliefs again all a subconscious mind you might know that you’re worthy of success and
abundance and prosperity and being rich and you want those things and that’s so
amazing and then these deep childhood parts are are attached I mean I mean for
me I I grew up in a family where there was no exposure to business there was I
didn’t even know anything about entrepreneurship business until my like early 20s there was no exposure to that
it was a world of my parents were both in the public sector and even
implicitly I learned that you know making money is is greedy or rich people are selfish or money is evil even uh and
also we just didn’t have that much money and there was that atmosphere in the home and so beginning to reflect on the
atmosphere you had in your home growing up is is a great entry point but yeah I
mean I I work with many many of my my clients we we’ll work on usually three to five patterns over the course of our
sessions together but oftentimes one of those patterns is money blocks um
there’s many people I’ve worked with that they’re making tons of money even but they still have insecurities about money they still have fear about the
future so yeah getting conscious and just inviting awareness to beliefs like
I don’t have enough money like I’ll invite people to listening right now just if you just sit on that belief does it
resonate in your body I don’t have enough money if it feels if there’s a weight
there that means the part of you has a belief that’s filtering your reality um
if it sounds empty it sounds ridiculous like 2 plus 2 equals 5 that means the belief’s not there but that’s kind of
the sense test I’ll help people recognize is let’s just say this belief what’s Your Gut check about it another
common one is making money as hard you know when you actually think
about it and this is this is the dialogue I’ll have sometime with people in their parts their parts of their subconscious
mind it’s like making money is hard is there any actual proof of that in terms
of our sense data excuse me so yeah I
mean and I break this down more in in in the guide that I have um it’s actually
atth human liberation. I created this guide that that talks more about the specifics
about this uh people want to kind of get really into it but basically
it’s recognizing that in these events growing up you you you saw your parents struggling with with the bills well it’s
recognizing that you didn’t actually see the belief I don’t have enough money you just
saw things objects people you saw things with your eyes you saw your your mom or
dad having a certain facial expression you saw this bill and then maybe you felt feelings in your body you felt this
tension or this insecurity okay you had sense data coming in you’re experiencing
but the actual story I don’t have enough money is not one of the pieces of sense
data we just create meaning that’s what we do and it’s totally understandable as a kid
especially we are trying to understand our environments we’re trying to stay
safe we’re trying to stay connected we’re trying to fit in we’re trying to maintain attachment to our parents all
the different like reasons that are so we make meaning we’re meaning making machines as
humans so the the thing is we we are unconsciously making meaning when we’re
having some of these challenges ing events growing up and so when you actually recognize
that the the stories aren’t in objective reality it’s something you created in
your mind and we can be free of it forever yeah and the clients I’ve worked with is just like enormous shift
over like not even usually I work with people for 12 weeks um sometimes I’ll work with people
I had a client who his money blocks were he he rated as a 10 10 out of 10 on week
one and by week eight he was Zero he was like yeah I’m good like I I still blows
my mind even sharing that like I know it might sound like I’m trying to Hype it up or something but I’m just sharing the
real like we just keep shaving down beliefs and then is totally different
totally different yeah oh my gosh that’s so good and and I love everything you’re saying because it it’s very aligned with
the teaching that has changed my life and the work I do now my own life and with with clients too and I want to just
come back to something and make sure that I’m hearing this the way that you’re you’re meaning it too so for
everyone listening the way what I’m hearing you say is how do we know if we
have a limiting belief how do we know if we have a subconscious pattern that’s holding us back right we we check in with our body and if it feels you use
the word I think heavy like it’s weighing you down that’s an instant awareness that this is I’m thinking this
is the way I think like I’m thinking something that’s not actually true for me in this moment or that doesn’t have
to be my highest and best truth it’s it’s in conflict with what I think like my best or highest self knows and think
so that’s the trigger is that feeling state in the body is that and you’re giving different language to it which I
appreciate so is that am I hearing that right is there anything you would add on to that from what I said yeah I love
integrating the the body and the mind it’s like let’s just start with the present moment what is the experience you’re having now that that feeling in
the body that guarden this that you know maybe you’re for me I had fear about
sales specifically and being on a sales call and and being
in that moment where you’re making the pitch you’re saying okay would you like to become my client would you like to do this partnership
whatever and feeling that like little twinge of anxiety right and then that’s
the clue that’s the clue okay what do I have to believe in order for this anxiety to be occurring what is intern
the actual cause because the the the the experience the the sales call is just
the it’s just the external circumstance it’s not the cause the cause of your
anxiety is from is from deeper is from your past yeah so I had a belief again I
that I just have sort of absorbed through osmosis in this culture and in my family as well that sales is
dishonest this is a big one I think because we don’t hear about sales in
school it’s just that imply that sales is sleazy or whatever it is could be
sales is sleazy sales is manipulative sales is dishonest sales is
greedy so there’s a lot of that there’s a lot of that in our culture and so again we might consciously know people
listening you’re experienced in in entrepreneurship or sales and you you know sales is about being authentic and
being honest and if you actually want to have results you need to build that but the question is is there any part of you
that’s holding on to something from the past because you absorbed it yeah through the culture so that was a big
one for me the sales is dishonest that’s huge that’s I would
imagine everyone listening has heard that I mean what’s the most common analogy I use car sales but like no
disrespect to anyone who’s listening who sells cars right but that’s it’s just that conditioning and then um I I know
so many of our listeners can relate and you go into we got a lot of listeners who are entrepreneurs or sales professionals you go into it because any
number of reasons you you usually you want to help people you like what you’re selling and you like the idea of the
abundance right and the opportunity for freedom and and all of that and and so it’s a beautiful way to live and yet if
we’re held down by that belief or that you you talked about perception right it’s like this Veil that’s kind of
clouding our perception when we’re on the sales calls it’s it’s kind of like you’re you’ve got this ankle we you’re
just like dragging along right and you’re always moving slower than you could that’s that’s how I um that’s
sometimes how I think about it speak a little bit more Joel like I’d love to go a little bit deeper into the the hustle
culture and the conditioning that to be successful we need to be working
247 um and this is I I man I remember when I was coming up in sales I I
followed a sales leader who talked about like if you have any white space on your calendar it’s the devil and and so I got
into this cycle where I would get up at 2:00 in the morning I’d go to bed at like 11 I was burning the candle at both
ends I was working all the time and that was actually the season of my life where no matter what I did I couldn’t break
past the low six figure Mark so I was working so hard all the time feeling
like it was just like moving through quicksand but there was this like this weight and this this should of you
should be working or else you’re not being productive you’re going to fall behind there’s the competition is going
to get your de and this is this is pervasive in the business culture so you spoke a little bit to this before but
I’d love to just go deeper into this if someone is realizing that yeah I’ve got this condition like I feel like I need
to be working all the time and I feel guilty if I take a break or I like feel guilty if I go outside and feel the sun
on my face during the day or we’ve got moms and and dad’s listening if I stop and play with my babies how do we start
to dismantle this and and get passes and what’s what’s your take on this approach to work yeah this is one of my favorite
topics uh because I’m a big fan of what I call high performance
loafing uh there’s a great performance loafing yeah okay there there’s an
author named Daniel coil who wrote the book The Talent Code and he he talks about how skill is
grown and he went around the world studying High performers such as Elite tennis players
and soccer players and musicians and he was trying to figure out how to these places build Talent anyway he had a blog
post some 10 years ago talking about the importance of rest in all his research um the the the top
performers in any area of life actually work very
focused for a finite number of of hours and then they’re resting and they’re getting tons of downtime I mean
historically someone like Charles Darwin was like working I don’t know he would work 9 to 12 in the morning and then he
was he was playing back gamon with his family he was taking long walks he’s taking a naps like in this restoration
time is essential for having for your brain to be let’s take sleep and napping
this is a huge opportunity for your brain to process information and to have insights and have to be refreshed and to
be restoring and taking long walks with no technology having you know great
ideas and from these long walks and and refreshing your mind and getting the endorphins and and we know these things
like people listening to podcasts like we’re hearing about the self-help and make sure you take time for yourself and self-care and all that stuff but then we
have these subconscious beliefs because we’ve been conditioned we’re just a product of our conditioning and like
I’ll just zoom out for a second like I just want to invite compassion right now for everybody like we’re growing up in this
when it comes to work specifically this work hard for this for the sake of working hard this like puritanical like
it’s baked into us and like just just forgive yourself first at a metal level
for this this wheel that you’re on because it’s very hard I’ve done a lot of belief work on myself
with this and there’s still beliefs that I haven’t found yet I think because there’s so many different ways that we
we are so many different spellings if you will different beliefs about work ethic um that we want to uncover but
like what makes me Worthy is working hard the way to be successful is to work
hard um making money is hard I’m not doing enough I should be doing
more this stuff we it gets instilled in installed into us through through this
culture and so that first step is to just invite some self-acceptance I think
for that wheel that this sort of cycle that we inherited from our parents they inherited from their parents and like
but we we actually know that what matters for creating value and creating results is just that creating value and
creating results it’s not about how much your body is straining itself like is there isn’t there a distinction between
doing valuable work being productive and straining your body like
is it really necessary to have this physiological experience of
distress in order to create value in the
marketplace that’s sort of like a high level rhetorical question for people and
then when we actually investigate you know at this level of spef specificity
we again we connected these subconscious parts and see what beliefs they have but yeah I’m I’m I’m pretty passionate about
this one because I want people to enjoy life and have that time that
downtime and and take care of ourselves but I also don’t want to people often will try to swing the
pendulum the other way and and focus on self-care and then not do the the the hard work hard
work meaning like concrete work tangible um results producing work um
which is also a form of self-care like doing the thing that you want to do that’s going to move your
business forward the most and create the flourishing life you want is a form of
self-care so yeah I could Riff on that for a long time but oh my gosh yeah man
it’s funny it’s like even as you talk I had a visceral physical reaction and likeing up in my eyes because I know
this conditioning is yeah so deep right it’s so deep and I I see this even with
we’ve got a three and a halfy old and even over the past couple of weeks he
started to bring home art from school and say look I worked so hard on
this do he’ll he’ll um be playing with a toy and he’s like he made me a necklace
the other day was so sweet and he’s like look Mommy I worked so hard on this and it’s been interesting
yeah I feel like emotionally even talking about it because I I I don’t think we we’re pretty conscious in our
household about our we’re very conscious and our household about our language I don’t think we’re really talking a lot about working hard necessarily in the
old way because that’s it’s just something that both my my partner and I are conscious to now um in our lives but
you know maybe he heard it from us if we like said something off-handed or maybe he heard it from school but uh and to
your point there’s nothing wrong with with working hard when it’s in the energy of to me creation like what am I
creating I want to bring forth and that’s but I don’t know to me it doesn’t feel like hard work it feels like Joy it
feels like fun it feels exciting um but just to see him start to say that like man this is interesting
how early this shows up and all of us had it so yeah it’s it’s it’s wild and
it’s it’s a game Cher let me let me ask you this Joel and I know you put together um you put
together a great guide for our listeners which I appreciate so we’ll we’ll have you share that again at the end but is
there anything that I haven’t asked you that I love this topic is there anything I haven’t asked you that you think is
important for our listeners to know or is is part of um your approach to
freedom and I love I I love what you do here I love the focus so is there anything that they should know or that I haven’t asked you that you want me to
ask you what comes to mind is just
emphasizing that this approach that I that I guide people
with it actually permanently eliminates the subconscious
limiting belief in 99% of the time
plus it takes about 20 minutes sometimes it takes shorter and when we actually have this
dialogue with the part of you that believes the thing then the belief’s just gone like
Santa Claus isn’t real anymore and you might have meta beliefs like
hearing that that that’s not possible and I invite awareness about
any beliefs about change that change can’t be fast change has to be hard I usually start with clients the first
session we we start with change blocks if there’s any blocks that nothing I do
Works uh it’s not going to work or I can’t change then we Free People of that and
then there’s all this excitement oh I see that those beliefs just evaporated now what now what else can I
let go of so and again just Tak the Santa Claus
example uh almost everybody growing up we just have the story going the Santa
Claus is real and it’s like a whole thing it’s a big deal and we believe it
and then when we actually realize it’s not true true it evaporates it’s not like a year later the next Christmas
time you’re re-evaluating your stance on stup it’s just gone forever so yeah I just want to emphasize
that it’s that it’s not what I’m doing is it’s just guiding people to to
unlearn to eliminate to let go to declutter whatever word you want to use
and it’s pretty simple we don’t need to we don’t need to like have these okay now I’m going to have this whole
plan for what I’m going to do um to change my life and muscle through this
comfort zone issue and make these changes in my life and here’s my new routines that I’m going to set up in
order to transform and here I just work with people we just people just show up
for an hour and we clear several beliefs each session and their whole life’s
different and then they come back the next week and it’s just everything gets better automatically
because the beliefs are gone so again I I mean I’m trying to come across as
genuine as possible with this because I know I understand that there could be skepticism about that and I was
skeptical the first time and like by all means like I’m a huge proponent of critical thinking and think for
yourself um but like it’s just my experience like it my whole life’s changed the past three years since
learning this and it’s like my like my deeper purpose is to share this with as
many people on the planet as possible and like de like help people decondition
um this is this is about this is about more than business for me this is like how do we how do we really really heal
the planet type stuff so yeah I’m with you no I’m so with you I
the thing I I say about our brand and our podcast even is like sales as the Trojan Horse because I think that what
what happens when you learn these Concepts and go deeper is like your whole life transforms and opens up and I
I I believe you about it can happen quickly because that’s the power of emotional impact it can happen just like
that if we’re open so um and I’ve had that experience myself this is this is
amazing thank you so much I know our listeners my listeners love this type of
conversation and I think you’ve added a new and a fresh perspective that we’ve never talked about before on the show
when it comes to this so so thank you so much um share a little bit more I know you put together a great guide which I
so appreciate um for our listeners so you want to share a little bit more about that and how people can connect
with you yeah absolutely this has been an energizing conversation and I just really appreciate what you’re doing
and the the guide is at thehuman liberation. El and the guide is called
get to the root the keys to permanently end negative selft talk
and yeah that guide is it expounds upon what I’ve said today in terms of
understanding how our subconscious stories play out in our adult lives and
and recognizing that we made meaning in childhood events and so one of the one of the cool things about the guide is I
I tuck in these little vignettes about my own childhood and I share specific
scenes specific memories that are attached to specific limiting beliefs that I used to
have and hopefully that can be you know um instructive or valuable for
people to just see that I you know I’ve gone through this and and I’ve had I’ve had uh less than
ideal childhood and and things like that and so much has changed for me so yeah
you can download that guide and then also like once you download the guide uh you’ll also have the chance to to book a
session with me and I’m I’m just being as abundant as possible as I build this business and the way I’m doing it at
least for now is that I’m just giving people a gift session where I’m
gonna I I’ll give you we’ll kind of do an inventory of what beliefs are causing
patterns in your life and then we’ll actually do this process we I’ll clear one belief for you so that’s totally a gift for you um so you so once you go to
the that URL you’ll and you get you um get the Guide then you’ll have the chance to book a call with me as well if
you want to just try this out that’s awesome that’s awesome I think you’ll get many calls booked um that’s that’s
amazing thank you thank you so much for that thank you for this conversation and um I’m really really glad we’re
connected and I’m excited about the work that you’re doing and um and what you brought today so thank you my pleasure
and thank you I I love your I love your Vibe and I love the the abundance that you are inviting into the world and so I
think like yeah this sort of combination of all this healthy manifestation
visualization affirmation conscious abundance creating Law of Attraction type stuff combined with letting go of
the negative stuff is just an absolute superpower like I love I love doing the the visualization I’m like I’m I’m I’m
I’ve read several of these live attraction books and like I love teaming that up with with the belief work and so
yeah really excited for what’s possible for for people as as they as they learn about these ideas yeah it’s so powerful
oh my gosh thank you my friend and uh to you my listener go connect with Joel get
his guide we’ll link it in the show notes and I’m confident that you have I
think new found I know I certainly have a newfound level of openness for what’s
possible and what can open up in life as we get clear and free from these old
restrictions and limitations that have been ruling the show for many of us for for most of our live so uh so this
is such a great conversation as always thank you so much for being a listener of She Sells Radio and I’ll see you on
our next episode bye for now.
Welcome to She Sells Radio I am so excited to bring you a powerhouse guest today who is a Seasoned Revenue Leader
in the SAS space with over 16 years overall experience she’s got ten plus years in executive leadership as well
and this is something I’m very excited to talk about how this has tied in with her Sales Journey she has a unique
background as a musician and an artist and I know we’re going to find some creative approaches that she takes with
sales given that different background so Christina Brady is my guest in addition to being a seasoned Revenue leader she’s
also the host of taking the lead podcast and the head of development for an incredible organization called women in
sales Christina Welcome to She Sells Radio I’m so happy to have you here today my gosh thank you I’m so happy to be here
that was such a beautiful introduction thank you I was talking it sounds great well and you’re also a fellow boy
mom which I love we were talking about that in the pre- chat and because yours is older right he’s five you said five and a half yep yeah he’s yeah if I say
five I get in big trouble so he’s five and a half very specifically he is almost six every month counts
I how old am I today I’m like you’re you’re still five and a half honey he like I’m not six I’m like no not
yet we were uh we were connecting in the pre-chat about you said they it just
gets more and more fun because mine are nine months and three and a half years but you’re like but they’re also very gross
and it gets more gross so I’m preparing gross it it it begins gross and you’re
like this is this is this has to be where it Peaks it couldn’t possibly get worse and then it does and then they
keep getting older and they get grosser funnier cuter cooler more talkative also
more gross and so we’ll see how that evolves it all balances right it’s the
law oppos at least hilarious you’re gross but you can dress yourself so
I mean I’ll take it I will take it it counts so tell us about I’m so excited
for today’s interview because you have a really you have a unique background and
you’ve got a lot of expertise in areas our listeners want to know about everything from Building Sales culture
to leadership to how do we land and expand bigger deals so whether you’re listening and you’re an entrepreneur or
you’re in B2B sales um you’re going to get a lot of good from this conversation
but I’m really curious to start how did you go from musician artist into the
seemingly unlikely path of B2B sales how did this all come about you know it’s a
wild ride it’s a wild ride I I grew up first in a family full of artists my dad was a world-renowned Opa singer my mom
was The Pianist of the Chicago Symphony I grew up just immersed in arts and culture um which I there there’s a lot
of similarities funny enough I’m going to Gig out for a minute between um music and art and and math and it’s actually
been shown that in your young life if you engage in the Arts it actually helps to develop your scientific and your
mathematic brain and so I think it’s because my mom plopped me in front of a piano at two that I’m able to function
at all today um but so growing up in an artistic family um you know and and
college hits and you have these dreams I spent a lot of time doing um improv at Second City and and improv Olympic and I
thought this is it I my ultimate dream was I want to be on a sitcom I just loved the idea of that character
development and the arc and it’s like it’s not the pressure of being in movies but I was like I would love to just have
a like a decent role on a sitcom and just make my way doing that and then of course you get older and you have bills
to pay and life hits and life happens and um I actually got my start um I
started working in insurance right at a college um for MetLife because I needed a job I had to pay my bills um and you
get to the point where you know back in back in those days wasn’t that long ago
back in those days I remember every night you know I’d have to go to the office which was an hour away from where
I lived and six to8 o’clock at night they’d order us pizza and it was crappy
and they would slam a pile of paper leads down on your desk and you would sit there from 600 to 8 o’clock and you
would just call on old aging whole life and Universal Life policies trying to convert them which which really means
you’re calling people in the middle of dinner and then reminding them of their own mortality that is imminent and then
asking if perhaps given that information in the time of day they’d like to give you some money and it didn’t go very
well um wow this was after working on this is interesting
yeah but I remember days like that like boiler Boiler Room oh it’s so yeah you’d
be on the road all day you know going to people’s houses and then you’d get back
to the office and they’re like you got to be here until at least 8 o’clock at night but don’t worry there will be
Pizza bad Pizza wow it bad pizza and so I learned I love to sell um and I loved
talking to people and you know you talk a little bit about a creative approach which we can dive into but I just I found a way to get to People by calling
out the obviousness of what was happening you know before they could tell me you interrupted me at dinner I’d
be like did I did I interrupt your dinner I’m like yeah you did and I was like why did you answer
like you and that we get a laugh right like they’re not expecting you and so I immediately figured out like maybe a way
that I can be really good at this by not being like everybody else but just connecting with other human beings and
showing them that I have good intent and I didn’t like selling insurance but then I wound up moving over to Groupon and
what I didn’t realize at the time is you know 2009 2010 I I surprised I broke into Tech as a full cycle AE a group on
so that’s how it got started wow wow so what you said you found that you loved
sales what did you love about it so you’re you’re in this you know this this
high pressure probably environment your your working long hours I know you mentioned like kind of breaking through
and using that human approach to connect but what did you uncover that you actually loved about sales along the way
I I always say I’m a little bit of a glutton for punishment there’s there’s the idea of we’re two people and when
you’re making any kind of a sales call you are innately on opposite sides right like we have been trained to lean away
from sales people I mean consider the last time that you were walking down the hallway of a of a mall right and you’ve
got those little stands that are sitting there and there’s some some guy or gal with lotion ready to squirt on you and
as you’re walking by they’re like did you want to you’re like you like throw the X up like don’t right because there’s this idea of you’re intrusive
and even if I like what you have I I don’t want this interaction I don’t want to be forced to do something
uncomfortable but the more I realize that everything in life is sales right whether you’re a bartender or a server
or directly selling or a doctor like there’s all of these same elements but
what I like is just when you’re in a sale you’re just calling it out you’re calling out the fact that hi this is uncomfortable I’m calling you to sell
you something just gonna talk about that at first but I’m gonna try to approach this a little bit differently because
I’ve done my research and I think this could actually help you and so I learned you can have the intention of helping
somebody and if your intent is pure and if it really is helping people to see
that to me I just I got a little bit addicted to that like it just I thrived
on hearing people make that shift and then every time I was hung up on or
sworn at or threatened like the number of times in my career that someone’s been like I’m G to sue you I’m like I
dare you like it just it fuels your hate fire and you’re like the next one’s not going to be like that the next one’s not
going to be like that so you know you do have to be wired a little differently but yeah well you said something there that
I think is very relevant and it’s so funny yesterday I was um speaking for a conference on AI in sales and just
what’s happening there and yeah everyone wants to to talk about that now but the the word intent came up again and again
and again and I think for anyone whether you’re in sales or you’re an
entrepreneur and you’re doing your own sales there there is there could be that level of discomfort if we feel like
we’re having if we feel that resistance from someone else right and which we normally do when we’re going into the
sales conversation because sales has been um sales is sales and people have
learned to kind of put their hands up like you said but what part of the conversation was and I heard you say this in a different way was when our
intent is pure and it is truly to help then that kind of dissipates on the
other end that resistance dissipates on the other end so I’m curious to hear
from you because I know for our listeners they they care about truly serving people they they want to grow
financially they want to leverage sales or their business to grow and they love that they can help people with what
they’re doing so how else do you communicate that intent that it truly is
to serve is it is it really about just calling it out at the beginning like let’s just talk about what this is but
hey I’ve got something different here or is there any other way that you personally
work to communicate that intent that you truly are there to serve and help yeah I
I I say to you infuse your intention in every stage of your sales process and
the first thing I want to call out is what we’re talking about today this isn’t easy because the pressure to perform is immense um and the pressure
to perform can really hit on your intent because you may say look I have the intent to help if I have the intent to
help that means I have to disqualify customers it means I have to disqualify customers that maybe want to buy from me
but for for the reasons of responsibility they’re not a right fit or they’re going to churn or the product
doesn’t really address their needs and when you are in a high press performative environment like so many
people are right now and you feel like you’re fighting for your job and you’re fighting for your livelihood it is very
difficult to put that aside and try to maintain that really really good intent and so I just want to call out that what
we’re talking about isn’t easy right it’s difficult because you’re having to decide between do I do the right thing
or do I pay my mortgage or or feed myself or feed my kids like so that that does exist today but for me the intent
is always first I’m gonna see if there’s a problem to solve um versus ask you
leading questions to get you into my camp and so many Discovery conversations
and demo conversations heck even so many elevator pitches that I hear are so
leading and so accident dentally or deliberately manipulative and your intent becomes
very very clear like I’ll give you an example let’s say that you’re going into to do a discovery conversation and you say to yourself you know what my intent
is truly to learn about you and see if we can help but you know you’ve got a deck prepared to hard pitch them at the
end of this discovery and you had that prepared before you entered into this phone call and your prospect is going to realize that so that pure moment of
discovery that you wanted to have with them where you say like look I’m not going to push you to anything until I understand your needs and then I’m going
to customize my pitch based on what you need and then you pull up a pre-prepared deck at the end of your Discovery you’ve
just gotten rid of all of that intent and it was I spent all of this time and you were going to present me what you were going to present to me anyway so
why put me through the song and dance and when people say buyers are smarter today that’s what they mean is most
buyers know what a sales process is they know when you’re doing a discovery they know the purpose of the demo they
understand that you are not throwing out your best and final offer the first time you you say that buyers know they know
and so calling it out and really truly following the intent and having a good end in mind for every stage is really
really important and as you build that relationship you’ll show them that you mean what you say but it takes a little
while to build that trust just because so many people have ruined it over time
so many Bad actors and bad sellers have gone out there pretending and even saying like look my intention is pure I
want to help and then they ask you 15 leading questions and you’re like these have nothing to do with me wow there’s there’s a number of things
that you spoke to there that I want to dig into one is is that pressure
environment and how do we stay pure in our intent when there is this pressure
from leadership from quota or we’re an entrepreneur we’re running our own business it’s like we got to hit numbers
this month how and I know I appreciate that you said that it’s hard um what
other thoughts do you have around that I did a um I’ll I’ll add one other thing that I want to hear from you on this I
did a co-hosted webinar with a a former client and now a colleague of mine Ian
con at great guy and we talked about this concept that I’m going to be including in my book called abundance
selling versus scarcity selling and I come from a background having been in
those high pressure environments of what I would call scarcity selling where it’s you you really all you’re thinking about
is just how can I get this sale How can I CL this deal leadership is standing at the leaderboard waiting for you to come
back in from the from the demo to write you know to write down your number and they look at you in disappointment if
you don’t hit it and um and I so I remember that and I I I literally developed health issues in that type of
environment so now as my own boss and for me a lot of it is spiritual connection which is like I’ve got to be
grounded in something outside of this so I don’t feel that anymore but I know so
many of our listeners probably do so any other words words of wisdom for someone who’s like yes like I care about people
I want to feel good about saying no to someone if it’s not a good fit for them and simultaneously I’ve got this either
internally imposed pressure or pressure from my higher ups what else what else can people be doing and is there maybe a
bigger macro solution to all of this that we should be thinking about well what you’re getting I mean
pressure can uh Crush coal or make diamonds you know and so it’s not it’s not the pressure that’s the bad thing
it’s the way that applied so emotionally and so threateningly like in most cases
when I’m talking to sales reps or csms or Frontline leaders or even other Executives it’s not the pressure to
perform it’s the pressure of if you don’t perform you’re going to lose your job lose this get demoted this this that
so if we start on the macro level leadership has to learn that you cannot
motivate human beings through fear because on a biological level fear actually shuts the brain down you cannot
learn if you are afraid you cannot Thrive if you are afraid and what we are talking about is a core level of fear
where if you think about maso’s hierarchy of needs the kind of fear that we are talking about is the fear that is
directly hitting the very bottom of that period which is my psychological safety right if you attack my psychological
safety you remove my Foundation to perform for you so you may think that high pressure performance tactics are
actually making your people better but you are handicapping them and their ability to actually be successful by
providing that level of fear and so one it’s what actually does motivate people
when folks are not performing telling them simply to do more or threatening their job isn’t the key to that it’s
either fixing a skill issue a will issue a behavioral issue or a fit for the role
issue if it’s none of those four things sometimes it really is a mixture of the market or the economy sometimes your
product isn’t amazing as you think it is sometimes people don’t want to buy your product in a down market and that is a
real moment to look in the mirror and decide can we not sell this because it’s unsellable and people don’t need that
and we have Tech debt so on the macro level if you’re looking at your organization right now and things aren’t going well guess what you can look at
which of those factors it is and then go do something about it and the one thing you shouldn’t do about it is look at the people who are spending every single day
at work building your vision and tell them that if they don’t do it more they’re going to lose their job they’re
going to lose their livelihood now there’s obviously performance issues that should be managed properly doing
performance Improvement plans things like that but in most cases a lack of performance simply saying do more
doesn’t get it done now if you’re on the front lines and you’re hearing this from your leadership and you’re feeling this absolute immense pressure there’s a
couple of things that you can do one you can call out the fact that the pressure is not helping you you can call out the fact to your direct boss especially if
you trust them and say I’m feeling an unbelievable amount of pressure to work
and I want to let you know everything that I’m doing and I would love your feedback tactically on what I could be
doing better because I don’t understand how to translate do more better faster right now so could you give me some real
constructive feedback on what I could and should be doing better right now Force the business to get out of their
emotional brain and into their logical brain by always pushing back and asking for documentation on don’t just ask me
for more don’t just threaten my job what specifically do I need to do and what
support and resources can I expect in that do I need to go out and teach myself how to do this are you going to
spend more time with me is this going to be enablement is product going to fix this one issue that keeps stopping us
from being able to sell that brand new product is pmm going to connect with us on better talk tracks and messaging
things like that so being able to take what’s emotional recognize that and say
I don’t know that that feedback is super helpful but I want to get better I want to improve I don’t know any sales rep
that doesn’t want to make money I don’t so that motivation is already there it’s just how we motivate people gets lazy
when things are stressful wow okay that’s so good so helpful and I love the specifics of what
you can say to leadership which I know is something you speak to about managing up right um as well as if we are leading
the company or we’re founder in exec what does that look like when you’re looking to help your team improve
performance so I love that I want to ask you about this is something that I know
a lot of our audience is interested in is building and cultivating relationships with clients and using
this this land and expand type of approach and I’m I’m wondering from your perspective let’s say somebody is maybe
newer to thinking about things in that way um what does that mean what does that look like and are there ways that
you leverage I’m sure there are but I want to hear from you uh your creativity that you bring from your artistic
background or communication skills which clearly you have a lot of so what what could that look like and how could we
stand out in that strategy the number one I’m going to say life skill that I learned from being an
improv performer for a decade is the most critical thing that you can do to
build a relationship is learn how to listen and understand and the number one thing that you can do to destroy it is
not listen and not understand um and so you know you’re you’re on stage with a troop and you have to hear everything
going on all the time so that you can react and then that reaction is well how do I want to show up in this
conversation do I need to bring some levity to this conversation do I need to show up a little bit more seriously do I
need to increase the emotion do I need to decrease the emotion do I need to introduce some facts do I need to help you Paradigm Shift right but if I’m not
actively listening one human beings know and other human beings are not listening to them and when somebody isn’t
listening to you you don’t trust them and not only do you not trust them you actively try to avoid them and so many
folks when they are in a sales environment neither individual is actually listening to each other because
all they’re thinking about is what they’re going to say next and if you’ve ever been to a bad improv show you can
tell when that’s happening because what starts to happen is every person on the stage decides they want the laugh they
want to be the funny person right and so I’m going to keep finding moments where I can say something funny and get the
laugh because I’m egotistical whereas the great performers will understand where the joke is and know their place
to get the joke even if that’s not them right so maybe in this scene I’m not the person saying the funny thing but I’m
the person that is the jokes on me right maybe I have to play it straight because I’m recognizing that right now you’ve
got the joke and I’m going to elevate you and give you the joke and so that right there is kind of that give and
take in building a relationship so the first thing to do is be the person that genuinely listens and then make sure
that you understand so if you ask your prospect a question listen show them physical cues that you are listening and
that looks like one thing I always say is show people your hands right if I can see your hands you know that I’m not
typing I’m not writing even if I’m taking a note sometimes if I’m writing something down and you keep talking to
me in your mind you’re like are you should I should I pause I don’t do you want me to right there’s that moment
where then there’s that little bit of trust broken right so one show me your hands if I’m talking to you and I’m in a
real conversation and you’re either in a video chat if you’re in person whatever it may be how do I show you that I’m
actively listening to you um and then when you’re done speaking even if it’s just a phone call it’s thank you so much
for sharing obviously I want to repeat back what I heard and make sure that I really really understand so that we can move forward together so what I heard
you say is XYZ did I capture all of that yeah did I miss any of that yeah right
well let’s talk about how number one is really impacting you right so I heard you and now the conversation is being
led by you because I’m taking something that you said I’m drilling further into that now on my end I can be doing that
for a reason because I want to Via Inception guide you to a place where I’d
like you to in order to have the conversation around this product or service that we want to have but I want
to make sure first that I fully understand what’s going on with you if you set that tone with your customers they will do it back to you so it’s
always this idea of I’m stopping I’m listening I’m not interrupting I’m showing you that I’m listening I’m
pausing here’s what I heard right that starts to build the relationship of okay this person’s really listening to me and
again human behavior is when one person leans in you also kind of lean in right like if you trust you’ll physically
start to lean in right and so it’s that how do I get people to lean in in every single conversation then there’s gut
checking that what you showed them or told them they care about or make sense so I heard you say that a really big
pain that you’re having right now is XYZ and that’s showing up like this like this like this and what’s hard about
that is I know it can be a struggle but what’s good about that is a lot of our customers were experiencing that so we know that it’s solvable if we can agree
on the problem I want to show you something something really specific about the product and I want you to tell me if if you understand one and two if
you feel like this could actually help right so now I’m tying what I’m showing you to what you told me which again all
of it comes back to I listened to you and because I listened to you I didn’t have a preset script that I’m walking
you through you told me something I went oh you know what hold on let me pull this off the shelf that’s way more
interesting than great thank you for sharing all of that with me uh it sounds like we can really help you out here let
me go into my demo and walk you through all of my features and you’ve just disconnected everything that you’ve done
so this idea of Storytelling a demo and pulling things out it all goes back to listening and
caring amazing amazing you said and the irony of this the part I’m laughing
about is I’m literally taking notes while you’re talking and then like which is how I that trust we have
that trust I just we have that trust so leading someone to The Next
Step so so obviously this is probably most going to apply when someone is in a longer sales cycle there’s multiple
meetings you talked about kind of guiding someone along that path but also being very conscious of listening and
truly checking in before we guide them what could that sound like one of the things I appreciate about what you’re
what you’re saying here Christina is like you’re you’re giving such good little blurbs that someone could take
and apply to their own I don’t like to use the word script but let’s just say their own you know their own
conversation I like a script is G rails not as handcuffs but you take so you’re you’re very good at these sound bite
moments of how can we of of what to say what could that sound like when we’re transitioning Someone Like To The Next
Step so let’s say we just um we you know we did the discovery we pulled something
specific off of the Shelf to help them I like let me show you this one part does this seem like it would help solve your
problem how would you guide someone to that next step that I’d love to just hear a little bit more of that from you
yeah one thing that I would say is you’re obviously spending a lot of time and you don’t have a lot of time trying to solve this problem and you can solve
this problem in one of two ways you can buy a solution that’s why we’re talking you can build a solution do you feel
like I’ve told you enough that makes you feel like perhaps buying a solution similar to this we haven’t decided on
this yet but buying a solution similar to this might be the way to go right and so there’s this how do you get these it’s a it’s kind of a it’s a Sandler
concept of throughout the sales process how do you get these small yeses that feel like upfront cont tracks and it’s
giving you permission to continue because for me I always go back to the psychology of how anybody buys literally
anything like any decision is made in four ways one is do I have a problem
okay the second is do I want to solve that problem the third is do I want to solve that problem now and then the
fourth is do I want to solve that problem with you and what so many salese
do because of the pressure to perform is somebody acknowledges you know what I
have a problem to solve that’s step one and they say well then boy do I have a
sassy product for you right and we go all the way to step four versus every human being has problems that they
aren’t going to solve or aren’t GNA solve now like literally every single person I’ve had a drippy faucet in my
bathroom for five years and like it’s fine you have a problem yeah I want to solve it but like there’s other things
and it’s okay I just mop it up we’re fine right so understanding the severity of the problem
the timing of when they want to solve that if they actually feel like solving it with me in this way is the right
thing so at the end of the day if somebody acknowledges a problem it’s not time to sell you’ve got two more steps
to go before you can actually get there and don’t assume because they’re talking to you that it means they want to solve
the problem right now with you it it absolutely does not it means they are open to the idea of solving that problem
but they may not know how to solve it they might not know how much it costs they may not know the urgency of Their
Own issue because you’re probably talking to somebody who’s buying a tool on behalf of somebody else and they’re in that early exploratory phase and the
other thing is the Kinder the prospect the harder it is to sell to them which is a weird say because kind prospects
will yes you the entire way and they don’t know how to cut you loose because they don’t want to ruin the relationship
that you’ve built so your job is to keep process in mind how do I make sure that
I guiding them and asking the difficult questions have I told you enough to make you want to see a demo of this product
more in-depth demo of the product great do you feel like this is enough of a solution where maybe we should start to bring in your leadership okay great ask
those difficult questions because they don’t know your process they don’t know how to buy your technology you have to guide them wow and how do we you said
something important there the Kinder the prospect what do you say the Kinder the prospect the more the harder it is to
sell to them how do you give people permission to say no what does that sound like when
you’re talking to a prospect could sound all kinds of ways right the first is if at any point you don’t feel like this is
a fit I want you to let me know because your time is too valuable and I’m going to give you plenty of opportunities to go ahead and let me know that as well
and I want you to feel safe doing that right just telling other human beings that that’s okay is a really really good
thing now if you’re talking to an HR buyer an enablement buyer a Learning and Development buyer that usually goes over
really well if you’re talking to like a VP a sales or a cro you can say I’ll assume that if at some point you don’t
feel like this is a fit you’ll let me know right so so the way that you communicate with folks based on their
role and how they’re approaching the problem is different but making no okay is something that I’m just I’m a fan of
just talking about like hey no is okay if this isn’t a fit for you that’s all right we’re gonna save both of us time
and in fact if it’s not a fit for you I’m not going to ask you why it’s not a fit for you to annoy you and try to
overcome your objection I’m gonna ask because I might actually have a product referral for you that is a fit right and
so now you’ve also just bought yourself permission to do the classic why not right like you weren’t going to do it
anyway you were going to try to overcome the objection but now you’re saying like look if you tell me no and I have questions it’s not to be obnoxious it’s
not to be punitive it’s because maybe I have a referral that can actually help you with that problem that you do need
to solve right now and it’s not with us and then can I just keep in touch with you is there any element of this that
you think down the road three six nine months this might be helpful and if so I’d love to keep the relationship going
so there’s ways throughout the process to again it’s it’s that creative element of being a human which feels weird talk
about but just like you know what they’re thinking you know what your prospect is thinking they know you know there’s this like unspoken thing in
every sales conversation so I’m a big fan I’m just bringing that to light and now we all know where we stand and
selling in the light while it seems difficult is actually easier than selling in the dark oh there you go mic
drop done it’s the long game everything you
it’s the long game which I appreciate I want to ask two final questions this has been so so good so thank you for
everything that you’ve shared we are you know as we record this end of the year
going into a new year obviously people will be listening to this years’s down the road as well but you know at the
time of us recording this it’s end of 20123 there’s so much conversation about
what’s next in the World of sales how do we win with AI replacing people’s roles
and jobs and there’s there’s a lot of different elements there but what would be one thing that someone listening
should be thinking about going into the new year in order to be successful are there any parting words of wisdom that
you think just watching how the landscape is evolving and your own lived experience what parting Word of Wisdom
would you leave people with to be successful moving forward relentlessly seek balance and I
don’t mean that I’m like a listen go get a massage right like it’s not as easy to achieve the kind of balance when people
say balance what they think that they mean but what I mean is is you can Doom scroll all day on LinkedIn or Facebook
or Instagram or Tik Tok or any and you can Doom scroll and you can get really really worried and a really good practice professionally is when I read
something that seems negative or scares me or makes me feel like it threatens my job right is is AI gonna replace all
salespeople try to seek out another point of view on it right so I just read something that felt like a lot of gloom
and doom I’m going to try to seek out a different opinion on that right and a different opinion could sound like yeah
could AI technology take over all of us I guess objectively it could will it no
I actually think what’s going to happen with AI is it’s going to go from replacing people to making them even stronger right when you think about
applications of AI that are not doing your job for you but helping you learn how to do your job a little bit better
that’s how I think AI is going to eventually kind of merge in with people at least for the foreseeable future so
anytime that you are reading something negative it is one Flash in a pan point in time and I promise you there is
something else positive that’s happening if you seek that out and so go find something positive find some good news
and just remember that we are all here today because we’ve made it through 100% of our hardest days and like I always
say if it looks dark you’re planted you’re not buried and so just wait to sprout a little bit and you’ll be okay I
love that I love that wow that’s perfect Christina tell everyone where they can
connect with you and yeah so you can find me on LinkedIn I’m Christina Brady
um happy to connect with all of you happy to get to know all of you um please reach out uh I love building
relationships and I love helping as much as I love learning so I’m sure every individual that reaches out to me I have
something incredible that I can learn amazing this was so fun thank you I learned so much and I
appreciate how clearly you delivered true like sound bites we can be using
how you demonstrate the long game in sales as well and then just also that
powerful piece at the end it’s it’s all perspective it’s all which side are you going to look at of the situation so
incredible thank you so so much for your time and for being here thank you for having me this was wonderful thank you
amazing amazing to you my listener I know I know you got so much out of this
episode I did I was taking notes the whole time um and I learned a lot too so please go connect with Christina we’ll
link her information in the show notes not as always thank you so much for being a listener of She Sells Radio and
I’ll see you on our next episode bye for now.