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The Non-Negotiable You with Angie Wisdom

After an accidental cruise I took with my two little ones last week, I am feeling called to talk about what to do when things don’t go according to plan. Needless to say, I never planned to take a seven day cruise with a 3 year old and a 9 month old by myself, but it happened and I definitely learned a lot.

This episode is a straight from the heart solo episode about this experience: the struggles and challenges, but the amazing memories as well. When things don’t go according to the plans we make, we can resist them or we can look for blessings and opportunities to expand. Which perspective will you have?

It’s time to experience how good life can get. The $50K Club Mastermind is accepting applications for the female entrepreneurs who are ready to achieve the next level. Apply at 


Show Notes:

[1:26] – After a comical and accidental vacation, Elyse experienced the challenge of not having a plan and not being in control.

[3:21] – Every single challenging experience is an opportunity to learn a lesson.

[4:59] – 2023 was a challenging year for Elyse with lots of positive changes but a lot of uncertainty.

[7:11] – Elyse manifested this cruise experience, but some unexpected plot twists changed the plans.

[10:30] – Elyse shares some of the challenges experienced on the cruise that were completely out of her control.

[12:42] – She realizes that she will not make the decision to take a solo vacation with her children at this young age.

[15:05] – Towards the end of the vacation, Elyse had gotten better at managing her energy.

[17:13] – If things are really hard for you right now, remember the context. 

[18:41] – It’s all relative. Compare down and not up.

[20:19] – When things don’t go according to plan, there’s always something there that will help you expand.

[22:07] – We can look at these scenarios in one of two ways.

[23:16] – Elyse faced challenges this year that made her feel like she just couldn’t do it. These pushed her edges and made her stronger.

[25:38] – It’s all about your perspective and the lens you are looking through.

[27:26] – Loving yourself unlocks another whole level.

[29:01] – Elyse is looking for the people she is meant to serve in 2024. 

[30:50] – Elyse describes the $50K Club and what to look forward to in the coming year.

Links and Resources:

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Abundance Mini Course

Join the $10K Club

Apply for the $50K Club Mastermind


Welcome to She Sells Radio I am personally very excited for today’s


conversation because if you have followed me for any amount of time you know I love talking about Quantum leaps


and any time in my sales in my life in my business when I have Quantum leaped


and there have been many times when I’ve been stuck too so that’s definitely part of the story but anytime I’ve Quantum


leaped it has not been from working harder it has not been from just out


hustling in fact those were the activities and the ways of being where I stayed stuck um when I have truly


Quantum leave it has been from going inside and learning how to rewire and


shift the subconscious programming that was keeping me stuck at a certain level


to start actually seeing and believing that what I wanted was possible and so


what I really now teach and believe is that your results will never supersede your identity and so today we get to go


in depth with an expert in reprogramming the subconscious mind and how you remove


limiting beliefs that could have persisted for most of your life so my guest today is Joel Bine he’s the


founder of human Liberation and he shares a revolutionary approach to removing negative beliefs from the


subconscious mind which I’m very excited to hear about freeing people from their unwanted thoughts and emotions so Joel


welcome so much to the podcast I am very excited to dive in with you today and I’m ready to take notes because I know


that I’m going to learn so much too so thank you for being here my pleasure I’m excited to be here amazing so you know


we get we get a lot of uh reach outs for the show and when I and and most of them


I’m like nah you know it’s just it’s not a fit or we don’t have bandwidth when I saw what you were doing and more about


your work I was like yes we need to have you on because this is the one thing that if people can learn how to do it


will will transform not just their results but their I I want to hear your


thoughts on this too but their peace and their happiness and their enjoyment of the process so um so I’m so excited to


to hear more from you and I know that anyone who has something that they teach and their passionate about they usually


have some sort of a backstory where they had to learn it for themselves or they had to overcome challenges in order to


um in order to create this methodology so would you share just a little bit more about your personal growth story


and what even LED you down this path of wanting to learn how to overcome limiting beliefs and then teaching so


many other people how to do so yeah absolutely I mean it’s funny my


personal development story started early I think age 1819 I just found myself


starting to gravitate towards podcasts about parenting philosophy and


psychology and thinking about how it is how is it that children are raised in


this culture right and thinking about how how can we create a healthy world


for adults by focusing on the fundamentals the fundamentals are how children are raised


right we we build these habits that that start in childhood I’ve always been interested in fundamentals I’m a I’m a


classically trained musician very passionate about that as well and so you need to know your your scales you need


to know your fundamentals you need to know the basics so I’m I’ve always been interested in in the fundamentals and


getting to the root of things to actually solve the problem and actually build healthy habits and healthy ways of


being so that’s one place that really started for me you know coming and coming out of a you know less than ideal


childhood for sure and having you know some chaos and dysfunction and just not


really being my authentic self not really being nurtured you know of course because of my parents own limitations


and their own beliefs and their own unprocessed childhoods and so I started gravitating getting towards that that


deep stuff from a young age and then doing a lot of different personal development throughout my 20s and and


getting to know who I actually am and then in my 30s really beginning to apply


that knowledge and and and sharing that authentic self with the world and that’s really when I came across in my early


30s the this method that I’m now sharing with the world which has been the most powerful tool I’ve come across to


actually to actually let go at the root of these these conditioned beliefs that


we’re you know as kids were trying to navigate our environments we’re trying to get connection and love and safety


and so forth and so we create stories to to make sense of things and and get those needs met but then they become


baggage um they become they get in the way they become clutter as we as we move


into adulthood so it’s it’s actually getting to that route and and and then


you can free yourself fully so that’s that’s kind of the high level uh backstory wow yeah well there’s there’s


a lot of places we could go with that and um something that we’ll talk today a fair amount about money uh if you’re


game for it our listeners are here and they’re you know they’re either in sales or they’re entrepreneurs so they they


want to learn how to grow their money and um well you know we’ll talk money blocks too but one of the things that


really transformed my life was when I I understood that the reason why I was


wanting more money wasn’t so much to have this like stack of paper sitting


there because money on its own without any sort of emotional impact doesn’t really do anything for us it was it was


the freedom that I thought it would create and it and to me surface level it’s like well yes it creates time and


money freedom and that’s powerful but at a deeper level what I’ve really come to understand and I’d love to hear your


your perspective on this we’ll go more into your story and your methodology too but the deepest Freedom that I I


personally feel like we’re seeking is is the freedom to be fully ourselves like when we’re there when we feel that that


to me is when everything unlocks so you spoke about being your authentic self


and I think that that phrase I know for many years I would hear it thr I was like you know it’s it’s sounded like a


t-shirt something nice to say but I didn’t really think it had a lot of value I was like how’s that going to make me help more help me make more


money I don’t really see a lot of value in it and being someone who’s who’s been


on this path and continues to be on this path there’s amazing things that unlock when


we actually tap back into like who were we in childhood and and um who is our


authentic self versus the the false self right and and start to close that Gap so


um share a little bit more about this concept of the authentic self and if someone’s listening how do they know if


they are showing up as their authentic self or if they’re not and and what why


do we want to why do we care right for someone who’s listening they’re like I care about the bottom line they’re at least 5 10 years ago how do they why do


why do they care to start really showing up as their authentic self and what would change or transform in their


business and their sales I hope that question makes sense it’s a lot of questions yeah well I like that you said


what’s the purpose of money basically it’s the endgame I mean it’s not money for money’s sake it’s to create a


flourishing life it’s to create freedom is to have certain needs met so that you can be happy like what’s life for it’s


to be happy right and I see happiness as how many of our needs can we get met at the highest level right so we have a


need for security and freedom and we also have needs for for connection and


we have a need to be seen right so it’s funny I I was listening to this podcast


and there’s this this guy who works with he’s worked with billionaires throughout


his career and he was giving this he was relaying the fact that there are many


many billionaires people who have1 billion dollar who wish they had two billion do and the reason that that is


is because they have inner inner things that they haven’t solved right it’s the


inner game and at the end of the day you could have all the money in the world but what’s what’s the point of


life right so if you’re if you’re lonely if you’re not being seen for who you are if you’re not expressing who you are


then you’re not going to be flourishing right so if you zoom out and say how do I create a true you know Michael


ellsburg and Brian Franklin their book The Last safe investment they talk about true wealth true wealth it’s not just


Financial wealth it’s all the wealth it’s social wealth it’s it’s feeling like you can express yourself it’s


having experiences that are meaningful all these things that that create a flourishing Abundant Life so yeah I mean


authentic self I think if you tune in in terms of how to know if you’re being your


false self or a true self one thing that comes to mind is just when you’re in


you’re having you know conversations with a a close friend or a romantic


partner like do you notice anything in your body that’s feeling guarded right you want to


maybe this part you want to express yourself you want to say what you actually think but then


you back yeah right because there could be some you sit on your needs you sit on


your needs for self-expression and self assertiveness right and you you hide and


this is I I know this very well because much of my life I’ve done this but uh


you hide that actual self- assertiveness so that you can at least


ostensibly create that illusion of I’m going to I’m going to stay safe and connected if I don’t actually disagree


here or I don’t actually show up as my full self right so that’s kind of the


one way to think about it so you said you sit on your needs right did I hear that correctly yeah that speak more I


think this is so powerful and so important there’s there’s some follow-up questions I want to ask but I know I’ve


had that experience many times and like I like I’ve I’ve made a I’ve grown a lot in this area and I’m still like every


day I’m noticing ways in which I’m like oh I held back there and I wanted to say something or so I I don’t know that this


work ever ends um but that sitting on your needs really spoke to me the way


that you put it because that feels very clear so what does someone if they notice they’re doing


this what do we start to do I know you’ve got a methodology and so I don’t like obviously people would want to hire


you to go deeper in this if they want to have the full experience but can you speak a little bit to how do we start to


unravel that way of being and and what is the the way that you approach this with clients when when they’ve maybe had


this pattern for most of their life how do we start to feel safe to actually show up and be visible and be seen as


our most authentic selves yeah the the discovery process of


figuring out what beliefs the subconscious mind has is the most


important part because I can connect with someone and we can clear any belief


for them very rapidly the question is what’s the belief that’s causing you the


most issues in your life in your patterns so if that’s a fear of let’s just take that same example of of


self-expression fear fear of self assertiveness again I start with the body like okay we we have this pattern


when you’re talk let’s just say you’re talking to your husband and you notice that you feel guarded in that moment


okay let’s start with that now let’s connect to the body the body is feeling this guardedness


this fear okay often I’ll ask clients if that fear or guardedness could speak


what would it say and that gives us the chance to see this fear this feeling as a separate


part of you so understanding that the the psyche


is sort of a family of parts of ourselves part of me thinks this part of me feels


this and seeing okay it’s not that I’m fearful it’s there’s this part of me


that’s fearful and so then we can kind of have that


perspective oh this is this part oh and that part is coming from my past


experience right so then we begin to dialogue with the part to to understand


what the actual beliefs are the actual root Concepts that are filtering reality so


there could be a belief that I’m not assertive or it’s not safe


to express myself or I’m not good enough I’m not good enough in my experience


working with with dozens and dozens of people is the most common belief I think


people have in the in the world so if we can actually identify the


conceptual you know the the language that that spotlights the actual Concepts the part of you is believing then we can


then we can work this process and and clear the belief out um but it’s it’s really starting with the body often


times and starting what is the pattern I have now connect to that part of you and figure out what that part of you is


believing that makes a ton of sense once you so once we connect to that part of


us and we’re like okay I’ve got some clarity on what that part of me is believing how do we start to shift it


because I think you speak to and I know a lot of people will teach affirmations


visualization and um and I have a an approach that I use in my own life but I’m curious to hear from you like is


that is that how you shift it with your clients or have you found something that’s a more powerful approach because


there’s a lot of people listening who probably say oh I tried affirmations and it didn’t work for me I tried a vision


board I tried manifesting and it didn’t work so what’s the what’s the Gap and is there a different or better way to clear


those beliefs and then create because we’ve got to replace it with a different belief right so what does that look like for you when you’re working with


clients yeah I love I love this topic uh affirmations I believe are very valuable


but it is the case that many people struggle to gain value from them and it’s because the subconscious part is


believing the opposite perhaps so I mean I did affirmations for years like I’m


enough I’m enough I’m enough and I I remember doing that and it would give me this shortterm value but then I also


remember thinking deep down that it was it was nonsense it was BS what I was


saying because deep down I believed I’m not enough so it’s like trying to spray the


dog dooo on the carpet with air freshener it’s like we need to actually clear out the problem and then if you


want to add air freshener to enhance things if you want to add the affirmation to enhance things


I think that’s great but but what I do is is is really just about the


unlearning process it’s deprogramming it’s not focused at all on


learning new things on New on new affirmations on reprogramming on shifting this and changing and adding


it’s subtracting it’s unlearning it’s pulling out the weeds it’s pulling out the weeds of the


mental Garden you pull out the weeds and then if you want to plant some new seeds that are wonderful affirmations for man


man estation all the good things like well now we’ve cleared all this stuff that’s getting in the way so this is why


people have the uh you know there’s like this caricature of affirmations and like


people are turned off sometimes by affirmations and visualization because it doesn’t work


for a lot of people because we have all these beliefs from parts of us that that are holding on and until we actually


dialogue with the part of us that believes I’m not good enough or I’m not enough or money is evil whatever it is


then we’re just going to keep having this oppositional energy to the


affirmation that’s something I’ve been really thinking about in my own life lately too and and for my clients too


it’s just this experience of like split energy which I think so many people listening if if you’re conscious and if


you’re paying attention you may notice in your life where it’s like I want this thing and I feel this pulled towards


this thing and I feel bad for wanting it I tell I make myself wrong I feel like I


always have to work so hard to get there um you know I beat myself up Etc so I I


this is not an at leas original I don’t know who said this originally but I think this is where people get it messed


up with Law of Attraction manifestation is they think well you just sit there and you look at the vision board all day


or you affirm all day and and it happens and and no because in life we don’t get what we want we get what we are right so


to your point of you got to clear out the weeds first before you can plant the


new seeds if there’s a if there’s a weed in there like you’re going to attract based on that belief based on that


negative belief even if it’s not what you want so I I think it’s a I love the


approach let’s talk specifically to money and money blocks um so I don’t


know if you see this with your clients a lot of the work I do with mine and what we see with a lot of the members of the


community is around worthiness so you know we’ve got we got all genders in the community


obviously more women the men here but um but what’s you


know I see this so commonly with the women who come into our group programs where they they want another level of


success they want another level of abundance and yet they either they don’t


feel worthy of it they feel bad for wanting it there can be old religious wounding about you’re going to be


punished if you go for what you H or you should feel shameful for more how do we can you speak to those a little bit like


how do you approach those with clients how do we start to break those I know it’s probably the same process but let’s let’s make it specific to money right


now because I know this is a hot button for the community absolutely I mean money I love


talking about this partially because it’s the most taboo Topic in the culture


I think yeah and so getting curious about that taboo to start with can be an


entry point into our money beliefs again all a subconscious mind you might know that you’re worthy of success and


abundance and prosperity and being rich and you want those things and that’s so


amazing and then these deep childhood parts are are attached I mean I mean for


me I I grew up in a family where there was no exposure to business there was I


didn’t even know anything about entrepreneurship business until my like early 20s there was no exposure to that


it was a world of my parents were both in the public sector and even


implicitly I learned that you know making money is is greedy or rich people are selfish or money is evil even uh and


also we just didn’t have that much money and there was that atmosphere in the home and so beginning to reflect on the


atmosphere you had in your home growing up is is a great entry point but yeah I


mean I I work with many many of my my clients we we’ll work on usually three to five patterns over the course of our


sessions together but oftentimes one of those patterns is money blocks um


there’s many people I’ve worked with that they’re making tons of money even but they still have insecurities about money they still have fear about the


future so yeah getting conscious and just inviting awareness to beliefs like


I don’t have enough money like I’ll invite people to listening right now just if you just sit on that belief does it


resonate in your body I don’t have enough money if it feels if there’s a weight


there that means the part of you has a belief that’s filtering your reality um


if it sounds empty it sounds ridiculous like 2 plus 2 equals 5 that means the belief’s not there but that’s kind of


the sense test I’ll help people recognize is let’s just say this belief what’s Your Gut check about it another


common one is making money as hard you know when you actually think


about it and this is this is the dialogue I’ll have sometime with people in their parts their parts of their subconscious


mind it’s like making money is hard is there any actual proof of that in terms


of our sense data excuse me so yeah I


mean and I break this down more in in in the guide that I have um it’s actually


atth human liberation. I created this guide that that talks more about the specifics


about this uh people want to kind of get really into it but basically


it’s recognizing that in these events growing up you you you saw your parents struggling with with the bills well it’s


recognizing that you didn’t actually see the belief I don’t have enough money you just


saw things objects people you saw things with your eyes you saw your your mom or


dad having a certain facial expression you saw this bill and then maybe you felt feelings in your body you felt this


tension or this insecurity okay you had sense data coming in you’re experiencing


but the actual story I don’t have enough money is not one of the pieces of sense


data we just create meaning that’s what we do and it’s totally understandable as a kid


especially we are trying to understand our environments we’re trying to stay


safe we’re trying to stay connected we’re trying to fit in we’re trying to maintain attachment to our parents all


the different like reasons that are so we make meaning we’re meaning making machines as


humans so the the thing is we we are unconsciously making meaning when we’re


having some of these challenges ing events growing up and so when you actually recognize


that the the stories aren’t in objective reality it’s something you created in


your mind and we can be free of it forever yeah and the clients I’ve worked with is just like enormous shift


over like not even usually I work with people for 12 weeks um sometimes I’ll work with people


I had a client who his money blocks were he he rated as a 10 10 out of 10 on week


one and by week eight he was Zero he was like yeah I’m good like I I still blows


my mind even sharing that like I know it might sound like I’m trying to Hype it up or something but I’m just sharing the


real like we just keep shaving down beliefs and then is totally different


totally different yeah oh my gosh that’s so good and and I love everything you’re saying because it it’s very aligned with


the teaching that has changed my life and the work I do now my own life and with with clients too and I want to just


come back to something and make sure that I’m hearing this the way that you’re you’re meaning it too so for


everyone listening the way what I’m hearing you say is how do we know if we


have a limiting belief how do we know if we have a subconscious pattern that’s holding us back right we we check in with our body and if it feels you use


the word I think heavy like it’s weighing you down that’s an instant awareness that this is I’m thinking this


is the way I think like I’m thinking something that’s not actually true for me in this moment or that doesn’t have


to be my highest and best truth it’s it’s in conflict with what I think like my best or highest self knows and think


so that’s the trigger is that feeling state in the body is that and you’re giving different language to it which I


appreciate so is that am I hearing that right is there anything you would add on to that from what I said yeah I love


integrating the the body and the mind it’s like let’s just start with the present moment what is the experience you’re having now that that feeling in


the body that guarden this that you know maybe you’re for me I had fear about


sales specifically and being on a sales call and and being


in that moment where you’re making the pitch you’re saying okay would you like to become my client would you like to do this partnership


whatever and feeling that like little twinge of anxiety right and then that’s


the clue that’s the clue okay what do I have to believe in order for this anxiety to be occurring what is intern


the actual cause because the the the the experience the the sales call is just


the it’s just the external circumstance it’s not the cause the cause of your


anxiety is from is from deeper is from your past yeah so I had a belief again I


that I just have sort of absorbed through osmosis in this culture and in my family as well that sales is


dishonest this is a big one I think because we don’t hear about sales in


school it’s just that imply that sales is sleazy or whatever it is could be


sales is sleazy sales is manipulative sales is dishonest sales is


greedy so there’s a lot of that there’s a lot of that in our culture and so again we might consciously know people


listening you’re experienced in in entrepreneurship or sales and you you know sales is about being authentic and


being honest and if you actually want to have results you need to build that but the question is is there any part of you


that’s holding on to something from the past because you absorbed it yeah through the culture so that was a big


one for me the sales is dishonest that’s huge that’s I would


imagine everyone listening has heard that I mean what’s the most common analogy I use car sales but like no


disrespect to anyone who’s listening who sells cars right but that’s it’s just that conditioning and then um I I know


so many of our listeners can relate and you go into we got a lot of listeners who are entrepreneurs or sales professionals you go into it because any


number of reasons you you usually you want to help people you like what you’re selling and you like the idea of the


abundance right and the opportunity for freedom and and all of that and and so it’s a beautiful way to live and yet if


we’re held down by that belief or that you you talked about perception right it’s like this Veil that’s kind of


clouding our perception when we’re on the sales calls it’s it’s kind of like you’re you’ve got this ankle we you’re


just like dragging along right and you’re always moving slower than you could that’s that’s how I um that’s


sometimes how I think about it speak a little bit more Joel like I’d love to go a little bit deeper into the the hustle


culture and the conditioning that to be successful we need to be working


247 um and this is I I man I remember when I was coming up in sales I I


followed a sales leader who talked about like if you have any white space on your calendar it’s the devil and and so I got


into this cycle where I would get up at 2:00 in the morning I’d go to bed at like 11 I was burning the candle at both


ends I was working all the time and that was actually the season of my life where no matter what I did I couldn’t break


past the low six figure Mark so I was working so hard all the time feeling


like it was just like moving through quicksand but there was this like this weight and this this should of you


should be working or else you’re not being productive you’re going to fall behind there’s the competition is going


to get your de and this is this is pervasive in the business culture so you spoke a little bit to this before but


I’d love to just go deeper into this if someone is realizing that yeah I’ve got this condition like I feel like I need


to be working all the time and I feel guilty if I take a break or I like feel guilty if I go outside and feel the sun


on my face during the day or we’ve got moms and and dad’s listening if I stop and play with my babies how do we start


to dismantle this and and get passes and what’s what’s your take on this approach to work yeah this is one of my favorite


topics uh because I’m a big fan of what I call high performance


loafing uh there’s a great performance loafing yeah okay there there’s an


author named Daniel coil who wrote the book The Talent Code and he he talks about how skill is


grown and he went around the world studying High performers such as Elite tennis players


and soccer players and musicians and he was trying to figure out how to these places build Talent anyway he had a blog


post some 10 years ago talking about the importance of rest in all his research um the the the top


performers in any area of life actually work very


focused for a finite number of of hours and then they’re resting and they’re getting tons of downtime I mean


historically someone like Charles Darwin was like working I don’t know he would work 9 to 12 in the morning and then he


was he was playing back gamon with his family he was taking long walks he’s taking a naps like in this restoration


time is essential for having for your brain to be let’s take sleep and napping


this is a huge opportunity for your brain to process information and to have insights and have to be refreshed and to


be restoring and taking long walks with no technology having you know great


ideas and from these long walks and and refreshing your mind and getting the endorphins and and we know these things


like people listening to podcasts like we’re hearing about the self-help and make sure you take time for yourself and self-care and all that stuff but then we


have these subconscious beliefs because we’ve been conditioned we’re just a product of our conditioning and like


I’ll just zoom out for a second like I just want to invite compassion right now for everybody like we’re growing up in this


when it comes to work specifically this work hard for this for the sake of working hard this like puritanical like


it’s baked into us and like just just forgive yourself first at a metal level


for this this wheel that you’re on because it’s very hard I’ve done a lot of belief work on myself


with this and there’s still beliefs that I haven’t found yet I think because there’s so many different ways that we


we are so many different spellings if you will different beliefs about work ethic um that we want to uncover but


like what makes me Worthy is working hard the way to be successful is to work


hard um making money is hard I’m not doing enough I should be doing


more this stuff we it gets instilled in installed into us through through this


culture and so that first step is to just invite some self-acceptance I think


for that wheel that this sort of cycle that we inherited from our parents they inherited from their parents and like


but we we actually know that what matters for creating value and creating results is just that creating value and


creating results it’s not about how much your body is straining itself like is there isn’t there a distinction between


doing valuable work being productive and straining your body like


is it really necessary to have this physiological experience of


distress in order to create value in the


marketplace that’s sort of like a high level rhetorical question for people and


then when we actually investigate you know at this level of spef specificity


we again we connected these subconscious parts and see what beliefs they have but yeah I’m I’m I’m pretty passionate about


this one because I want people to enjoy life and have that time that


downtime and and take care of ourselves but I also don’t want to people often will try to swing the


pendulum the other way and and focus on self-care and then not do the the the hard work hard


work meaning like concrete work tangible um results producing work um


which is also a form of self-care like doing the thing that you want to do that’s going to move your


business forward the most and create the flourishing life you want is a form of


self-care so yeah I could Riff on that for a long time but oh my gosh yeah man


it’s funny it’s like even as you talk I had a visceral physical reaction and likeing up in my eyes because I know


this conditioning is yeah so deep right it’s so deep and I I see this even with


we’ve got a three and a halfy old and even over the past couple of weeks he


started to bring home art from school and say look I worked so hard on


this do he’ll he’ll um be playing with a toy and he’s like he made me a necklace


the other day was so sweet and he’s like look Mommy I worked so hard on this and it’s been interesting


yeah I feel like emotionally even talking about it because I I I don’t think we we’re pretty conscious in our


household about our we’re very conscious and our household about our language I don’t think we’re really talking a lot about working hard necessarily in the


old way because that’s it’s just something that both my my partner and I are conscious to now um in our lives but


you know maybe he heard it from us if we like said something off-handed or maybe he heard it from school but uh and to


your point there’s nothing wrong with with working hard when it’s in the energy of to me creation like what am I


creating I want to bring forth and that’s but I don’t know to me it doesn’t feel like hard work it feels like Joy it


feels like fun it feels exciting um but just to see him start to say that like man this is interesting


how early this shows up and all of us had it so yeah it’s it’s it’s wild and


it’s it’s a game Cher let me let me ask you this Joel and I know you put together um you put


together a great guide for our listeners which I appreciate so we’ll we’ll have you share that again at the end but is


there anything that I haven’t asked you that I love this topic is there anything I haven’t asked you that you think is


important for our listeners to know or is is part of um your approach to


freedom and I love I I love what you do here I love the focus so is there anything that they should know or that I haven’t asked you that you want me to


ask you what comes to mind is just


emphasizing that this approach that I that I guide people


with it actually permanently eliminates the subconscious


limiting belief in 99% of the time


plus it takes about 20 minutes sometimes it takes shorter and when we actually have this


dialogue with the part of you that believes the thing then the belief’s just gone like


Santa Claus isn’t real anymore and you might have meta beliefs like


hearing that that that’s not possible and I invite awareness about


any beliefs about change that change can’t be fast change has to be hard I usually start with clients the first


session we we start with change blocks if there’s any blocks that nothing I do


Works uh it’s not going to work or I can’t change then we Free People of that and


then there’s all this excitement oh I see that those beliefs just evaporated now what now what else can I


let go of so and again just Tak the Santa Claus


example uh almost everybody growing up we just have the story going the Santa


Claus is real and it’s like a whole thing it’s a big deal and we believe it


and then when we actually realize it’s not true true it evaporates it’s not like a year later the next Christmas


time you’re re-evaluating your stance on stup it’s just gone forever so yeah I just want to emphasize


that it’s that it’s not what I’m doing is it’s just guiding people to to


unlearn to eliminate to let go to declutter whatever word you want to use


and it’s pretty simple we don’t need to we don’t need to like have these okay now I’m going to have this whole


plan for what I’m going to do um to change my life and muscle through this


comfort zone issue and make these changes in my life and here’s my new routines that I’m going to set up in


order to transform and here I just work with people we just people just show up


for an hour and we clear several beliefs each session and their whole life’s


different and then they come back the next week and it’s just everything gets better automatically


because the beliefs are gone so again I I mean I’m trying to come across as


genuine as possible with this because I know I understand that there could be skepticism about that and I was


skeptical the first time and like by all means like I’m a huge proponent of critical thinking and think for


yourself um but like it’s just my experience like it my whole life’s changed the past three years since


learning this and it’s like my like my deeper purpose is to share this with as


many people on the planet as possible and like de like help people decondition


um this is this is about this is about more than business for me this is like how do we how do we really really heal


the planet type stuff so yeah I’m with you no I’m so with you I


the thing I I say about our brand and our podcast even is like sales as the Trojan Horse because I think that what


what happens when you learn these Concepts and go deeper is like your whole life transforms and opens up and I


I I believe you about it can happen quickly because that’s the power of emotional impact it can happen just like


that if we’re open so um and I’ve had that experience myself this is this is


amazing thank you so much I know our listeners my listeners love this type of


conversation and I think you’ve added a new and a fresh perspective that we’ve never talked about before on the show


when it comes to this so so thank you so much um share a little bit more I know you put together a great guide which I


so appreciate um for our listeners so you want to share a little bit more about that and how people can connect


with you yeah absolutely this has been an energizing conversation and I just really appreciate what you’re doing


and the the guide is at thehuman liberation. El and the guide is called


get to the root the keys to permanently end negative selft talk


and yeah that guide is it expounds upon what I’ve said today in terms of


understanding how our subconscious stories play out in our adult lives and


and recognizing that we made meaning in childhood events and so one of the one of the cool things about the guide is I


I tuck in these little vignettes about my own childhood and I share specific


scenes specific memories that are attached to specific limiting beliefs that I used to


have and hopefully that can be you know um instructive or valuable for


people to just see that I you know I’ve gone through this and and I’ve had I’ve had uh less than


ideal childhood and and things like that and so much has changed for me so yeah


you can download that guide and then also like once you download the guide uh you’ll also have the chance to to book a


session with me and I’m I’m just being as abundant as possible as I build this business and the way I’m doing it at


least for now is that I’m just giving people a gift session where I’m


gonna I I’ll give you we’ll kind of do an inventory of what beliefs are causing


patterns in your life and then we’ll actually do this process we I’ll clear one belief for you so that’s totally a gift for you um so you so once you go to


the that URL you’ll and you get you um get the Guide then you’ll have the chance to book a call with me as well if


you want to just try this out that’s awesome that’s awesome I think you’ll get many calls booked um that’s that’s


amazing thank you thank you so much for that thank you for this conversation and um I’m really really glad we’re


connected and I’m excited about the work that you’re doing and um and what you brought today so thank you my pleasure


and thank you I I love your I love your Vibe and I love the the abundance that you are inviting into the world and so I


think like yeah this sort of combination of all this healthy manifestation


visualization affirmation conscious abundance creating Law of Attraction type stuff combined with letting go of


the negative stuff is just an absolute superpower like I love I love doing the the visualization I’m like I’m I’m I’m


I’ve read several of these live attraction books and like I love teaming that up with with the belief work and so


yeah really excited for what’s possible for for people as as they as they learn about these ideas yeah it’s so powerful


oh my gosh thank you my friend and uh to you my listener go connect with Joel get


his guide we’ll link it in the show notes and I’m confident that you have I


think new found I know I certainly have a newfound level of openness for what’s


possible and what can open up in life as we get clear and free from these old


restrictions and limitations that have been ruling the show for many of us for for most of our live so uh so this


is such a great conversation as always thank you so much for being a listener of She Sells Radio and I’ll see you on


our next episode bye for now.



Welcome to She Sells Radio I am so excited about this conversation especially as we


record and release this it’s the new year and it’s one of those times when we


really start to at least if you’re like me re-examine ourselves reexamine our values set goals for the new year and


look at what do I want to create and also who do I want to be in this upcoming year too and so I I think I’m


probably not alone in saying this I spent a good chunk of my life especially my teens and 20s really looking


externally for validation for feedback of what success looks like who I should


be um how I should show up and it wasn’t until I turned 35 and made a decision


that I wanted to start experiencing the fullness of who I was that life started to really unfold in a big way and get


really exciting and so our guest today is an absolute expert in helping you


connect with that truth of who you are and then using that to help you build a


life and a business that you absolutely love that you feel at home in and that achieves all of your goals so I am gonna


have an amazing conversation today with Angie wisdom I’m going to read you just a little bit of her bio she’s got an


amazing background um and we’ll direct you to all of her information here in the show Notes too but Angie wisdom is a


Master Certified coach with the IC F she has 25 plus years of business experience


and she helps burned out business owners stop running in plays and start elevating their companies by putting


themselves first and carving out the time to master their own leadership skills she’s the professional coach


behind the scenes for many of the most successful people you know and is a mentor and a confidant that navigates


for clients from that place of searching for success to achieving more than they ever thought possible which I want to


come back to because I love that I’ve been reading her Incredible Book the non-negotiable you she’s got a


beautiful Journal start with you the morning mindset journal and I was


honored to come on her show a little while back and we were talking and I was like oh my gosh this woman is like


speaking my language and incredible and I’m grateful personally just to have time to go deeper with you and also to


bring you to my audience because you do bring such a breadth of of wisdom to


your to everyone who follows you so thank you Angie for being here I’m super excited for the conversation well thanks for having me


Elyse and all those kind words I feel the same way about being here you know when we had our conversation when you


were on my show I I didn’t want it to stop we just had such a great time and and shared so many the same philosophies


I’m so excited to dig in a little bit deeper today with you absolutely well I think so I’d love to do just a little


bit of backstory and then I want to get into some of your Core Concepts that you teach because they’re so powerful but


let’s start with your background was Finance right am I correct there financial services so what did that


transition look like for you that’s a very analytical datadriven hard numbers


world and now you’re helping people really um Elevate all different areas of


their life including their finances but how did how did that transition happen to move you into the coaching and the


thought leadership work that you do today yeah you know it’s interesting if I even back up before then it’s like I


got into the financial space and I was in banking and then went into um advising investment advising and I went


in that direction because I didn’t grow up with anything like that so to me it was like if I want to be successful if I


want to have a life that I didn’t have as a child and I want to have money and Independence and all this stuff like


that’s where my brain went to like I needed to be in something like that and so I went in that direction and I was


great at it and I loved it but I found out that really my my passion lied within these relationships and building


business instead of really just you know the nineo five aspect of being that


financial adviser and investing people’s money I I guess it would say I was misled right I didn’t what I thought to


be true about making money and having the life that you wanted wasn’t what I first thought it was so when I dug in


and did some of that personal work on myself I was like oh gosh now I have totally different gifts I have a totally


different passion and I’ve got to start exploring that so that’s what really made me taking that turn from the


financial industry into coaching wow isn’t that so interesting too and I think so many listeners can relate to


that like you went into Finance because you it like you thought that was the path right to be suful and I know so


often I think anyone who kind of wakes up in this lifetime has that moment where you look at your life that you’ve


built and I certainly had this experience I know a lot of people listening can relate where you look around and you’re like I thought thought


this was going to be what made me happy I thought this was going to be success and I’ve checked the boxes and yet I


feel right I don’t feel the way I thought I would feel so I want to ask about this concept that you teach of


choosing your seed so you know today it is it is so easy to run on autopilot


right and just constantly be kind of in reaction mode or maybe some we’ve built that life that we thought would make us


happy and successful and then we find that we’re not there you talk about this concept of choosing your seat and how it


transforms that Paradigm and puts you back in control of your life so what


does it mean to choose your seat tell us a little bit more about that and what that looks like it’s really about


recognizing what you actually want in your life it is so easy to fall into


this habit of okay well I’m in the job that I’m in I’m in the relationship that I’m in my life is going the way that it


is and and it’s fine you know what you mean I need to be grateful and you just keep moving along and you know rinse


repeat every single day that’s the majority of you know people fall into that the majority of people and it’s


really if you take a step back and you start going well what do I really want my day to look like what do I want my


life to look like what would I change people usually have a lot of feedback on


that and there’s this gap of like well if you want to be your own person and


not be you know an employee and you want to have your own business what’s stopping you from doing it if you want


to have this different relationship if you want to have this healthy lifestyle whatever it is that you want there’s a


path for it but it’s it becomes your seat right and that seat is what you always have to move towards and in order


to do that you’re going to have to stop choosing things that keep you in the same seat that you’re in and it’s it’s


really about every single choice and step that you take is moving in the


direction of this new seat that you envision for your life your relationships your business everything


that has you know is the desire for you yeah speak a little bit more to that um


and you you T I’ve heard you talk about this too removing the things that are not going to get you to your seat so


would that look like so maybe an example of like someone who’s in uh maybe like a


a solopreneur right and they’re running a smaller company and they’re like they see that vision for something bigger


they want to expand they want to build a team but there’s there’s fear there’s doubts there’s limiting beliefs there’s the how


what would it look like for someone there to start removing the things that aren’t going to get them into their seat


and and consciously start taking that daily action towards it yeah as an example you know we can take say one


business owner one of my clients and when he came to me he was roughly a $3 to5 million company you know varying


from year to year and had about 10 people working with him and he was stuck


and when you look at okay well what is kind of keeping you stuck where you are


and we start to outline okay well I’ve got my hand in every aspect of the business you know I’m way overwhelmed I


don’t have any personal time um my people come to me for everything I am


the answerman you know I don’t have any people who are really doing the leadership aspect of it so you start to


put all these things down on paper that’s keeping you in this exact same seat and then when we go okay well what


do you really want your business to look like and he’s like well I want to have a 20 $25 million thriving company where I


have leaders in every department and they know how to run things and I am not even involved in it except when we have


a high level meeting and I am over here just doing this relationship connecting so if that’s what you want what are we


going to have to to change in order for you to do that and so then all of a sudden we remove this we’re like okay


well we’ve got to get your people trained up in leadership we need to make sure you have the right people on staff


to execute what you need we need to take you out of this and Empower your people


so all of a sudden it becomes this process of just understanding what you’ve got to stop doing and what you


start doing and slowly but surely you’re really moving into that seat yeah I love


that you know when we spoke on on your show we talked a lot about mindset yeah


and how it’s at the Crux of everything which it every I think everyone gets that but until you really see your life


transform through the power of it you may not what it is one of the things


that I’ve experienced and I’d love to hear your take on this is with every


elevation there’s new limiting beliefs that come up that we get to work through


I said get to work through very intentionally there not that we have to but that we get to work work through and


with our vision like really following that big picture vision for our life there can also be very real very um


constraining feeling limiting beliefs around that b past experience what is your approach to that I love learning


different people’s approaches overcoming limiting beliefs I have things I do with myself and with my clients but I’d love


to hear for someone like that where he’s ready to move from that you know 3 to 5


million to 25 million do business and there’s certainly things that have been in his Consciousness that have held him


back from doing that in the past um what does that what does that look like how do you work with clients through that


yeah such a great question and I I think the number one belief or limiting belief that comes up for people in this new


vision is if I stop doing what I’ve always been doing then I’m not going to


be able to keep producing what I’ve been producing and it’s that whole theory of like what got you here won’t get you


there but that’s hard for people to give up because they sit here going well look because I’ve


had my hand in every aspect of the business because everyone comes to me for the answers we’ve been able to go


from nothing to say five million so now you want me to stop doing all of that so


that in itself is one of the biggest limiting beliefs that I think somebody


you know kind of runs into when they start building and it’s about really breaking that down we have to separate


facts you know from stories is this really true do you believe this to be


your truth or is it just your story and when we can really separate those out we can start working on a one by one and


then even going well let’s take one for example well if I don’t talk to the


customers all the time and I start giving them to other people the customers are going to think well where


am I what am I doing and and business isn’t the same okay so what would help


with that transition what would make you feel comfortable with your clients now talking to your team instead and they


have the answers right and he’s like well if I knew that my team member was capable and if I heard him have


conversations and I felt confident okay great let’s do that and they had this rapport with them great how do we create


that well I could bring them in for lunch so it’s like we just start troubleshooting to break away those


limiting beliefs to where somebody then is like okay now I see it I’m good I can let go of that one and we can move on


yes oh my gosh I love that so is this really true or is this your story because so many of the things that we


have accepted as our truths are not talk about Universal truths versus personal truths the stories that we’ve created so


that process of metacognition of literally thinking about what you’ve been thinking about and examining and


questioning I some of my clients know there’s this pair of earrings I love that say question every and when I hit a


certain goal I’m for myself because life really changed for me when I stopped just taking everything I thought for


granted started really asking is this actually true and if not what could be


true or what could what I want to create so um so I love that you know one of the


things Angie that I’ve been really enjoying in your book is there’s there’s


so much here about values and I think it’s it’s it’s been so interesting


because like I said at the beginning I spent most of the first part of my life


really I don’t know about you I think we’re kind of born knowing what a lot of these values are we’re born having all


of this lat po inside of us right and then we we start looking outside of us for approval for validation for what we


should value shouldn’t value so when I when I got curious again um and more


recent years of my life about what are my values and what do I care about life started getting a lot more fun and


magical and exciting and there is fulfillment and yet for somebody


listening you know maybe they’re deep in this work or maybe they’re not and maybe they have no idea what their values are


or why it matters what if someone has no idea and hasn’t stopped to really do


that inner work in a long time and has maybe pushed their real self down below


the surface how do we start to unearth what we value and get Clarity on that


yeah the values are so important and I actually think it’s coming up more now which I absolutely love society as a


whole is moving from this like real hardcore performance you know all grit


and keep your head down to Performance is also going to come from the inside work and the values so we’re seeing it


more and more now but values if you think about yeah sometimes you go back


to when you were a kid and you’re like what did I love to do because like you said they’re kind of within us and when


we didn’t have the obligations of maybe college or relationship or kids we just


walked right towards those values they were right there for us and we leaned into them so for anyone who’s listening


who’s maybe going I don’t even know what my values are go back to that and think about what used to bring you so much joy


I always say like full of memory I don’t care whether it’s from last year 10 20 years ago where it puts a huge smile on


your face it gives this warm fuzzy feeling in your belly and you’re like that brought me a lot of joy and let’s


talk about it because your values are in that they just get pushed to the side


when other things start to sprout up in our life and you know the one thing I always tell people is like it’s such a


myth or misconception to think that you can’t have your own values once you


start creating a family once you start taking on this job like you have to have room for your values if you want that


fulfillment if you want that joy in your life and if you want to have a compass to make those decisions that lead you in


the best way yeah what are some give us some examples because someone could hear values and they could think all sorts of


different things whether it’s character traits whether it’s attributes like I want time freedom I want Financial


Freedom or is it kindness generosity like give us some examples of what someone’s of what you would Define a


value as and and then we’ll go deeper from there yeah I like to look at values


as almost like if you were going to take supplements every single day and you want to get them into your body to make


you feel great what would you be consuming and so for me and I’ll share mine you know it’s a spiritual way of


life it is time freedom and Financial Freedom it’s a healthy lifestyle it’s


alone time it’s family time so those are some of my core values and they dictate


all of my actions and my thoughts even when those limiting beliefs come up do


does this align with my values so they’re really at the core of everything I do everything I think and they just


guide me through work in life interesting do you think I’m curious do


you think that we come in I ask like a little bit of an esoteric question here but do you think we come in to the


planet like already pre-programmed with our values or are they things that change over the is it more something we


discover within ourselves that’s always been there or is it something we develop and cultivate and change over the years like how does that work in your opinion


I believe that we develop them you know based upon our environments based upon what we experience so if you grow up as


a child and there are tons of kids in the neighborhood and you’re always outside playing right and that fills


your cup then a social contact is probably going to be a high priority value for you if you had a really


close-knit family and great experiences there and you had family dinners every night and you had family game nights


Family Values are probably going to show up that you know as a high value of yours so I believe that they get


developed and they also change right my values when I was you know single or


before I came a mom were different what filled my cup at that point in time were different and then once I got married


once I had kids I still have my values but they change a little bit yeah that’s


a great Point that’s a great Point yeah just thinking back over my life like


obviously as a mom now values are so different than they were than they were previously so those life events can


really shift and and transform yeah yeah so if someone is they’re they’re


thinking about all right what are the moments that light me up what was the core of those they’re thinking about


what they liked when they were children and starting to tap into some of those those values there and they’re then


they’re looking at their life and they’re like this there’s none of this in here right you hear the analogy of my ladders


leaning against the wrong building that I’ve been building yes that’s scary to


look around and think oh my gosh I got to make a lot of changes right or maybe we think we have to make a lot of


changes maybe we don’t I don’t know but what’s the path what’s the next step that somebody needs to take if they


realize their life their current life is not aligned with what their True Values are yeah take a breath first right like


it’s we got this we can figure this out and you know I have I have like a


worksheet and I’m happy to give it to you put in the show notes because it really simplifies it when you know your values and and I’ll share the values


assessment too you can figure those out and then what I have clients do is we write the values down and then we go


what does this look like so say you have a value of you’re like I really love


alone time you know I’m with people all the time and my kids and my husband it’s like I used to love when I could just be


alone for a a little bit okay well what does that look like for you oh it would be so great to like just even sit


outside for 10 minutes if I could just read for 15 minutes like and then you’re like okay that’s what that looks like or


if it’s like time freedom I just I would love to have time Freedom that’s important to me hey what does it look


like it means not scheduling my calendar to every single minute of the day it


means having a job that I get more than two weeks vacation you start to


understand like how do you define it in your life because if you value a healthy lifestyle that might look different than


the healthy lifestyle that I value right so we have to start defining it in our


own terms Financial abundance that might mean to somebody hey I just want to have


the freedom to go to Starbucks every day if I want and it might mean to somebody else like I want six cars know right or


wrong but you have to Define it so you start to know how to lean into it oh my


gosh that’s so good you know so many of the listeners and our community too and my clients there the the concept of


abundance is very important to them and it’s powerful to them and I know for a long time in my life I was seeking I was


seeking abundance financially but I didn’t know why I just knew for me it was about validation actually if I was


really honest with myself it was when I hit this number then I’ll feel validated and so from that energy it was never


enough it didn’t matter what it was it was never enough one of the things I’d actually love to hear your take on this


something that was very transformational for me was understanding that at its core if we want abundance and our


listeners are here they want to learn sales strategies business strategies things about money they want abundance


what you really want is freedom right any any goal that we’re seeking at its root what we’re looking


for is a feeling and if we are looking for greater Financial abundance really what we’re looking for is that that


feeling of freedom and I used to think it was just Financial Freedom


I’ve I’ve started to Define freedom in an even bigger way in my life and I’ve understood the core drive that I had for


more money for so many years I think was also tied to a greater degree of emotional Freedom that I didn’t realize


I was speaking so what I what I what I believe I want to hear your opinion whether you agree disagree I don’t care


I’d really love to to have a conversation about it but I think at our core what we are all really seeking is


that the the freedom to feel fully like ourselves like fully expressed and that


we can do that and and navigate that way in our world and that’s that that core level of emotional Freedom that we’re


actually seeking and of course money is a tool that we get to use to create


experiences and and build the lives that we’re wanting to build but I when I tapped into this deeper level of Freedom


that I was seeking in my life it things started to really shift and I I found that I felt far more abundant even


before more money came in so would you speak to that a little bit it’s something it’s a concept I’ve been playing with and having fun with with my


clients and I’d love to hear your take on it as well yeah it’s interesting because I run across people who don’t


necessarily have that same desire right like Financial Freedom is not something


that they seek out believe it or not and so I think you know whatever we’re


looking for whether it’s Financial Freedom or abundance there’s definitely something underneath of it like saying


you know for you maybe that emotional aspect for somebody else it may be you


know the ability to have the time Freedom behind it um the security the


stability so I think it means something different for everybody you know the way I grew up I wanted Financial Freedom and


abundance because we just didn’t have it and I saw my mom work several jobs she


you know worked way too much she never had any savings we never had money when


we needed it it was always like when she got paid you know which prompted me to start working at 13 so I think everyone


has a different kind of driver and experience as a child that kind of


decides whether they need that Financial abundance and freedom or whether they don’t makes yeah that’s it’s this is the


value right of coaching is literally like getting outside of the box and realizing that just because things in


one way doesn’t mean that everyone does so I love that yeah I love it’s neat yeah some people are like you know I I’m


happy if I have this much money and I can afford to live the way I do that’s


fine by me and I find that when they do they value more like stability and security than they do the financial


freedom and abundance yeah where for me that’s not a value of mine you know


stability and security so it’s interesting I think it just really depends on what is important to you and


how you grew up and sometimes on the other side like what scares you right if


to not have that stability and security to be you know homeless to not have a


place to live you know that may drive you the financial abundance or it may drive you to the stability and security


yeah yeah but defining for yourself and really instead of just taking it for granted this is something we say to the


members of our community too like just because you hear someone else is doing a certain amount per month or has a goal


it’s so easy to go into comparison mode and say oh she’s doing this I should be


setting my goal there too when really I I I believe money comes from having that


strong purpose behind it as well and that if we’re just seeking more money to to um to again to feel safe again I


think for I don’t know maybe I’m expanding my thinking here too maybe that is a good reason for some people to


have it come but I I I think having the why behind it and and knowing what the purpose is um is really really powerful


and having that in alignment with our values right is where we want to be where we want to be looking you know I W


to ask I want to ask too um a couple question this is so I love this


conversation I want to hear your take on the courage that it takes to live this


way and how someone can tap into that because when we when we are brave enough


to start really looking inside and maybe that’s a relationship that we haven’t cultivated for a long time it’s a


antagonistic relationship right I think a lot of us can relate to having relationship of whether it’s judging


ourselves or suppressing our desires or making ourselves wrong we’ve all got our own stuff right with our in our


relationship um it takes it can take courage to look inside be willing


to examine what’s really our heart and our Soul’s Calling versus what we’ve built


up knowing that it may require making some changes and maybe some big changes


too how does someone tap into that courage to start to really do that if


they feel afraid to yeah now you got me sitting up belise I’m like this is a


good one I I’m obsessed with this conversation because to me the whole


reason why I do what I do is because I believe that people don’t understand how capable they are and that you can truly


have whatever you want in your life like I I 100% believe that I see it again and


again every single day from people who had nothing to people who have created everything they want yeah and that’s


part of what you’re talking about here like the courage to actually do the inside work you know I’m on this Mission


about relationship goals but not relationship goals as a a couple relationship goals with yourself because


it’s where everything stems from but yet for most people your biggest adversary


is usually yourself you know it’s like a constant battle you’re in your own way you have those limiting beliefs you’re


super judgmental so it is about having the courage like you say to work on that


relationship from the inside it’s going to be what allows you to really see what


you want in your life and so anything to start a relationship with yourself is going to start moving the needle for you


and allow you to see but and I know you know all of this and it’s such a great conversation about our subconscious mind


and our conscious mind yeah and what we’re willing to look at is such an


indication of what we’ll be able to create and when our conscious mind you


know can’t see what our subconscious is kind of hiding from us and we don’t dig and do deeper work then we don’t set


ourselves up for the opportunity to create that life and business that we dream of wow you just said something


there this I think this is how you said it what we’re willing to look at is an indication of what we’re going to be


able to create did I say that yeah say more about that that’s I’m really intrigued by that and I think on a


surface level like I’ve got some thoughts around that but I want to hear your take on that I think that was so powerful yeah it’s almost like the whole


theory of like ignorance is bliss and if we kind of close our eyes to things and


we don’t dig into maybe the trauma maybe the finances that we’re not willing to


look at maybe the relationships whatever is like hard to look at we’re not willing to see we have zero opportunity


to do anything about that is what creates the


opportunity and the ability to you know create what we want so we have to be


willing to look look at it and that is usually really really painful for people


whether it’s because they don’t want to deal with the pain that comes up they don’t want to deal with the potential of


knowing what they could but not following through there’s many different layers to it yeah what came up for you


when you heard that no I I just I’d never heard it said that way this is power of a good coach by the way you’re


asking questions I love this I’m


intrigued no I just I I I you know I’ve been thinking a lot in my own life lately and


even working with my clients on the Su just the power of awareness and how our life expands as our awareness expands


and even in my own life this year as I’ve set goals I’ve I’ve become aware of


parts of me that I think I wasn’t even aware of that we’re running under old limiting programs or fear conditioning


and just noticing some resistance to those goals too so it’s like this is so interesting these things have been


running without me even being consciously aware of it but now with awareness I’m going to get to go in and


just like you were saying at the beginning ask is this story true is this


true is this a story that I’ve been telling myself and start to examine and


I don’t know about you but I’m having some moments right now with some areas of life where it’s like holy crap have


I’ve been wrong about that my whole life I just thought normal for people to do


this or for this to this Dynamic like no it’s not yeah necessarily normal so I


think just that willingness to expand our awareness and


look at the things that may feel painful have you read the book Letting Go by David H oh my gosh it’s so it’s


been right next to years on my bookshelf um okay I’ve been studying it for about half a year now um recommended by by


someone else incredible in the industry and it’s um the kind of the basic idea


of it is like letting yourself sit in the emotions that that feel terrible and letting them move through your body


instead of continuing to suppress them so I’ve been I’ve been doing that process and it’s really interesting


because you realize you’re so afraid of feeling the emotion that you avoid the whole thing but if you’re willing to sit


in it and get curious about it and let it move through your body that actually you can you can alchemize it and what’s


on the other side of that is in is intense Freedom or love or Joy or truth


so anyway taking this down a bit of a different path here but but it came to


mind um yeah that too so yeah and I guess just acknowledging too it does


take courage to do thesis loving to yourself it does and I like to tell


people like what you know when you really when that fear pops up you know or you’re lacking that courage ask


yourself like what do you really have to lose you know what what are you really


afraid of what what could happen here maybe you feel a little bit bad but on


the flip side what do you have to gain and when you look at those two


choices it’s usually an easier decision you know well I don’t want to feel bad


but I could potentially shift my whole life and perspective on my finances or my relationships or my


business I like those odds I love that that’s so powerful what do you have to


gain it’s always about questions we ask ourselves right well it really is look


at yeah I want to ask you I think one more question this is so


good so powerful so we’re gonna tell everyone where to connect with you and um I know you’ve got a lot of exciting


things coming up as well but I want to you know the the core message of my


brand and and she sells and what we’re doing here is is to trust yourself which


may seem out of place with a brand about sales I think you know because we had a great conversation there’s a we talk


about a lot of things um that contribute to increased sales here but I I really want all of my clients


all of our listeners to learn to look inside and Trust themselves I think when we can do that when we tap back into


that intuition that knowingness that Clarity on our values life transforms


everything gets easier sales get easier relationships get easier following our path and our purpose gets easier and I’d


love to hear in your own Journey what it look like for you to learn to trust yourself and maybe if


your whole life it was easy that’s great and you can speak to that or maybe you had to learn how to reconnect with your


inner knowingness and intuition after disconnecting from for some period of time so but what would you say about


your path there and and your take on trusting yourself and maybe how you’ve built that relationship over over the


years the trust is huge and I love that this is kind of your question to throw


in at the end here it’s big and it’s interesting because I think you can trust yourself on different levels for


different things now I grew up in this alcoholic family where I became very independent at a young age so I had


trust in myself to get things done like I would not fail like I would get things


done and do what I need to do I had that trust in myself because I didn’t have it in anybody else so it was kind of like I


had to but what I realized as I got older and when I really started to make this shift


is I didn’t have trust in myself to be who I authentically was yeah that trust


was missing yes I could get the job done but I wasn’t showing up as who I really


was I wasn’t allowing space for my own values and my own opinion of things you


know so there was a whole lot of trust missing in that direction and you just can’t succeed at the level you want and


have that life you truly love without it as you’re talking about it it it translates to everything else in your


life it’s part of the reason why I ended up creating what you have there my morning mindset Journal it goes back to


this creating a relationship with yourself you know those relationship goals and if you think about who do you


trust most it’s somebody who you have a really great relationship with you don’t just throw trust around blindly to


people it’s that person who you’re like oh my gosh they’re always there for me they’re honest with me they don’t judge


me you know they’re committed to me all these things that you would spill out about your best relationship but if you


look at it do you have those same things with yourself W and most people say no


do you always stay committed to yourself are you always honest with yourself do you know you follow through do you give


yourself time no so how do you get that trust that you want so badly you start


showing up for yourself on a daily basis and creating this relationship and everyone said well how do you do that


and I created a journal around it so you could literally go through these seven prompts every single day to start


trusting yourself knowing who you are what you want in your life you know what you intended to commit whether you


followed through or not it’s just that relationship that brings you to that self place of self trust wow oh my gosh


that’s amazing that’s amazing yeah it’s just it’s when you um I love how you’re


talking about the relationship goals right and building that Rel with yourself and again I think it’s a it’ll


be this will be a little bit of a bigger like macro comment on things but I do think life is really about coming back


into that relationship with self and greater awareness of who we are on our journey and um and falling back in love


with ourselves if we fell out of it at some point so um that’s amazing yeah I


I’ve been I’m reading the book first and then I’m going to dive into so excited start doing the journal and they’re both


they’re beautiful too they’re so beautiful thank you um this was amazing thank you I love this conversation I


know you have so much going on you’ve got an amazing podcast you’ve got a great event I know you just your heart


is here to speak and which is beautiful I’d love for you to tell just tell people more about where can they connect with you where they can where


can they learn more about you the book what you’re doing what you’ve got going on take a moment and share absolutely um


Angie wisdom life coach is really the best place to find me on Instagram on YouTube LinkedIn all all the different


social places and I really am on a mission to help people understand how capable they are to develop them so that


they can create the life and business that they want so I just put a ton of content out around that and you know I


have my book out the non-negotiable U and the morning mindset Journal again just another way if you want to go on


that Journey if you want to create that relationship with yourself the tools are there for you um you can find them on my


website at Angie or Amazon and then you know we were talking earlier about the event that’s the big


thing right now I like to give people an opportunity to come in person and do


this work with some other great speakers and you know create a whole day so there’s an event March 9th in Orange


County California called get intentional and it’s going to be amazing absolutely amazing to have people hear from some


great speakers and coaches and pour into creating what they want in their life yeah Powerhouse lineup too like it’s not


just any other event I was looking at your line no yeah we’ve got Jen Gotle yeah Randy


Garn Ben Newman Damon West it’s it’s a pretty fiery line up there yeah it’s


amazing and you so it’s gonna be um yeah it’s GNA be incredible thank you so much


for your time I’m so grateful for your relationship and for have gotten to know you better and get to share you with um


my listeners I think this is it’s great timing at the start of the year and whenever anyone is listening to what you


said earlier tapping back into our values is it’s a life process and it evolves and grows so


I think it’s something that no matter where you are in Life or in the year when you’re listening to this you’re going to take so much from it so thank


you so much Angie you’re amazing I appreciate this thanks Elyse thank you absolutely all right to you my listener


wow I hope that you take this to heart I know I did and I so appreciate this work


you can go connect with Angie online we’ll link everything in the show notes thank you as always for being a listener


of She Sells Radio I’ll see you on our next episode bye for now

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